Russell Simmons ON THE RUN! Refuses To Testify In Explosive Sexual Assault Case

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Russell Simmons

Russell Simmons ON THE RUN! Refuses To Testify In Explosive Sexual Assault Case

Russell Simmons is in hot water AGAIN, and this time he’s doing everything he can to dodge the law! The music mogul, accused of sexual assault by a former Def Jam executive, is refusing to sit for a deposition, sparking even more controversy.

Russell Simmons

Former Def Jam executive alleges Simmons evades questioning in long-running legal battle

Russell Simmons, co-founder of Def Jam Productions, is facing new scrutiny in an ongoing sexual harassment and battery lawsuit. A former Def Jam executive, identified in court filings as Jane Doe, has accused Simmons of refusing to participate in a deposition, as the legal process drags on.

According to court documents obtained exclusively by In Touch, Simmons has avoided answering critical questions under oath, leading to mounting tensions between both parties.

Accusations of Sexual Assault at Def Jam

The lawsuit centers around serious allegations of rape and sexual harassment that allegedly took place while Jane Doe worked as a senior music executive at Def Jam. In her filing, Doe claims that Simmons raped her at his Manhattan apartment, where he frequently conducted work meetings. The incident reportedly occurred when she was sent to have Simmons review a new music video for approval.

Russell Simmons

Initially, Simmons allegedly “wrestled” with Doe in what she described as an attempt to appear playful, but the situation escalated when he pinned her to a bed and assaulted her. According to the lawsuit, Doe repeatedly asked Simmons to stop, but he refused and raped her. The emotional and psychological toll of the attack left her suffering from panic attacks, anxiety, and low self-esteem, she claimed.

Russell Simmons

“This lawsuit chronicles the account of how a woman who, while pursuing her career and passion as a music executive, was sexually harassed, assaulted, sexually battered, and raped by her boss, Russell Simmons, a rich and powerful celebrity whose wealth and influence allowed his abusive behavior to go unchallenged for decades,” the lawsuit reads.

Simmons Refuses Deposition

As the legal battle has progressed, Jane Doe’s legal team has made repeated attempts to depose Simmons, asking him to answer questions under oath via Zoom. The accuser’s lawyer also requested the deposition of several former Def Jam employees who may have insight into the allegations.

Russell Simmons

However, Simmons has reportedly declined to comply with these requests. According to court filings, Jane Doe has asked Simmons to either provide answers to a list of written questions or agree to the deposition, but Simmons has not done either.

“It does appear the parties are at an impasse on several important issues,” Jane Doe’s legal team stated in court documents. They argue that a deposition would be the most effective way to move forward, but Simmons’ refusal has stalled the process.

Simmons Claims Legal Exemptions Due to Bali Residency

In his defense, Russell Simmons argues that he is no longer a resident of the United States, which should exempt him from certain legal obligations. Simmons claims that he has been living in Bali since 2021 and has no property or significant legal ties in the U.S. any longer. His legal team presented evidence, including his Balinese driver’s license and proof of his property sale in New York, to support their argument.

Russell Simmons

Simmons’ legal team also contends that a deposition would be “unduly burdensome, duplicative, and intended to harass our client,” citing that they are already cooperating with document production in the case.

Jane Doe’s Emotional and Career Struggles

Jane Doe’s lawsuit paints a devastating picture of the personal and professional toll she endured following the alleged assault. At the time of the incident, Doe was at the peak of her career, making award-winning videos for some of Def Jam’s biggest artists. However, the trauma left her unable to function in her leadership role, and she eventually quit the job she loved.

Russell Simmons

Her lawyer detailed the psychological impact, saying, “Ms. Doe was wrought with distress. She experienced overwhelming anxiety, shame, humiliation, and debilitating low self-esteem.”

Despite her attempts to continue working, Jane Doe struggled with frequent panic attacks and found it impossible to return to the Def Jam offices. After leaving the company, she confided in a small group of trusted friends and therapists about the alleged assault. Now, she is seeking unspecified damages from Simmons for the emotional, physical, and financial harm she has suffered.

Simmons Denies All Allegations

Russell Simmons has consistently denied all accusations of sexual misconduct. In addition to claiming that Jane Doe’s allegations are false, Simmons argues that the lawsuit is barred by a 1997 agreement. He alleges that Jane Doe released her claims against him in that agreement, although details of the agreement have not been fully disclosed.

Diddy and Russell Simmons

In his most recent filing, Simmons urged the court to dismiss the case on the grounds that he no longer resides in the U.S. and is therefore not subject to certain legal actions. However, the judge overseeing the case has ruled that depositions should proceed, despite dismissing some of Jane Doe’s document requests as overly broad and burdensome.

A Separate Court Battle

While Simmons navigates this sexual harassment lawsuit, he is also embroiled in a separate legal battle with his ex-wife, Kimora Lee Simmons. The details of that case have yet to fully unfold, but the ongoing legal troubles are casting a long shadow over the hip-hop mogul’s legacy.

Diddy and Russell Simmons

As the lawsuit continues, all eyes will be on the court’s next moves and whether Simmons will finally agree to sit for a deposition.


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