’90 Day Fiance’ Chidi EXPOSES Rayne’s Obsession With Human Sacrifices, Vampires, and Cannibals!

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'90 Day Fiance' Chidi and Rayne

’90 Day Fiance’ Chidi EXPOSES Rayne’s Obsession With Human Sacrifices, Vampires, and Cannibals!

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days star Chidi has come forward with shocking claims that his fiancée Rayne spoke about human sacrifices, vampires, and even cannibals during their time together.

'90 Day Fiance' Chidi and Rayne

Chidi Chooses Abstinence

When 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days star Rayne touched down in Nigeria to finally meet her long-distance boyfriend Chidi, she never expected to be greeted with a request to sleep in separate beds. Rayne, who had traveled 7,000 miles and waited five-and-a-half years to meet Chidi in person, was shocked and hurt by his decision to abstain from sex until marriage. But according to Chidi, this wasn’t a sudden choice — and he insists Rayne knew about it beforehand.

'90 Day Fiance' Chidi and Rayne

Rayne Feels Rejected by Chidi’s Decision

Rayne’s frustration was evident in her confessional, where she admitted how deeply the situation affected her.

“I’m trying to be respectful, but I gotta admit, I feel totally rejected,” she shared. “7,000 miles and five-and-a-half years later and he’s putting two doors between us. That hurts. That’s like stabbing me in the heart.”

Despite her disappointment, Rayne expressed some willingness to give Chidi time, adding, “I didn’t come all the way over here just for me to be alone.”

'90 Day Fiance' Chidi and Rayne

Chidi Claims He Told Rayne About His Abstinence Plan

As the scene of their tense exchange played out in a preview clip shared online, some fans took to social media to criticize Chidi for blindsiding Rayne with his decision. However, Chidi quickly responded, posting his side of the story on Facebook and Instagram, where he addressed the criticism and clarified that Rayne was not caught off guard by his no-sex stance.

'90 Day Fiance' Chidi and Rayne

“Of course, there are times when silence is golden, but there are also times when silence can be morbidly dangerous,” Chidi began his post. “It is against this backdrop that I wish to clarify some issues regarding the episodes aired so far.”

Chidi then explained that his decision to abstain from sex and sleep in separate beds was not something he sprang on Rayne at the last minute.

'90 Day Fiance' Chidi and Rayne

“The primary issue is the decision not to have sex or share a bed until we are married. While this is a decision I have made, I want to make it clear that I informed Rayne about this before she came to Nigeria,” Chidi wrote. “Upon hearing this, she reacted with overwhelming anger, threatening to cancel her visit and later changing her mind.”

Rayne’s Talk of Vampires and the Supernatural

While Chidi’s initial explanation was centered around his faith and personal values, his post quickly took a strange turn as he revealed more unsettling details about Rayne’s behavior.

'90 Day Fiance' Chidi and Rayne

“In making this difficult decision, aside from my faith, I was also deeply concerned by some of the unsettling, alien, and mystic things Rayne mentioned during our discussions,” Chidi shared.

Chidi claimed that Rayne’s interests went beyond just UFOs and the Illuminati, as seen in the premiere episode, and ventured into darker, more disturbing territory.

'90 Day Fiance' Chidi and Rayne

“On one occasion, she asked if I was ready to be sacrificed and if I was prepared to be in the same room with her when vampires and cannibals would gather for their feast,” Chidi recalled.

He also said that Rayne claimed to communicate with the dead and had even spoken to his late father.

According to Chidi, Rayne also made threats, stating she had dark powers and could summon forces to harm him and his family if she didn’t get her way. “She even mentioned having a force that enters any man who has sex with her,” he added.

Chidi Defends His Decision to Sleep Separately

Given these bizarre and alarming claims, Chidi explained that his decision to sleep in separate beds wasn’t solely about abstinence, but also about self-preservation.

'90 Day Fiance' Chidi and Rayne

“While I loved Rayne and wanted to share a room with her, even though we would not be having sex, my decision to sleep separately was a precaution to carefully observe her and determine if her frightening tales were genuine or just bluffs,” Chidi stated.

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days

He emphasized that his actions were not intended to abandon Rayne but were instead a safety measure.

“So, my decision is not a willful abandonment, as some have misconstrued, but rather a precautionary measure taken for safety until I better understand her,” Chidi continued, adding, “The bottom line is that I communicated all of this to her before her arrival.”


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