’90 Day Fiance’ Fans Shocked After Shekinah Forgives Sarper for Ripping Out Her Hair Extensions!

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'90 Day Fiance' Shekinah Garner and Sarper Guven

’90 Day Fiance’ Fans Shocked After Shekinah Forgives Sarper for Ripping Out Her Hair Extensions! 

Shekinah Garner and Sarper Guven are finally facing each other after a tense few days apart, following a heated argument that escalated when Sarper pulled out Shekinah’s hair extensions.

'90 Day Fiance' Shekinah Garner and Sarper Guven

On the September 9 episode of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, Shekinah agreed to meet Sarper at a café after spending a few nights in a hotel to clear her mind.

'90 Day Fiance' Shekinah Garner and Sarper Guven

As they sat down to talk, Sarper opened up about his struggles since the fight, but his complaints only frustrated Shekinah further.

“I can’t sleep,” he told her. “I’m taking sleeping pills and I’m just waking up. I’m overthinking nonstop.”

'90 Day Fiance' Shekinah Garner and Sarper Guven

Unmoved, Shekinah quickly interrupted him. “I do not care about all of your ailments that are a result of your actions,” she snapped, making it clear she was not sympathetic to his distress.

Sarper’s Plea for Sympathy Falls Flat 

When Sarper asked why she didn’t “feel sorry,” for him, Shekinah fired back, questioning why he expected her to feel pity after what he had done.

'90 Day Fiance' Shekinah Garner and Sarper Guven

“You should feel sorry for what you did,” Shekinah retorted, reminding Sarper of the incident that caused their rift.

A few nights prior, the couple’s argument had intensified when Shekinah expressed dissatisfaction with a vanity Sarper had picked out for her. The disagreement took a turn when Sarper pulled her hair extension out during the altercation.

Sarper, you ripped my hair extension out of my head,” Shekinah reminded him. “Have you even asked me one time if my head is okay?”

'90 Day Fiance' Shekinah Garner and Sarper Guven

Sarper had previously claimed the act was an accident, but Shekinah wasn’t buying it. “Every time I see the side of you that’s angry, it changes how I see you,” she said, expressing her fears about his temper.

'90 Day Fiance' Shekinah Garner and Sarper Guven

Shekinah then warned Sarper that his behavior could have serious consequences for their relationship. “Eventually, my emotions and feelings towards you are going to completely change,” she cautioned. “And I don’t want that to happen, but I’m just telling you it can happen in one night.”

Sarper Admits He Overreacted 

Sarper, realizing the gravity of the situation, admitted that he had “overreacted” and explained that his stress about their future together had been weighing heavily on him. He shared that his anxiety about telling his family he had applied for a K-1 fiancé visa to move to the United States was part of the reason he had lashed out.

'90 Day Fiance' Shekinah Garner and Sarper Guven

“Help me, show me the way,” Sarper pleaded with Shekinah.

But Shekinah wasn’t willing to take on the responsibility for his emotions. “No. You’re a grown man,” she replied firmly.

Feeling frustrated, Shekinah expressed doubt about their relationship.

“I just feel so stupid being here,” she said. “I feel like I made a mistake and I feel like all my friends and family were right.”

'90 Day Fiance' Shekinah Garner and Sarper Guven

Sarper, however, insisted that he didn’t want to throw away their year-long relationship. “I don’t want to throw the one year to garbage,” he told her.

Shekinah Reflects on Past Relationships and Issues with Sarper 

Through tears, Shekinah revealed that she believed love wasn’t enough to save them if Sarper’s anger issues persisted. “Love is not enough,” she said emotionally.

'90 Day Fiance' Shekinah Garner and Sarper Guven

Shekinah then opened up about a previous relationship where she had been with a man who seemed perfect but had a bad temper that left her in fear. Comparing it to her relationship with Sarper, she said, “It changes how I see you, and eventually, it will change everything.”

This admission seemed to hit Sarper hard, as he reflected on the mistakes he had made. “She had to tell me, but I never let her tell me the past,” he said in his confessional. “And that’s my fault.”

'90 Day Fiance' Shekinah Garner and Sarper Guven

He then professed his love to Shekinah, saying, “I love you more than I love myself.”

Shekinah Gives Sarper a Second Chance with Conditions 

Although Shekinah decided to forgive Sarper, she made it clear that this was his last chance. “Sarper is 43 years old, and he’s never been held accountable for his actions in a relationship,” she told the cameras. “That is going to end here. He’s lucky that I love him enough to give him a second chance.”

'90 Day Fiance' Shekinah Garner and Sarper Guven

However, Shekinah remained wary, knowing that she had tolerated toxic relationships in the past and didn’t want to repeat the same mistakes. As a mother, she reflected on how she would never want her daughter to accept such behavior.

“I’m putting my foot down,” Shekinah said. “And I’m also doing so because I’m a mother, and I always think about what I would be okay with my daughter allowing for herself. And I would never want her to tolerate this kind of disrespect.”

Sarper Agrees to Therapy 

To move forward, Shekinah insisted that Sarper attend therapy with her, as well as seek individual counseling to control his emotions. Sarper promised to make everything about her going forward.

“I want to believe that he can do this,” Shekinah shared, adding, “The way that he can show me that he learned anything is by changing, and I think he will if he loves me as much as he says he does.”

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way airs Mondays, at 8 p.m. ET, on TLC.


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