RECAP: Drama Unfolds with New Cast Members on ’90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days’ Season 7 Premiere!

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90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days

RECAP: Drama Unfolds with New Cast Members on ’90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days’ Season 7 Premiere! 

The highly anticipated season 7 premiere of 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days brought viewers into the lives of four new couples, each navigating complex relationships that span continents and cultures. Right from the start, it was clear that this season would be filled with emotional challenges, cultural clashes, and difficult decisions as these couples work to overcome their differences in the pursuit of love.

Rayne and Chidi’s Clash of Beliefs 

Rayne, a 37-year-old single mother from New Mexico, has been in a long-distance relationship with Chidi, a 33-year-old Nigerian man, for five years. Despite their connection, the couple faces significant hurdles, particularly when it comes to their differing beliefs. Rayne, who has two children from previous relationships, described her past as “toxic” and admitted that she has never truly been in love before meeting Chidi.

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days

Chidi, a devout Christian who is also blind, admitted that he didn’t reveal his disability to Rayne when they first began talking online. This omission is just one of many issues the couple must address. Rayne, who holds unconventional beliefs in aliens and the Illuminati, wants Chidi to be “as woke” as she is, a desire that has raised concerns among her family. They worry that Rayne may not be willing to compromise on her beliefs, which could create tension in the relationship.

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days - Chidi

Chidi, on the other hand, is firm in his faith and values, expressing his desire to marry before engaging in sexual intimacy. However, he has reservations about proposing to Rayne just yet, citing concerns about her temper and insecurities. He revealed that once Rayne arrives in Nigeria, they will sleep in separate bedrooms, a decision rooted in his religious beliefs and commitment to waiting until marriage.

Loren and Faith’s Struggles with Open Relationships 

Loren, from Las Vegas, and Faith, from the Philippines, also made their debut in the season premiere. Loren identifies as “gynosexual,” meaning he is attracted to femininity but prefers to date trans women. Despite saying “I love you” on the first day they met online, Loren has kept some significant secrets from Faith, including the fact that he is financially struggling and plans to relocate to the Philippines permanently.

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days

Loren admitted to being a very sexual person, which contrasts with Faith’s desire to take things slow physically. This difference in approach to intimacy has created tension, especially as Loren revealed that he does not consider their relationship exclusive and is interested in pursuing an open relationship, even after becoming exclusive. Without discussing these desires with Faith, Loren’s intentions may lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings as their relationship progresses.

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days

Before leaving for the Philippines, Loren bought Faith a ring and expressed his hope of moving there permanently, despite only planning to stay for three weeks initially. The question remains whether Faith will be on board with Loren’s plans and if their relationship can withstand the challenges ahead.

Tigerlily’s Friends Question Her Decision to Marry Adnan 

Tigerlily Taylor, a Texas native, and Adnan Abdelfattah, from Jordan, have also entered the 90 Day Fiancé spotlight. Despite their nearly 20-year age difference, the couple plans to marry as soon as Tigerlily arrives in Jordan, a decision driven by Adnan’s Muslim faith. However, Tigerlily’s friends are skeptical about the rapid progression of her relationship with someone she has never met in person.

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days

At her bachelorette party, her friends voiced their concerns, calling her “crazy,” for marrying a man she knows so little about. Tigerlily admitted that she and Adnan have not discussed important topics like intimacy or his past relationships, raising red flags for her friends, who fear that Adnan may be controlling. They worry that Tigerlily is not asking the right questions before taking such a significant step in her life.

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days

Brian’s Hidden Past and Concerns About Ingrid 

The final couple introduced in the premiere is Brian, a 51-year-old quadriplegic from Illinois, and Ingrid, a 32-year-old single mother from Brazil. The two met while Brian was coaching wheelchair rugby in Brazil and have been in a long-distance relationship for two years. However, Brian has kept some important details about his past hidden from Ingrid, including his “tumultuous” relationship history.

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days

Brian revealed that he has been married four times and has had several failed relationships and engagements with other Brazilian women. With his trip to Brazil approaching, Brian expressed concerns about the remote area where Ingrid lives and the lack of discussion about their physical relationship. These unresolved issues could pose significant challenges for the couple as they navigate their future together.

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days

What’s Next for the New Couples?

As the season progresses, viewers will watch these couples confront their differences and decide whether love can overcome the obstacles in their paths. With secrets, cultural clashes, and deeply rooted beliefs at play, the drama on 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days is just beginning, and it remains to be seen which couples will make it through to the other side.


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