‘RHOC’ Newbie Katie Ginella Accused of Falsely Reporting Crime, Leading to Wrongful Arrest

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Katie Ginella

‘RHOC’ Newbie Katie Ginella Accused of Falsely Reporting Crime, Leading to Wrongful Arrest!

Fans of Real Housewives of Orange County might not have been entirely won over by newbie Katie Ginella, but recent revelations have left them even more perplexed.

Katie Ginella

According to documents obtained by In Touch magazine, Ginella was involved in a 2016 lawsuit filed by a man named Sidnei Silva, who claimed she falsely accused him, leading to his wrongful arrest and imprisonment.

The incident in question occurred on April 12, 2015, when Silva was on his way home from work. According to the lawsuit, Katie allegedly followed Silva to his home and parked her vehicle behind his work van.

Katie Ginella

She then exited her car and confronted Silva in an “aggressive” manner. Sidnei, feeling threatened, began recording the confrontation on his cell phone, which prompted Katie to call 911. She reportedly told the police that Silva was preventing her from leaving the scene.

“When police arrived … [Katie repeated] to them that Silva had blocked her path and prevented her from getting inside her vehicle and leaving,” the lawsuit states.

Katie Ginella

As a result of Katie’s allegations, Sidnei was initially arrested on charges of false imprisonment, disorderly conduct, and reckless driving. However, upon further investigation, authorities determined that Ginella was the primary aggressor and that her claims against Silva were unfounded.

Katie alleged that during the incident, he “was thrown to the ground, injured, and arrested.” Following the ordeal, he felt compelled to hire legal representation, costing him $12,625 in legal fees. Sidnei sought reimbursement from Ginella and accused her of slander, seeking over $100,000 in damages.

Katie Ginella

In 2018, after Katie failed to respond to the lawsuit, a default judgment of $112,945 was issued against her.

The situation grew more complex with a separate lawsuit Sidnei filed against the arresting officer, where he provided additional details about the encounter. Sidnei claimed that before the confrontation, he noticed Katie texting while driving with several children in her car.

Katie Ginella

Sidnei, whose brother had been killed eight years earlier by a texting driver, reacted by shaking his head in disapproval as he passed her vehicle. This gesture allegedly provoked Katie to follow him home.

The lawsuit described how Ginella “parked behind Silva, got out of her car, leaving the children inside, and screamed at him.”

Katie Ginella

Confused by her behavior, Silva began recording the incident on his phone, particularly disturbed by the fact that Ginella was the one endangering the public by texting while driving.

In 2018, Sidnei and the officer ultimately agreed to dismiss the case.

Real Housewives of Orange County airs Thursdays at 9/8c on Bravo.


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