Tamra Judge Claims She Hit a Breaking Point with Shannon Beador and Won’t Enable Her Anymore

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Tamra Judge

Tamra Judge Claims She Hit a Breaking Point with Shannon Beador and Won’t Enable Her Anymore

Tamra Judge is addressing the controversy surrounding her on The Real Housewives of Orange County, acknowledging that her actions this season have sparked significant backlash from fans.

Tamra Judge

During an exclusive interview with PEOPLE, Tamra candidly reflected on the strained relationship with her former friend and RHOC co-star Shannon Beador.

The tension between Tamra and Shannon has been a focal point of the current season, particularly due to Judge’s criticism of Shannon alleged issues with alcohol—a claim Shannon has consistently denied. Tamra admits, “Oh, everyone hates me this season,” recognizing that her role in the drama has not endeared her to the show’s audience.

Tamra Judge

The rift between the two began after Shannon’s arrest for a DUI and alleged hit-and-run in September 2023. Despite being supportive in the aftermath, the friendship took a turn for the worse when filming for RHOC season 18 commenced in January.

“I know it looks like I’m being a bad friend to Shannon, or that I’m just attacking her for no reason,” Tamra explains. “But as anyone who has someone in their lives who drinks like this will tell you, it’s very frustrating to watch that person refuse to get help and just keep making the same mistakes over and over again.”

Tamra Judge

Tamra felt compelled to speak out after reaching a breaking point. “There are going to be times when you just reach a breaking point where you can’t do it anymore. And that was my reality when the cameras went up.”

Tamra’s frustrations were rooted in years of trying to support Shannon through various personal struggles, including her divorce from ex-husband David Beador and her breakup with John Janssen. “Throughout the 10 years that I’ve known her, minus the two she didn’t speak to me when I wasn’t on the show, her life was always in shambles,” Tamra recalls.

Tamra Judge

“She would call me crying, almost daily—usually inebriated late at night—and she would be riled up about this or that. And listen, I cared about her. I was her friend. I wanted to help her, but she never did anything to help herself.”

Tamra admits she was initially reluctant to confront Shannon about her drinking problem. “I knew she had a drinking problem, but I was too afraid to say it to her. And I’ll take responsibility for that, I should have said something sooner,” Tamra reflects.

Tamra Judge

“But every single person on our cast called her out on her drinking, and she would fight with them and ice them out. And I was worried if I did that, she’d cut me out, too.”

A pivotal moment came after Shannon’s DUI arrest. “After her DUI, we had a long, heart-to-heart conversation and for the first time ever, I actually told her what I thought,” Tamra recounts. “I said, ‘Listen, you have a drinking problem. It’s time for you to get help.’ And she acknowledged it, and I comforted her and encouraged her to use this rock bottom moment to really make changes in her life.”

Tamra Judge

Despite this conversation, Tamra felt disillusioned when Shannon reportedly criticized her behind her back, questioning Judge’s right to comment on her drinking.

“Walking away from that conversation, I felt relief,” Tamra says, “I thought it was going to be a turning point; that crashing your car into the side of a house with a blood alcohol level three times the legal limit would be a wake-up call.”

Tamra Judge

The deterioration of their relationship continued as Tamra withdrew from their joint Tres Amigas Tour. Tamra describes her decision to cut ties: “It was always someone else’s fault. I just lost respect [for her] and told myself, ‘If she’s not going to change, then I am.’ I couldn’t do it anymore. I had to get off the train; I had to choose me.”

On the other hand, Shannon has addressed her evolving relationship with alcohol. In a July interview with PEOPLE, Shannon acknowledged past issues but noted progress:

Tamra Judge

“I acknowledge that I was drinking a lot — a lot — back then, but today I’m not. I was using alcohol as a coping mechanism. And I know I can’t do that anymore.” She further shared that a month of “intensive outpatient programs” has helped her limit her drinking to one or two drinks on occasion.

Tamra remains resolute about her stance. “I have empathy for Shannon but I have no sympathy for her anymore,” Tamra asserts.

Tamra Judge

“I know people make mistakes. I know plenty of people get DUIs who aren’t alcoholics. And I know alcoholics struggle to come to terms with their drinking. But this has been going on for so long. And if you can get behind the wheel that drunk, run your car into a house with your dog in the car, leave the scene while covered in blood with a broken nose, broken arm, and then go back to drinking again? I can’t have sympathy for that.”

Despite the criticism from fans, Tamra finds support from those who have faced similar struggles. “I’ve heard from so many people who have been impacted by someone in their lives close to them who struggle with drinking problems,” Judge shares.

Tamra Judge

“They’ve said, ‘Believe me, I know where you’re coming from.’ And they’ve reminded me, ‘If someone isn’t making amends for how their drinking negatively affected you, they’re not doing the work.’ So it’s helped me understand that I’m not wrong in my feelings. And that sometimes, all you can resort to is tough love.”

The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on Bravo.


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