Senator Tim Scott Unleashes Firestorm on Sunny Hostin, Exposing the Truth About ‘Systemic Racism

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Sunny Hostin

Senator Tim Scott Unleashes Firestorm on Sunny Hostin, Exposing the Truth About ‘Systemic Racism  

Republican presidential candidate Senator Tim Scott took aim at Sunny Hostin’s remarks regarding “systemic racism” during a Monday appearance on The View.

Sunny Hostin

Scott slammed Hostin’s comments as “dangerous” and “offensive” during his appearance on the daytime chat show, but Hostin, 54, appeared prepared to take him on. 

“You were the first Black senator elected in the South since the reconstruction,” she told him. “That would be about, I think, 114 years. Yet you say that your life just disproves left, leftist lies.”

Sunny Hostin

The host continued — “And my question to you is, I’m the exception, right? You’re the exception. Maybe even Miss Whoopi Goldberg is the exception. But we are not the rule. And so when it comes to racial inequality, it persists.”

Whoopi Goldberg

Hostin then ran through the “five core aspects of life in the U.S.: Economics, education, health care, criminal justice and housing,” adding that “at nearly every turn, these achievements were fought, threatened and erased, most often by white violence.”

“You have indicated that you don’t believe in systemic racism. What is your definition of systemic racism?” Hostin asked the South Carolina senator. 

Sunny Hostin

The 57-year-old politician replied — “Let me answer the question this way. One of the things I think about and one of the reasons why I’m on the show is because of the comments that were made, frankly, on this show, that the only way for a young African-American kid to be successful in this country is to be the exception and not the rule.”

Senator Tim Scott

“That is a dangerous, offensive, disgusting message to send to our young people today that the only way to succeed is by being the exception,” he added. “I will tell you that if my life is the exception, I can’t imagine I can’t….”

Senator Tim Scott

Senator Scott pointed out that “we’ve had an African-American president, African-American vice president.”

He added — “We’ve had two African-Americans to be secretaries of state. In my home city, the police chief is an African-American who’s now running for mayor. The head of the highway patrol for South Carolina is an African American. In 1975, there was about 15% unemployment in the African-American community. For the first time in the country, it’s under 5%.”

Senator Tim Scott

“Progress in America is measured in generations. My grandfather [was] born in 1921 in Salley, South Carolina, when he was on a sidewalk, a White person was coming, he had to step off and not make eye contact. That man believed then, with some doubt now, in the goodness of America, because he believed that faith in God, faith in himself, and faith in what the future could hold for his kids, would unleash opportunities in ways that you cannot imagine,” Scott continued. 

Sunny Hostin

“So, what I’m suggesting is that the yesterday’s exception is today’s rule,” Scott added. 

Republican co-host, Ana Navarro, also challenged Scott. 

“I live in Florida and I’m sick of manufactured culture wars and the spread of hatred and division for the purposes of politics and I hope you take Ron DeSantis on because what he is doing is hypocritical, it’s not conservative and it’s sickening,” she said.

Ana Navarro

Co-host, Whoopi Goldberg, chastised the audience for booing Scott after he noted that Florida Governor and presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis, “started off on the right foot” regarding his feud with Disney “as it relates to kids.”

Whoopi Goldberg

“No, no, no, I’m sorry sir,” Goldberg said. “This is ‘The View.’ We accept — we don’t have to believe everything people say, but you cannot boo people here, please. You cannot do it. Please continue.”


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