‘RHOP’ RECAP: Candiace Shuts Down Ashley & Friend Who Accused Chris of Flirting

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Happy New Year! Welcome back to a brand-new episode of The Real Housewives of Potomac! First up, we see Ray and Karen Huger as they check out the venue for Karen’s upcoming live show. Ray snaps a picture of Karen in front of the DC Improv and Karen’s excited about this historical moment. Karen and Ray meet Matt and the comedy club manager Antoine, for a quick walkthrough of the venue. Antoine shows the Hugers the main stage as Karen and Ray sit down with Matt to go over the checklist. Apparently, Matt knows more about Karen’s show than Karen, so Matt gives us a rundown of what’s to come. Karen’s going to have entertainment by Jasmine Masters and Q&A with The Grand Dame. 

Karen wants to highlight love during her show and create a moment to honor the LGBTQ+ community. Ray tells Karen he knows what “the Grindr” is and causes Matt to crack up in his seat, LOL. Ray wants to know if Grindr is above or underground and wants to clarify if Michael Darby was on “the Grindr.” Karen verifies that she’s the one that mentions Michael on Grindr and the confusion is cleared up, LOL. Ray wonders if Karen’s event will turn into a Grindr party and Karen tells Ray “It might, so you better buckle up!” Karen tells Ray that she has him covered and may have security for him, but Ray throws it back to let Karen know that her friends are the ones who need security, LOL. 

Later that evening, Mia Thornton and Gordon Thornton are pretending to be a normal family, as they read bedtime stories to the kids. Gordon has his reading glasses on as Mia jokes with her daughter. After putting the kids to bed, Jacqueline Blake arrives to chat with her sister wife. Mia and Gordon greet their third wheel as Gordon pops open a bottle of wine. Mia, Jacqueline, and Gordon make their way to the couch and a strange moment happens between the three as they decide where to sit. After the awkward moment, Jacqueline makes a statement about not playing about “G” and Mia asks her bestie how she feels after The Reasonably Shady live show.

Jacqueline thinks the event went left field and we get a brief recap of the drama. Jacqueline recaps how Gizelle wanted more info in regards to Mia and Jacqueline’s friendship, but Jacqueline feels Gizelle wanted to know more about Mia’s past. Jacqueline makes excuses for why it’s alright to shower with her friend and Gordon wants Mia to start taking more showers with him. The three have a quick conversation about men and their fluctuating water temperature as Mia and Jacqueline explain how it’s not a big deal. Jacqueline wants to make it clear that it’s not a sexual thing (*rolls eyes*) and that the ladies will never understand their friendship. Jacqueline explains to Gordon that the ladies think Mia, Gordon, and Jacqueline are in a three-way, and honestly, it doesn’t seem like Gordon is paying much attention. 

Mia explains to Gordon the conversation in Miami and that the ladies wondered if Mia bought Jacqueline’s Porsche. Jacqueline verifies that the car is in her name, but that Gordon indeed helped her put a down payment on that car. Woooweee … seems like a lot of “saving face” happening right now. Jacqueline claims Gordon helped her because she was spending tons of money trying to get out of an unhealthy relationship. Gordon agrees that he wanted to help Jacqueline because of how important she is to Mia. Mia tells Gordon the ladies think he’s everyone’s sugar daddy and they’re looking for ways to sign up, LOL. Jacqueline thinks the ladies are jealous and the three enjoy their night as we head to the next scene. 


That evening, Ashley Darby is heading out to The Mayflower with a few of her friends, including Deborah, SMH. After being seated and ordering drinks, Ashley recaps her friendship with the “Pretty Young Thangs” and how they’ve helped her throughout her divorce journey with Michael Darby. The “PYTs” have also been through relationship hardships and give each other encouragement through their group chat. Soon, Gizelle Bryant makes her arrival and greets the rest of the ladies before taking a seat. The group cheers to “pretty, little, young thang thangs” as Gizelle struggles to down her shot. 

Gizelle asks the table if they’re hooking Ashley up with people and Deborah chimes in that Ashley doesn’t need any help. Gizelle asks the group if they’ve given Ashley advice to leave Michael, and soon, the table erupts with opinions! One of the ladies had known Ashley for 12 years and always thought Ashley should do what was best for her. Gizelle then brings up the spring party and that she needs some clarification. All the ladies were present during Karen’s Spring Fling and can “verify” what happened. Deborah begins and says that Chris approached her and began the conversation. However, producers show us what really happened, and Deborah is lying through her teeth. Deborah went out of HER way to talk to Chris but now trying to use her actions against Chris. 

Cameras show Deborah complimenting Chris, and Gizelle’s face shows that she’s even skeptical of what’s coming out of Deborah’s mouth. Then, Deborah attacks “Happy Eddie” by stating he came over being flirtatious, too! Give these men a break! Ashley claims she trusts Deborah, but she’s only known this broad for a year and a half! Ashley doesn’t believe her friends are liars and thinks Chris’s actions aren’t isolated events. Ashley wants Candiace to be careful because they’re trying to have a baby and Ashley doesn’t want Candiace to end up like her. Ashley admitted that Michael cheated on her after she had her babies, but said it so fast that no one noticed. 

Deborah wondered if Candiace appreciated Ashley for sharing the news, and a brief recap shows Candiace cursing Ashley out. The food comes out and Deborah makes a comment that she’ll have a longer conversation with Chris next time. Gizelle *rightfully* steps in and tells Deborah that Candiace will NOT let her talk to her husband, ever again! Ashley wonders if she needs to chat with Dr. Wendy Osefo now and claims that if she was in that situation, she’d want to know. Gizelle tells Ashley that she has some work to do, and Ashley states that Gizelle knows exactly how things are about to go. SMH. 

The next day, Wendy and Eddie Osefo are home spending time with their kids as Wendy continues to heal from surgery. Eddie’s eating donuts in the kitchen as Wendy asks for Eddie’s help with Kam’s clothes. The boys got fitted for football earlier and Wendy’s adjusting to taking things slowly as she recovers. Eddie got Wendy a blueberry donut as the boys bust Eddie out on his sweet treats. Wendy had to break up Kam from choking her brother and Wendy tells Eddie about the conversation she had with Ashley. Wendy reiterates that Deborah thought Eddie was being flirtatious and when Eddie asks what he did, they both burst out laughing when Wendy tells Eddie he smiles too much, LOL. 

Eddie smiles at everyone so Wendy ain’t worried about Eddie at all, LOL. Later, Mia meets Robyn Dixon and Gizelle at a cute healthy spot as the green-eyed bandits get the tea on Mia and Jacqueline’s strange relationship. After Mia recaps her week and her son’s scrotum, Gizelle asks if all the ladies are attending Karen’s live show. After receiving confirmation, Gizelle tells Mia about Karen spilling all of Mia’s tea about Jacqueline. Last week, Karen told Gizelle, Ashley, and Robyn about Mia’s looking up Jacqueline’s vagina with a flashlight. Mia tells the girls that Jacqueline asked Mia to look in there and Robyn wonders if Jacqueline was itching or something. Mia said she wasn’t and claimed the flashlight was for theatrics. 

Mia Thornton

Gizelle asks Mia why she didn’t tell the group about sleeping with Peter Thomas’s girlfriend. Mia looks gagged and states the topic never came up. Gizelle and Robyn laugh as they reiterate the drama in Miami was over Peter, SMH. Mia fills in the blanks that Peter’s ex slept with Mia and played with Gordon on their wedding night. The girl was in the wedding and everything, SMH. Mia claims the girl is a sweet person but the two aren’t friends anymore. Robyn wonders why Mia shared that information with Karen and Mia claims she won’t tell Karen anything else. 

Mia claims that Karen won’t like it if she shares the real reason Karen doesn’t like Charrisse Jackson-Jordan. Gizelle and Robyn are all ears as they anticipate what tea could be spilled. Mia doesn’t spill the beans, but we’ll find out soon. It’s the night of Karen’s live show and Karen looks amazing as she admires her work. Karen wanted to say thank you to her fans and officially names her fans the “La Dames.” Gizelle arrives and a fan mistakes Gizelle for Karen. Gizelle doesn’t know what the event is about but wants to support Karen. The rest of the girls begin to arrive and unfortunately, Ashley brought Deborah to start some mess.

Meanwhile, Candiace DillardBassett is home eating as Mama Dorothy asks if Candiace is excited. Candiace asks Mama Dorothy if she’ll be able to hang out late and the two agree to be home by midnight. Karen’s backstage making sure the microphones work as Gizelle orders food for the table. After the table orders, Mia and Jacqueline joke about “Barbie titties” and Jacqueline reiterates what she meant. In Miami, the girls were showing off their breasts and Charrisse sent the video in the group chat to get Karen’s attention. Candiace and Mama Dorothy arrive right on time as the girls happily greet her. 

Gizelle tells the table that Charrisse is sour that she wasn’t invited to Karen’s show and Candiace wonders why someone didn’t bring Charrisse as their plus one. Charrisse wanted an invite from Karen, and Ashley chats about her lunch with Karen. Ashley brings up the flashlight and Jacqueline admits to having a yeast infection. Gizelle’s reaction had me on the floor as the table laughs. Mia didn’t want to air out her friend’s business, but Mia’s not happy about Karen running her mouth. Karen’s backstage stalling as she waits for the venue to fill up. The show begins as Robyn and Gordon enter the venue. 

Karen Huger

As the show’s about to begin, Robyn gives Candiace a heads-up about Deborah being in their presence. Candiace initially looks shocked but decides not to give Deborah any energy. Robyn agrees that Ashley shouldn’t have brought this messy friend, but we all know what Ashley’s end game is. Candiace doesn’t acknowledge ‘Sesame Street’ characters and neither do we. Karen’s backstage chatting with her security guard as the show finally begins. Act 1 was the comedians, and the group is very confused about the lineup. The Grande Dame comes out during Act II and Karen’s in her element, although no one knows what’s happening. 

Act III was a Drag performance by Jasmine Matters, and afterward, Karen changes outfits as she sets up the Q&A. Wendy checks in with Candiace as Karen begins the segment. One fan wonders where to look for a husband, and another wants to know their highlights of 2022. Mia then takes the mic and wonders what to do when you share something with a friend, and she turns around and tells your business. Karen seems surprised that Mia asked such a personal question, but soon turns the tables on Mia and doubles down on her comments. Karen tells the crowd that everything she said about Mia was true and tells Mia she loves her before moving on. 

Karen promises to work on it as she thanks the crowd for coming out. After Gizelle shades Karen’s huge ego, Ashley tries to introduce Deborah to Candiace, SMH. Deborah tries to chat with Candiace, but Candiace shuts it down and immediately asks about Deborah’s accusations about Chris. Deborah verifies that Chris never touched her but that his behavior was very flirtatious. Candiace inquires about what Chris said and Deborah reiterates that nothing physically happened. Deborah claims that she wasn’t the only one Chris was giving googly eyes to at the bar and Candiace sarcastically laughs. 

Karen brings Jasmine Matters out to close the show, and while Karen’s saying goodbye to her guests, Ashley tries once again to make Candiace acknowledge thirsty Deborah. Candiace attempts to leave and Ashley wonders why Candiace is dismissing her friend. Ashley wants Candiace to clear the air, but Candiace doesn’t have time for these games and pays them dust. Ashley claims that she wants Candiace to clear the air, but Ashley’s being very messy! Deborah asks Candiace if she wants to chat one-on-one and Candiace replies, “No ma’am,” while telling the group she doesn’t acknowledge ‘Sesame Street’ characters. Be sure to come back next week for an explosive episode of The Real Housewives of Potomac! 

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