Tamar Braxton’s Family Pissed With Her Boyfriend For Mentioning Network Dispute During 911 Suicide Call!

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Tamar Braxton

Tamar Braxton’s family is concerned with her boyfriend’s influence over her emotions following the singer’s unfortunate attempt to commit suicide.

The family reportedly expressed their concern when they heard David Adefeso, 51, discussing the reality show during his conversation with the 911 operator.

“She was very angry earlier on. She’s had trouble with the network, the company she’s working with, and they did something today,” David Adefeso said during the call.

Sources told TMZ that David had seen the promotional trailer of the singer’s new reality series “Get Ya Life” and was furious because he has been edited as a “demanding and controlling” boyfriend. In the clip, David and Tamar are arguing inside a room, and she’s heard screaming, “David, stop!” https://youtu.be/gLqDuhbpRkc

The financial advisor’s reaction to the promo was the event that pushed Tamar Braxton over the edge.

Family sources told the TMZ that they believe that David Adefeso was the one who “had issues with the series’ editorial choices.”

Additionally, the family feels Tamar Braxton is not the same person she was before her relationship with David Adefeso. Besides, they feel that Adefeso is too involved in Tamar’s business decisions.


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