RECAP: ’90 Day Fiance: The Other Way’ Happy Endings and Broken Dreams!

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'90 Day Fiance: The Other Way' - James and Tata

RECAP: ’90 Day Fiance: The Other Way’ Happy Endings and Broken Dreams!

In the October 21 episode of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, love might still be in the air, but so is drama. The couples are dealing with everything from shady bar encounters to unresolved family tensions. And when it comes to the tricky subject of marriage, not everyone seems to be on the same page.

Corona Questions Everything About Ingi

It’s all fun and games until your friends tell you they’ve seen your man out “chatting,” with other women. For Corona, her day of exploring a penis museum with friends took a wild turn when her friends dropped a casual bombshell: her boyfriend, Ingi, was spotted with other girls at a local bar. When she asks her friends for more details, they clarify, “We might have seen him with girls but I don’t know anything for sure.” Okay, so they didn’t catch him “kissing,” but the suspicion is enough to make anyone feel uneasy.

'90 Day Fiance: The Other Way' - Corona and Ingi

Corona already has a laundry list of issues with Ingi — after all, they’ve only been intimate four times in the past year, and, well, there’s that little incident where Ingi “broke his penis” during their last encounter. Ouch! She’s also frustrated that Ingi doesn’t “gas her up” enough, leaving her to question whether he’s the supportive partner she needs.

'90 Day Fiance: The Other Way' - Corona and Ingi

Things escalate when Corona confronts Ingi about the rumors. Although he insists the women were “just friends,” his defensive attitude doesn’t help calm Corona’s suspicions. And when the topic of marriage comes up, Ingi’s blunt response is a dealbreaker: “Marriage doesn’t mean anything to me.” For Corona, who feels like she’s sacrificed so much to be with him, this hits hard. Is there even a future here?

James vs. Angel: The Showdown Over Tata

James is getting ready to marry Tata, but her sister Angel isn’t exactly rolling out the welcome mat. With the wedding just a day away, Angel finally arrives to meet James — and let’s just say, it’s not all hugs and warm fuzzies. Tata may describe Angel as her best friend, but clearly, that friendship took a nosedive when Angel started spreading “malicious lies” about James, accusing him of mistreating women.

Angel isn’t one to mince words. She’s not thrilled about James coming into their lives and bluntly asks, “You come to our life, and then gonna steal my sister?” Yikes! She doesn’t trust him, and she’s not afraid to say it to his face. Angel also makes it clear that she doesn’t want Tata to move back to the States with James, which only adds more pressure to the couple’s already tense pre-wedding situation.

'90 Day Fiance: The Other Way' - James and Tata

Meanwhile, Tata is caught between her sister and her soon-to-be husband. While she’s tried to make peace with Angel, their relationship has never quite recovered. As for James, you can feel the discomfort radiating off him every time Angel speaks. With the wedding looming, will these two ever get on the same page?

'90 Day Fiance: The Other Way' - James and Tata

Sean Meets His Mother-in-Law — Kind Of

Over in Sean and Joanne’s world, things are just as awkward. Sean is about to meet Joanne’s mom for the first time, but there’s a twist — her mom has no idea they’re already married. In the most 2020s way possible, this “meeting” happens via video call, and it goes about as well as you’d expect.

'90 Day Fiance: The Other Way' - Sean and Joanne

“So, you’re my son-in-law, and I’m just meeting you now?” Joanne’s mom says, clearly not impressed. To make matters worse, she immediately asks if Sean plans on taking her daughter and grandkids away from her. Sean, caught off guard, stumbles over his words, leaving an already-tense introduction even more awkward.

Joanne is visibly nervous, and who can blame her? Dropping the bombshell that you secretly married someone your family hasn’t even met is never easy. Mom’s closing remark — “You should have sorted that out before getting married”—is the cherry on top of this uncomfortable situation.

Lily’s Daughter Sees Trouble with Josh

Lily’s love life isn’t exactly a fairy tale either. After a heated argument with Josh where he accused her of being unfaithful, she drops a bombshell of her own: they haven’t been intimate in six months. Things aren’t looking good, and Lily’s daughter isn’t shy about voicing her concerns.

“I don’t see a happy ending here,” her daughter bluntly tells her. Ouch, again. Lily’s daughter’s skepticism only adds to the tension, and it’s clear that the relationship is on shaky ground. Is there any hope for Lily and Josh, or is this just another example of love gone wrong in 90 Day Fiance land?

As each couple navigates their own set of challenges, it’s hard not to wonder if any of them will make it to their happy ending — or if broken promises are all that’s left in the wake of their international love stories. For now, all we can do is tune in, buckle up, and see what happens next on 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way.

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way airs on TLC, on Mondays, at 8pm ET.


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