RECAP: ‘Sister Wives’ Janelle Brown Says Kody and Robyn STOLE Her Money, Threatens Legal Action!

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RECAP: ‘Sister Wives’ Janelle Brown Says Kody and Robyn Owe Her Money, Threatens Legal Action!

The September 22 episode of Sister Wives, Janelle Brown contemplates leaving Flagstaff permanently as she and Maddie explore land in Montana. Kody Brown discovers that Meri Brown is seeking a release from their church, which signifies a divorce in their faith; Christine Brown and Aspyn organize a welcome home party for Ysabel.

Janelle’s Done With Kody And Her Money 

The episode kicks off with Janelle and Maddie road-tripping to Montana to explore land for a potential move. Janelle is fed up with her situation in Flagstaff and eager to get away from Kody and Robyn Brown.

Janelle Brown

Kody and I are not in communication,” Janelle reveals. “Our relationship is over, but we both still live in Flagstaff. Yeah, there’s not been an official divorce. I don’t know how to get one, and I don’t need one.”

Janelle explains that the Coyote Pass property is still unpaid, and she wants her fair share from Kody, who has been suspiciously silent about the payoff.

Janelle Brown

“It’s not paid off yet. The note is due in about six months,” Janelle shares. “They keep asking your dad, and he’s like, ‘I’m not going to make a plan ’till blah.'”

Janelle further outlines how the property has been divided following the breakdown of Kody’s marriages.

“So the first two-acre lot right now is Kody and I. The second two-acre lot is Kody and Robyn. The third is a four-acre lot and it’s Meri, myself and Kody,” she explains, as a diagram appears. “And then, the five-acre lot, because Christine quit, claimed it is Kody and Robyn. Robyn’s got her house. Christine had her house. Meri has built a business, but she didn’t use family money. She built that herself.”

Maddie Brown

Kody, in a talking head, admits Janelle constantly asks about the property.

“But I don’t trust her anymore and so I don’t give her any information.” He then adds, “We will pay off the property when the time comes, and I’m not giving you any details about what I’m doing or whatever because I’m tired of disclosing information that goes through the gossip mill of our broken family.”

Janelle Claims Kody and Robyn Owe Her Money

Janelle vents to Maddie about how Kody and Robyn used her money to help buy Robyn’s house but refused to put her name on the deed. “So, she and I are both like this represents basically the only asset we would be taking from the marriage,” she says. Frustrated, she points out that Kody claims he’s broke but continues to splurge on luxuries like artwork and fancy landscaping.

Janelle Brown

When Maddie asks what happens if the note isn’t paid, Janelle doesn’t hold back. “Technically, the seller can take back the entire purchase, which is idiotic,” she explains. Still, Janelle remains hopeful that Kody will eventually handle the payment. “I’m sure your dad’s going to want to pay that off, right?” she says, though Maddie looks doubtful.

Janelle Brown

In her confessional, Janelle is clearly exasperated. “I mean, that’s how it’s written. The rest of our property is collateral for the note. It’s insane to me that Kody is not taking this more seriously.”

Meri Wants a Divorce, Kody Calls Her Mean and Boring

Meanwhile, Kody discovers that Meri wants to take steps to officially end their spiritual marriage.

“About eight weeks ago, Meri told me that she was going to go to Utah, meet with our church leaders and basically request a divorce,” Kody explains. “It’s called a release in our church.”

Meri Brown

Meri doesn’t hold back either.

“I don’t want to be, like, sealed to him for eternity if he doesn’t want me,” she admits. “I’m at a place that like, let’s just separate this completely.”

Meri Brown

Kody, unsurprisingly, is over it.

“The damage was done so badly that we’re not going to reconcile no matter what,” he says, adding, “I don’t want to be accountable to this church and all their BS.”

Kody Brown

Meri, tired of living in limbo, is ready to move on. “I’m moving forward with this,” she declares. Kody takes the opportunity to slam Meri, calling her mean and “boring,” and even claiming that Janelle, “saved him” from his lackluster marriage to Meri. He doesn’t miss the chance to praise Robyn, saying she brought loyalty to the family and remains the only wife he’s committed to.

Robyn’s Daughters Feel Like Outcasts

In a confessional, Robyn’s daughters — Aurora and Breanna Jessop, express feeling unwelcome in the family. Aurora shares, “We were told by multiple people that we were not accepted,” adding, “They said I was not their sister and they didn’t consider us that way.”

Aurora and Breanna Jessop

Kody backs his daughters’ claims, suggesting there are people in the family who act superior and exclude others.

Janelle Wants Kody to Buy Her Out

Back in Flagstaff, Christine visits Janelle to catch up on her relationship with Kody and to hear about her plans to sell her share of Coyote Pass.

Christine Brown and Janelle Brown

“If Kody’s not willing to buy me out … I’m going to have to do something with it,” Janelle says. She reveals that Kody isn’t talking to her about it, adding, “I think I’m going to have to lawyer up. That’s the only way I’m ever going to get any kind of decision out of him.”

Janelle Brown

Janelle also admits that she’s seriously considering relocating to Montana with Maddie and her family.

“What changed my mind [about the Arizona land] was when I went with Maddie to look in Montana and I’m like, ‘Oh, I could have this somewhere else,’” Janelle explains.

Christine wholeheartedly agrees. “It’s a no-brainer,” she says, encouraging Janelle to live near Maddie rather than stick around Coyote Pass.

Christine Brown

Janelle acknowledges that selling her stake in the property won’t be easy, given their spiritual, non-legal marriage.

“It’s not like I’m just calling a lawyer and saying, ‘I need to divorce this person.’ No, it’s really complicated because there’s no legal marriage,” she explains.

Janelle Brown

As Kody and Janelle’s strained relationship continues, it’s clear that Janelle is done waiting for Kody to act. With legal action on the table, it seems this family feud is far from over.


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