Collin Gosselin Denies Mental Health Claims, Says Mother Ruined His Life

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Collin Gosselin

Collin Gosselin Denies Mental Health Claims, Says Mother Ruined His Life

Collin Gosselin is firing back at his mother, Kate Gosselin, after she publicly claimed that he suffers from “multiple psychiatric disorders.”

In an emotional and candid interview with The U.S. Sun, Collin Gosselin, 20, has released private medical records to prove he does not have the mental health issues his mother alleged, hoping to set the record straight about his past and preserve his dream of serving in the U.S. Marines.

Collin Gosselin

Collin’s Battle to Clear His Name

Collin felt he had no choice but to disclose his psychiatric evaluation results after Kate posted on Instagram last July, claiming he was “violent and unpredictable” with multiple diagnoses, including bipolar disorder, ADHD, and PTSD. At the time, Collin was deep into his Marine Corps training, but Kate’s post raised red flags about his suitability for military service. He believes it ultimately led to his dismissal.

Collin Gosselin

“So I was in [Marine] training, pretty far through and I was very close to graduating and my mother made a post online and this post went insanely viral,” Collin stated. He shared that the post caused uncertainty within the Marines, leading them to review his medical history. “That ultimately led to my discharge because I wasn’t able to prove that I had a diagnosis and provide sufficient evidence that these were false until I got home,” Collin added.

Collin’s psychiatric evaluation, completed after his discharge, ruled out all the diagnoses Kate had mentioned. Dr. Paul E. Delfin, a licensed psychologist, confirmed that Collin “does not meet criteria for any of the diagnoses of concern,” stating that he found no evidence of bipolar disorder, autism, PTSD, or other behavioral disorders.

Accusations of Abuse and Estrangement from Kate

Collin has had a strained relationship with his mother for years. He previously accused Kate of physically and emotionally abusing him, alleging that she would lock him in the basement and isolate him from his siblings. In 2016, Kate institutionalized Collin, claiming he had numerous mental health conditions, and placed him on psychiatric medications. Jon Gosselin, Collin’s father, fought for custody, and Collin was finally released into Jon’s care in 2018.

Collin Gosselin

Under Jon’s supervision and the care of doctors, Collin was weaned off the medications, and despite missing out on formal education, he graduated from high school with honors. However, his dream of serving in the military was cut short, which Collin attributes to Kate’s public claims.

“Due to these allegations that she posted on social media, my dream of becoming a US Marine was crushed and it was taken away from me,” Collin said. “I want nothing more than to serve my country.”

Jon Gosselin

Jon Gosselin Defends His Son

Jon Gosselin stood by his son, accusing Kate of deliberately attempting to discredit Collin. He told the outlet, “She tried to prove that he has mental health issues so he doesn’t have viability when he talks to the press.” Jon believes Kate’s actions were calculated to diminish Collin’s credibility. “People say you can’t just institutionalize people. What the f**k you talking about people? Yes you can, especially when they’re little or if you feel threatened by that person,” Jon added.

Jon Gosselin

Kate Gosselin’s Side of the Story

Kate has yet to respond publicly to Collin’s claims, but her former lawyer, Richard Puleo, defended her, suggesting that she did what she thought was best for her family.

“I don’t think the Marine Corps saw Kate’s post and decided to throw Collin out,” Puleo said, adding, “Could Kate’s post have had some influence? Sure, I think it may have made them delve into Collin’s history.”

Kate Gosselin

Puleo emphasized that blaming Kate for Collin’s dismissal from the military is misplaced. “Kate has no interest in saying anything, which is what she’s done in the past,” he said.

Collin’s Hope to Return to the Marines

Despite the setbacks, Collin is not giving up on his military dream. He hopes to appeal his discharge and one day rejoin the Marines. “I want nothing more than to get back there and be able to fulfill that dream and be able to serve my country,” Collin shared.

Collin Gosselin

Reflecting on his experience with the Marines, Collin said:

“I remember like signing that contract and going off to training… and that brotherhood and camaraderie, and the leadership — it’s truly an amazing, breathtaking organization.”

For now, Collin continues to fight for his reputation, hoping that clearing up the allegations will open the door for him to serve again.


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