Catelynn Lowell Sparks Drama with Carly’s Adoptive Parents By Acting Like They’re NOT Her Real Parents!

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Catelynn Lowell

Catelynn Lowell PISSED OFF Carly’s Adoptive Parents By Acting Like They’re NOT Her Real Parents!

Teen Mom stars Catelynn Lowell is causing a stir on social media after being cut off by Carly’s adoptive parents, Brandon and Teresa Davis, for failing to respect their wishes.

Catelynn Lowell

The Teen Mom star is responding to accusations that her communications via text with Carly focus more on family updates than on her well-being. 

Catelynn Addresses Claims About Her Communication

Catelynn Lowell and her husband Tyler Baltierra made the difficult decision to place their daughter Carly for adoption when they were teenagers, believing it was the best choice for their child. Carly’s adoptive parents, Teresa and Brandon Davis, agreed to an open adoption for the first five years of Carly’s life — leaving the door open for future contact at Teresa and Brandon Davis discretion.

Catelynn Lowell

However, their relationship has seen its share of ups and downs. At times, Catelynn and Tyler’s visits to Carly have been marred by delays and missteps, including a notable incident where they arrived hours late due to Catelynn’s focus on preparing a scrapbook for Carly. This history of tension has persisted over the years.

Catelynn Lowell

Catelynn took to Instagram to share months worth of text messages addressed to Carly but directed to Teresa’s phone. The messages, which included updates about Catelynn and Tyler’s vacations and expressions of how much they miss Carly, went unanswered by Teresa. This lack of response should have signaled that Teresa no longer wished to be contacted, resulting in the communication line being severed.

Catelynn Lowell

Fans of the show criticized Catelynn for seemingly harassing Carly’s adoptive parents. They pointed out that her messages focused primarily on her and Tyler’s vacations rather than on Carly’s well-being. Catelynn refuted claims that her communications were limited to updates about her other children and family vacations.

Catelynn Lowell

“Some of you blow my mind!” Catelynn wrote on her Instagram Story. “To really think I only messaged Carly updates about her sisters and our ‘vacations.’ I have always reached out asking for updates on how she was doing, what she’s into, can we FaceTime, how school is going for her, etc.”

She added, “This was more recently I messaged weekly updates to Carly about our family and her sisters BECAUSE we were being ignored! It’s important for Carly to see her sisters etc. and to know what’s going on!”

Fan Reactions and Criticisms

The Teen Mom fanbase has been abuzz with reactions to Catelynn’s statements. On Reddit, users debated whether Catelynn’s approach to communication might be contributing to the strained relationship.

Catelynn Lowell

One Redditor commented, “Hitting someone up every other day because they’re ignoring you is never the move. That also makes it seem like it was done passive aggressively on Cate’s part.”

Another user agreed, suggesting that if Catelynn and Tyler felt they were being ignored, a simple well-wish might have been more appropriate. “Obviously they need some space,” the commenter noted.

Catelynn Lowel

Critics argue that Catelynn’s updates seem to portray Carly’s absence as a temporary separation rather than a complex, long-term arrangement. The perception among some fans is that Catelynn treats Carly’s adoption as if she were away at summer camp, rather than recognizing the depth of the separation.

The season finale of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter airs September 12, at 8 p.m. EST on MTV, promising to offer more insight into the complicated dynamics at play.


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