Diamond The Body Announces Her Exit from Reality TV, Admits Her On-Screen Persona Isn’t the Real Her!

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Diamond The Body

Diamond The Body Announces Her Exit from Reality TV, Admits Her On-Screen Persona Isn’t the Real Her!

Reality star Diamond The Body recently took to social media to make a surprising revelation about her on-screen persona, addressing her fight with fellow castmate Tesehki and announcing her plans to leave reality TV.

Diamond The Body

Known for her tough image on Baddies Caribbean, Diamond shared that the person fans see on television isn’t who she truly is.

Following her physical altercation with Tesehki, Diamond posted on her Instagram Stories to show the aftermath, revealing a bloody lip and a missing tooth. She openly admitted defeat, writing, “I lost guys REAL BAD!! Sorry,” before adding, “She really broke my face y’all, my lip is tore open, and my tooth is missing. Pray for me.”

Diamond The Body

However, it wasn’t the fight itself that seemed to weigh heavily on Diamond’s mind, but rather the realization that she had been portraying a character on television that didn’t align with who she truly is.

On TikTok, Diamond shared an emotional and reflective video explaining her decision to quit reality TV. “With that being said, I realize that I’m not living in my true purpose,” she began. “The real person that I am—I am a positive person. I love love. I love to laugh. I love to have fun. I love to joke. I love to play. You know, I love to uplift people. I am a good person.”

Diamond The Body

Diamond admitted that her time in reality television had forced her to act in ways that went against her true character. She expressed concerns about how being around certain people was influencing her.

“I noticed that if I continue this path of being around these soulless people, I might turn into one for real. I might have to get into that mode of, okay, no, I can’t, I gotta be like them. You know what I’m saying? I gotta be ruthless. I gotta be, you know, toothless,” she said, referring to the pressure to conform to the dramatic, combative behavior seen on the show.

Diamond The Body

Despite her on-screen persona, Diamond revealed that fighting is not something she takes pride in. “I don’t want to continue to be this person that I’m not for y’all entertainment,” she shared. “I don’t want to continue to be this heartless person, this big fighter fighter. Like I’m not a fighter like I can fight. I know how to defend myself. I grew up fighting, but that’s not something that I carry in my daily, everyday life.”

Diamond stressed that hurting others is not something she enjoys. “I don’t want to hurt people. I hate hurting people. And I don’t want to get hurt. This is not what I want to do,” she continued.

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Diamond The Body

Diamond also explained that her venture into reality TV was never her primary goal, but rather a way to promote her music.

“If anything, I’m doing this to help boost my music career. That was always the end goal—to promote my music to a bigger audience,” she clarified. “I don’t want to be a reality TV star. It just happened how it happened.”

Diamond The Body

Reflecting on the recent altercation with Tesehki, Diamond admitted it made her realize she was playing a character that didn’t reflect her true self. “Tesehki really made me realize with this whole situation that this character that I’m playing is not me. If people are going to hate me, I want y’all to hate me because of who I really am,” she said.

Diamond emphasized that the persona she portrayed on TV was largely for entertainment purposes.


“I don’t want people to hate me because they think, ‘Oh, she does too much. She’s a clout chaser.’ I’m just doing this for TV, you know what I’m saying? I’m really not like that,” she shared.

Diamond concluded her video by giving fans a glimpse into her true self, explaining that she’s much more grounded than her TV character suggests.

Diamond The Body

“Anybody who knows me, half the time people see me in the house, I was never around. I was in my room. I used to get up at like six, seven in the morning, go to the beach, read. I had books with me. I’m a reader,” she said.

She further revealed her daily routine, which includes affirmations and setting goals. “This is me. I wake up every morning and I say, ‘I am beautiful. I am successful in anything I do. I love me. I am grateful to be alive.’ That stuff y’all see on TV, that’s not me,” Diamond added.

Diamond The Body

Ultimately, Diamond’s time in reality TV is coming to an end as she focuses on being true to herself.

“I don’t want to continue to be this person that I’m not,” she said. “The real me is about love, positivity, and personal growth—not fighting for entertainment.”

Diamond The Body

As she steps away from reality TV, fans can expect to see Diamond The Body pursuing her passion for music and staying true to the person she truly is.


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