Nicki Minaj Wanted to Name Her Son After a Famous Dancehall Legend!

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Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj Wanted to Name Her Son After a Famous Dancehall Legend!

Nicki Minaj has always been known for her candid and unapologetic approach to life, and her recent Instagram Live session was no exception.

Nicki Minaj

The session, which featured her husband Kenneth Petty, sparked significant backlash due to the casual use of a homophobic slur. However, that wasn’t the only topic of discussion during the live stream. Nicki also opened up about her family dynamics, particularly the story behind her son’s nickname and her initial idea for his name.

During the live session, Nicki Minaj revealed that she had originally wanted to name her son after the incarcerated Jamaican dancehall artist, Ninja Man.

Ninja Man

“When I was pregnant, all I did was watch Ninja Man all day,” Nicki shared, recounting her intense admiration for the artist during her pregnancy. She then went on to explain her reasoning for wanting to name her son after him, stating, “I think I told you guys I was going to call the baby Ninja. My husband didn’t really want me to call the baby Ninja, but I thought it was dope, you know.”

Nicki Minaj

As Nicki spoke, her husband Kenneth Petty could be seen shaking his head, clearly disagreeing with the idea. Despite Nicki’s enthusiasm, it was evident that Petty wasn’t on board with the unconventional name choice. “I had asked people around me and they said yes. I don’t see anything wrong with it. You know, Ninja,” Nicki continued, underscoring her belief that the name would have been a good fit for their son.

Ninja Man

While the name “Ninja” didn’t make the final cut, Nicki and Kenneth did settle on a nickname that has captured the hearts of fans — “Papa Bear.” Since the birth of their son in September 2020, the couple has kept most details about his life private, only referring to him publicly by this endearing nickname. During the Instagram Live, Nicki hinted at the origins of the nickname and the thought process behind it.

Nicki Minaj

Previously, in an interview with Vogue last November, Nicki Minaj had shared her love for giving nicknames to those close to her. She debunked rumors that her son’s real name is Jacob and hinted at the reasoning behind the “Papa Bear,” moniker. “I’ve always been a nickname person,” Nicki explained. “I give everyone I love these nicknames, normally. He actually had a couple nicknames. His first nickname while he was in my stomach was ‘Bubba.’ When he came out, it just transformed into ‘Papa Bear.’ I can’t explain it, but when I looked at him, that’s what I thought.”


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