Michael Ilesanmi Accuses Angela Deem of ‘Cruel’ Physical and Mental Abuse In Divorce Response and Demands Spousal Support!

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Michael Ilesanmi

Michael Ilesanmi Accuses Angela Deem of ‘Cruel’ Physical and Mental Abuse In Divorce Response and Demands Spousal Support!

90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After star Michael Ilesanmi has hired a divorce attorney and responded to Angela Deem’s annulment request by filing for divorce himself, accusing Angela of “cruel treatment” and “physical and mental abuse,” that took place both privately and publicly.

Angela Deem

Michael Ilesanmi Raises Over $44,000

Michael Ilesanmi has exceeded his fundraising goal, amassing over $44,000 to aid his legal battle against estranged wife, Angela Deem, in their contentious divorce dispute.

Angela Deem Filed Annulment

Angela Deem initiated the annulment process on June 20, 2024. In her filing, she claimed that Michael had “fraudulently induced Petitioner into a marriage for the purpose of gaining legal permanent resident status in the United States.” Angela further alleged that Michael had abandoned her and was involved in a conspiracy with other Nigerian men to deceive U.S. citizens into marriage for residency benefits.

Angela Deem and Michael Ilesanmi

Michael Denies Angela’s Fraud Claims

In court documents obtained by Starcasm, Michael’s legal team has firmly denied these allegations. According to the documents, Michael refutes the claims of fraud and asserts that their marriage is legally valid.

Angela Deem and Michael Ilesanmi

“Respondent denies that the Petitioner is entitled to an annulment as the parties entered into and continue to have a lawful marriage. Respondent denies that there has been fraud on his part at any time during their marriage. Respondent denies that he abandoned the Petitioner, but rather states that he fled an abusive situation for his own safety,” the filing reads.

Angela Deem and Michael Ilesanmi

Michael’s counterclaim for divorce emphasizes that their marriage, which was formalized on January 27, 2020, in Lagos, Nigeria, remains valid. He asserts that the marriage was a result of a consensual and legal union.

“The parties herein were lawfully married on or about January 27, 2020, in Lagos, Nigeria and have lived as husband and wife until their separation. The parties’ marriage was a result of a valid relationship entered into voluntarily by both of the parties,” the documents state.

Angela Deem and Michael Ilesanmi

Michael also underscores that their marriage meets the statutory requirements for a legal union, as outlined in O.C.G.A. § 19-3-1.

Michael further argues that Angela’s annulment claim is “frivolous and baseless,” because it lacks statutory support. He contends that Angela’s request should be dismissed on these grounds.

Angela Deem and Michael Ilesanmi

The Marriage Is Irretrievably Broken

In his counterclaim, Michael describes the marriage as “irretrievably broken,” and asserts that reconciliation is not feasible.

“Respondent shows to the Court that there are no present prospects for reconciliation, and it is in his best interests that this marriage be terminated by divorce,” the filing notes.

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?

Michael Accuses Angela of Physical and Mental Abuse

Michael’s counterclaim also includes serious accusations of abuse. He claims that Angela’s “cruel treatment” involved both physical and mental abuse, which has been documented on reality television shows.

“Respondent additionally brings this Counterclaim for Divorce and Other Relief on the ground that the Petitioner is guilty of cruel treatment against him as defined in O.C.G.A. § 19-5-3(10). Specifically, the Petitioner has committed both physical and mental abuse against the Respondent during the course of the parties’ marriage. This abuse has occurred both privately and publicly,” Michael alleges.

90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?

Michael Explains Why He Ran Away 

He further claims that the abuse largely contributed to their separation in February 2024 when he, “fled the marital residence.”

Michael Seeks Spousal Support

In addition to seeking a divorce, Michael is requesting spousal support from Angela. He argues that there is a significant disparity in their incomes and that he is unable to meet his financial needs without her continued support.

90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?

“Respondent shows there is a substantial disparity in income between the parties and Respondent is unable to meet his reasonable financial needs on a monthly basis without continued financial support from Petitioner on a temporary and permanent basis. Respondent seeks both temporary and permanent spousal support,” the documents state.

Michael Ilesanmi

Michael Wants Half 

Michael is also seeking an equitable division of the assets they acquired during the marriage, including financial accounts, furniture, cars, and real property. He requests that the court divide these assets fairly. Furthermore, Michael is asking for Angela to cover his attorney’s fees and litigation costs.

“Respondent also requests that the Court require the Petitioner to pay for the Respondent’s attorney’s fees and costs of litigation incurred in this proceeding,” the filing indicates.

Angela Deem

Michael Demands Angela Not Destroy Evidence

Additionally, Michael’s counterclaim includes a notice to Angela regarding the preservation of evidence. He warns that any destruction, alteration, or concealment of relevant evidence, including financial records and recordings, could result in sanctions.

“You are hereby notified that Georgia law requires you to exercise reasonable care to protect and preserve evidence relevant to the issues in this case/action,” the notice reads.

90 Day Fiance

It further states that failure to comply may lead to adverse inferences at trial and an award of expenses and attorney fees due to such conduct.

As the legal battle between Michael Ilesanmi and Angela Deem unfolds, it remains to be seen how the court will address the complex and contentious issues presented in their filings.


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