Social Media Theorizes the Secret Service Orchestrated President Trump’s Assassination Attempt!

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Tucker Carlson

Social Media Theorizes the Secret Service Orchestrated President Trump’s Assassination Attempt!

The Secret Service faced intense scrutiny after a gunman attempted to shoot former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Despite the agency’s prior identification of the building’s rooftop as a security vulnerability, the assailant was able to access it and open fire, raising critical questions about the effectiveness of the protective measures in place.

President Trump

The building in question, owned by a glass research company, is adjacent to the Butler Farm Show, the outdoor venue hosting the rally. According to two sources familiar with the Secret Service’s operations, the agency had recognized the potential threat posed by the building’s rooftop days before the event. “Someone should have been on the roof or securing the building so no one could get on the roof,” stated a former senior Secret Service agent, highlighting a significant oversight in the security arrangements.

President Trump

The event’s security strategy included coordination between the Secret Service and local law enforcement, with sniper teams stationed on various rooftops to monitor and address potential threats. However, no officers were positioned on the specific building used by the gunman, which was outside the event’s immediate security perimeter but dangerously close — only 148 yards from the stage.

President Trump

This oversight was attributed to a common practice where the responsibility for certain security areas, such as the building in question, is delegated to local law enforcement. Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi explained, “The Secret Service had designated that rooftop as being under the jurisdiction of local law enforcement.”

President Trump

Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger acknowledged the Secret Service’s lead role in coordinating the security efforts, stating, “The Secret Service ran the show. They were the ones who designated who did what.”

President Trump

The effectiveness of these security measures was ultimately compromised when the gunman managed to access the rooftop undetected and fire at the former president. The shooter’s ability to exploit this vulnerability underscores a critical gap in the protection strategy implemented by the Secret Service and local authorities.

President Trump

The incident led to immediate and forceful responses from various stakeholders, including Secret Service agents and security experts, who criticized the failure to secure the high ground. “The only way to stop that is you have a lot of people, you get there first, and you command the high ground,” remarked Jim Cavanaugh, a retired ATF special agent.

President Trump

The fallout from the shooting has prompted demands for accountability and a reevaluation of security protocols. Members of Congress, including House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green and Rep. Ruben Gallego, have called for detailed investigations into the incident, questioning the adequacy of the security plan and the execution of protective measures.

President Trump

Numerous spectators on social media suspect that the Secret Service orchestrated the attempted assassination. One person wrote, “Does anyone else feel like this was too easy? How does a gunman just get onto a roof in plain sight? Smells like an inside job to me. #Setup”

Another theorized, “I’m not buying the official story. The Secret Service drops the ball right where Trump is speaking? Convenient how they quickly neutralize the threat but can’t prevent it. We need a full investigation into possible setups!”

Donald Trump

Someone else remarked,  “Come on, folks. The guy was just there on the roof, within range, and the Secret Service had no clue? Either they are incompetent or it’s a setup. We deserve the truth!”

Another noted, “This incident reeks of orchestration. A supposed oversight by the Secret Service allowing a shooter to take position? Too fishy! Are we really supposed to believe there was no prior knowledge or involvement?”

Donald Trump

A spectator shared,  “It’s hard to trust anything these days. How convenient for the Secret Service to have a lapse in security right at a critical moment. Makes you wonder who really benefits from such a scare.”

As the Secret Service and other involved agencies review the circumstances that allowed this security breach to occur, they face the task of strengthening their protocols to prevent such incidents in the future. This will likely involve a thorough examination of both strategic planning and operational execution to ensure the safety of protected individuals at public events.

President Trump

The shooting incident, which could have resulted in catastrophic consequences, serves as a stark reminder of the challenges and responsibilities inherent in safeguarding high-profile figures. The ongoing investigation and the subsequent procedural adjustments will be critical in restoring trust in the ability of the Secret Service to provide unwavering protection under all circumstances.


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