Carl Radke Accurately Predicted Lindsay Hubbard’s Pregnancy Before Announcement

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Lindsay & Carl

Carl Radke Accurately Predicted Lindsay Hubbard’s Pregnancy Before Announcement

At a bustling event in New York City, Kyle Cooke shared an intriguing insight into Lindsay Hubbard’s recent pregnancy announcement, revealing that her ex-fiancé, Carl Radke, had a premonition about the news.

Kyle Cooke

Speaking at his Endless Summer Kickoff Event at Magic Hour, Kyle recounted Carl’s prediction from the previous year.

“He actually told me last fall, ‘I bet she’s pregnant by the time of the summer,’” Cooke told Page Six.

Kyle Cooke

He continued, “He’s like, ‘I bet she has a boyfriend by the reunion, and she’s pregnant by the summer.’ And I’m like, ‘Come on buddy.’ And I don’t know what kinda crystal ball he had.”

The Summer House celebrity expressed his admiration for Radke’s response to the news of Hubbard’s pregnancy.

Kyle Cooke

“His immediate reaction was like, ‘I’m genuinely happy for her. That’s what she’s wanted,'” Kyle revealed, noting the positive turn in their relationship.

Earlier in the summer, Carl and Lindsay had managed to “break the ice,” allowing them to interact amicably, much to Cooke’s relief.

Kyle Cooke

“Just to see them chatting it up is gonna be good for everybody, because ultimately, there was a really long friendship under there, and I hope that at the very least, they can be amicable and maybe by the end of the summer –– they’re not gonna be besties –– but I’d like to think they can both kinda admit to one another like, ‘Yeah, this is for the best,’” Kyle shared.

Cooke also took a moment to celebrate Hubbard, his longtime friend and co-star, expressing genuine happiness for her new chapter.

Kyle Cooke

“I know we have a history of love and hate and brotherly sisterly love, but I think the key word there is love. Like, I have known that she’s wanted to be a mom practically since I’ve known her,” he stated.

Moreover, Kyle Cooke revealed that since learning of her pregnancy, Lindsay Hubbard has shown a softer side. “She’s been incredibly nice, and it’s refreshing to see that side of her I’ve always known is there,” he noted.

Kyle Cooke

Aside from personal revelations, Cooke was the center of attention at the event, showcasing his DJ skills.

He explained his approach to blending social gatherings with entertainment: “Alcohol and music go pretty well together, and I’ve already been throwing parties, but instead of a boring meet and greet where people wait in line for two hours, now people can get their pictures, but we can actually throw a party.”

Kyle Cooke

Kyle also shared his passion for DJing, which he has intertwined with his brand, Loverboy.

“DJing is more intertwined with Loverboy, and my true passion and what I’m doing at wee hours of the night is learning how to produce music,” he revealed, detailing his commitment to honing his craft.

Carl Radke

The night was not just about revelations and music; it was a celebration held at Magic Hour, a venue Cooke holds in high regard.

“It’s one of the most epic rooftops in the entire city. It’s huge, it has an unbelievable view, they always do these sick installations, and the first time I was ever here at Magic Hour, Pitbull was performing, so they bring in all sorts of various music artists,” he enthused.

As the night progressed, all of Kyle’s co-stars, including Hubbard, engaged joyfully with each other and the attendees, dancing, chatting, and taking selfies, marking a spirited continuation of their intertwined lives.

This event came less than a year after Radke ended his engagement with Lindsay, setting the stage for new beginnings.


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