Teresa Giudice Talks Close Friendship with Jackie Goldschneider

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Jackie Goldschneider

Teresa Giudice Talks Close Friendship with Jackie Goldschneider

The Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice clarified the evolution of her friendship with fellow cast member Jackie Goldschneider.

Jackie Goldschneider

Contrary to previous remarks made during Season 14, Episode 8, where she mentioned needing to befriend Jackie to confront Margaret Josephs, Teresa now describes their friendship as having grown naturally.

“It really was organic. It was really the way it happened on TV,” Teresa explained In an exclusive conversation with BravoTV.com on July 2, adding a personal note about her fondness for Jackie’s husband, Evan Goldschneider. “And, I have to say, I do love Evan.”

Jackie Goldschneider

Teresa reminisced about mending fences with Evan, particularly after she apologized for spreading a rumor about his marriage to Jackie.

“I’ve always had a special place in my heart for him,” she stated. “I never wanted to hurt their family.”

Jackie Goldschneider

Reflecting on her past conflicts with Jackie, Teresa shared that they have both moved past their difficulties. “I know in my heart, I did not mean to hurt her,” she told BravoTV.com. “And she knows that.”

Their friendship, while slow to start, has strengthened over time through mutual effort and understanding. “With me and Jackie, that’s the thing. A friendship is a give and take,” Teresa said. “We both have to try with it, and we did. It organically just happened.”

Jackie Goldschneider

Teresa acknowledged that their initial distance was influenced by Jackie’s closeness with Margaret and Melissa Gorga, which previously kept her at arm’s length.

“I did always like Jackie, but I know Jackie had Margaret and Melissa in her ear in the past, and that’s why she never got close to me,” she revealed.

Teresa Giudice

However, Teresa admitted that their bonding was facilitated by their shared grievances with Margaret.

“Sometimes you do bond over if someone hurt you,” she remarked. “Because Margaret hurt Jackie, [and] Margaret hurt me.”

Teresa Giudice

Jackie also recognized the strategic elements at the start of their relationship. “It was at the beginning of our relationship. I knew it was strategic at first,” she commented, reflecting on the early dynamics.

Now on better terms, Teresa is enthusiastic about the future of their friendship.

Teresa Giudice

She excitedly shared plans for a double date involving their husbands, Louie “Louie” Ruelas and Evan, highlighting the importance of their spouses’ camaraderie in their growing bond.

Jackie, we’re becoming friends. I really want to become good friends,” Teresa said. “As a matter of fact, this Friday, the four of us are going out to dinner. And I really want to get to know her, because I feel like we would have fun together.”

Jackie Goldschneider

Giudice concluded with optimism about the social dynamics between the couples, emphasizing the enjoyment of “couple dating,” which she cherishes.

“Because Louie and Evan really like each other. So, I feel like when the husbands like each other, that’s a great package. Just like Bill [Aydin] and Louie like each other, Paulie [Connell] and Louie like each other, that’s when I feel like a friendship really works. Because then you guys can double date together, hang out together. It’s a good pairing. Like, a ‘couple dating’ and I love that.”

RHONJ isn’t airing on July 7th, however, it is airing the Sunday after that.


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