Braunwyn Windham-Burke Opens Up About Her Reconciliation with Daughter Rowan

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Braunwyn Windham-Burke

Braunwyn Windham-Burke Opens Up About Her Reconciliation with Daughter Rowan

Braunwyn Windham-Burke and her 21-year-old daughter Rowan have reconciled following a publicized rift earlier this year.

Braunwyn Windham-Burke

Row and I had a falling out. Some things have happened [where] she’s needed me and of course, because I’m her mom, I’ll be there,” the former Real Housewives of Orange County star, 46, shared during an exclusive joint interview with fiancée Jennifer Spinner on Page Six’s “Virtual Reali-Tea” podcast.

“My relationship with the kids is good right now,” Windham-Burke emphasized, reflecting on her bond with her seven children from her previous marriage to Sean Burke.

Braunwyn Windham-Burke

This development follows months of tension after Rowan criticized Braunwyn  and her maternal grandmother, Deborah Windham, on social media, defending her father Sean Burke amidst a contentious legal battle over child support and alimony payments.

Despite the challenges, Braunwyn affirms that her relationship with Rowan and her other children, including Jacob, 18, is positive today.

Braunwyn Windham-Burke

“The relationship is great with the older kids,” she assured.

However, Windham-Burke admits to ongoing difficulties in co-parenting with Sean Burke.

Braunwyn Windham-Burke

“With Sean, it’s really hard. He’s very uncommunicative. He doesn’t reply to emails, he doesn’t tell me what’s going on with the children,” she revealed, expressing frustrations about the lack of communication regarding important matters concerning their children.

Jen, 39, who plans to freeze her eggs as the couple prepares to expand their family, acknowledges the challenges in co-parenting with Sean Burke, noting his ongoing process of dealing with their divorce.

Braunwyn Windham-Burke

Windham-Burke, who publicly came out as a lesbian in 2020 and proposed to Spinner in 2023, finalized her divorce from Sean Burke in October 2022 after a prolonged separation from the businessman.

Braunwyn Windham-Burke and her fiancée, Jennifer Spinner, also revealed their plans for expanding their family, which include Spinner freezing her eggs.

Braunwyn Windham-Burke

“This is something I’ve been thinking about since I was in my late 20s and I never really was at a point in my life where it made sense to do it. I forget where we were having the conversation, but [Windham-Burke was] very blunt and [she] said, ‘If you’re gonna do it, you have five months,’” Jen, 39, shared.

Ahead of Jen’s 40th birthday this week, the couple decided that egg freezing was necessary to fulfill their dream of having a child together. Braunwyn, 46, already has seven children with her ex-husband Sean Burke.

Sean Burke

“I know you still feel really young but your eggs aren’t,” Braunwyn pointed out to Jennifer, emphasizing the biological realities. “Jen is a great stepmom but there’s a part of her that wants to have her own child, her own biological child and I said, ‘If that’s something that you want to do, now’s the time.’”

Jen, who has a close relationship with Braunwyn’s children, expressed confidence in her decision to freeze her eggs but stressed the importance of the children’s approval before proceeding with a pregnancy.

Braunwyn Windham-Burke

“If Braunwyn and I were just ourselves and there were no children in the picture, I think it would be an easy choice for me. Yes, I would go ahead and have another child,” Jen, a digital marketing and SEO expert, explained.

“I want to make sure that [the children] feel like they have agency in this choice because we’re not just growing a family that’s her and I. We’re growing a family that already exists and so I just want to make sure that before we make a decision that the younger kids have a say.”

Braunwyn mentioned that her eldest daughter Bella was supportive of Spinner’s decision, while the younger children are enthusiastic about the prospect of a new sibling.

Braunwyn Windham-Burke

“I’ve talked to the little kids about it and they’re really excited,” Windham-Burke shared. “They would love that. So we’ll see where it lands.”

Jen affirmed their intention to likely move forward with having a baby but reiterated, “For me, it has to be at least six of seven yeses” from the children before proceeding.


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