Meghan King Accused of Animal Cruelty … Fans Call Authorities!

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Meghan King

Meghan King Accused of Animal Cruelty … Fans Call Authorities!

Meghan King is facing public outrage amid accusations of animal mistreatment and foolishness, following her deliberate actions to jeopardize the eggs of a bird’s nest.

Meghan King

Former Real Housewives of Orange County star Meghan King finds herself at the center of controversy after a social media post surfaced showing her involvement in disturbing a bird’s nest in her yard. The incident has sparked widespread debate and criticism online.

In the following video obtained by Bravo Boo on Instagram, Meghan King is seen relocating a bird’s nest in her yard, with the intention of exposing the eggs to wild animals.

Meghan King

Many condemned Meghan’s actions as straight up evil and sparking outrage among followers. One person wrote:

“This is absolutely appalling! Meghan’s behavior towards that bird’s nest is completely unacceptable. How can someone be so callous and cruel? I’m disgusted by her actions.”

Meghan King

Press play below.


Another person shared, “I can’t believe Meghan would stoop so low as to endanger innocent wildlife. This goes beyond ignorance; it’s downright malicious. If she won’t take responsibility, we need to call animal control and ensure the safety of those birds.”

Someone else remarked:

Meghan King

“As an animal lover, I’m horrified by Meghan’s actions. Deliberately disturbing a bird’s nest is not only heartless but also illegal. If she won’t do the right thing, we have a duty to report her to the authorities.”

A different person noted, “Meghan’s behavior is despicable and inexcusable. She needs to be held accountable for her actions. I won’t stand by and watch as she continues to endanger innocent creatures. Animal control needs to step in and put an end to this cruelty.”

Meghan King

One viewer commented, “This is beyond belief! Meghan’s actions are not only morally wrong but also potentially harmful to wildlife. If she won’t stop, we’ll have no choice but to involve animal control and ensure the safety of those birds and their eggs.”

Allegations of animal cruelty and irresponsibility quickly spread across social media platforms, with many users expressing shock and disbelief at Meghan’s reported behavior.

Meghan King

Some critics drew parallels to previous incidents involving Meghan, referencing past controversies, including leaving her handicapped son unattended in a car while her other children enjoyed ice cream.

Many fans that viewed the video also called into question judgment and common sense of the former reality TV personality, prompting a wave of condemnation from concerned individuals online.

Meghan King

Many expressed their dismay and disappointment, calling for accountability and urging Meghan to address the situation.

Despite the backlash, Meghan has not publicly responded to the accusations at the time of writing. However, the controversy has reignited discussions about responsible behavior towards wildlife and the importance of ethical treatment of animals.

Meghan Edmonds

Meghan King has not been the same since her divorce from Jim Edmonds.

The former couple finalized their divorce in May 2020. Meghan King and Jim Edmonds split was marked by infidelity involving Jim Edmonds during his marriage to Meghan.

Jim Edmonds

One of the women involved in the scandal was exclusively identified by as the “baseball madame.”

This individual carried on an affair with Jim Edmonds during his marriage to Meghan. The situation became public and contributed to the breakdown of their relationship.


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