Tom Schwartz Explains How Jo Wenberg’s “Dangerous” LIES Destroyed Their Friendship!

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Tom Schwartz

Tom Schwartz Explains How Jo Wenberg’s “Dangerous” LIES Destroyed Their Friendship! 

Tom Schwartz revealed how Jo Wenberg’s “dangerous” lies ultimately led to the destruction of their friendship.

Tom Schwartz has stated that he holds no ill will toward Jo Wenberg, but he expressed a strong desire to have her out of his life permanently, “I just want her out of my life forever,” Schwartz declared.

Tom Schwartz

The Vanderpump Rules star addressed his strained relationship with Jo Wenberg during the May 24 episode of “When Reality Hits” with Brittany Cartwright. Initially reluctant to discuss the matter, Schwartz explained that he felt it was important to share his perspective and the reasons behind severing ties with his former friend and fling.

“It was a lot of things,” he said about his decision to pull away from Jo. “I’m not gonna divulge most of those things. One of the biggest things is that I found out… in my experience, she’s a compulsive liar, OK?”

Tom Schwartz

Tom Schwartz accused Jo Wenberg of fabricating lies that ranged from “benign” and “nonsensical” to “malicious” and “manipulative.”

“Jo is not a bad person… but some of the things I found out she told my family behind my back, really f-cking pissed me off,” Schwartz stated. “My mom told me, my sister told me, my brother told me… They were really dangerous accusations.”

Tom Schwartz

While Schwartz did not provide specifics about the allegations, he mentioned that this was just one of many confirmed lies Jo had created. Although he admitted to having feelings for the hairstylist at one point, he claimed the “infatuation” waned once he started noticing her pattern of lying.

“Sometimes you really dig somebody and the feelings go away,” he continued. “We hung out so much… It was so fun but we were never in any conventional, exclusive relationship. We were coasting in a pretty nice direction, I think, until maybe at the beginning of filming (Vanderpump Rules Season 11). And that’s where, I don’t know, maybe I started to notice some erratic behavior.”

Tom Schwartz

Tom Schwartz admitted that he initially ignored the “red flags” and hoped to maintain a friendship with Jo Wenberg. However, as the alleged lies became more frequent, he decided to distance himself from her.

“I feel like she’s sacrificed any chance she has for legitimacy or credibility,” Tom told Brittany. “I think she’s hurt. I pulled away from her because there’s too many lies. Trust me, I have a list of a minimum of 20 — 20 substantiated, confirmed lies.”

Vanderpump Rules

So why is the Schwartz and Sandy’s owner speaking out now? According to Tom Schwartz, he felt the need to defend himself against the online “narrative” Jo Wenberg was creating. He claimed she was portraying herself as a “victim” who he had “led on.”

“I’ve tried not to touch this. I’ve taken the high road. I am Mr. Rise Above, you know?” he said. “I don’t go looking for negative stuff online but people inevitably send you stuff. I’m seeing Jo talking shit about me, like random clips. I’ve tried not to respond, like, just ignore it; like [her] saying I’m her ‘soulmate,’ reading my texts on a live stream, and I feel like I just have to address this.”

Tom Schwartz

Tom continued: “Clearly, she’s acting out. Her feelings are hurt, OK? I don’t want to invalidate her feelings but, also, I have feelings and they’re valid, too. I just want to shine a light on my point of view and why I pulled away from her, OK? Because I feel like she’s using social media to create this sort of, I don’t know, ‘Poor me, I got played, breadcrumbing’ narrative. But she’s building a following at my expense and I’m getting tired of it.”

Tom Schwartz

Tom Schwartz confirmed that he had blocked Jo Wenberg on social media and from his contacts, but he couldn’t escape the negativity. Earlier this month, Jo made headlines by dismissing Tom’s new relationship with Sophia Skoro, claiming she knew “for a fact” that Tom was “dating a fan.” About a week later, Jo returned to Instagram and read aloud some strongly worded text messages from Tom, who was clearly upset over her remarks about Sophia. The “Vanderpump Rules” cast member described Jo’s actions as a “violation.”

Tom Schwartz

“This will be the last time I talk about it, hopefully,” Tom said. “It’s just really frustrating to see her play the role of a victim… People need to respect the reasons I pulled away from her. They’re very f-cking valid. Anybody in my situation would’ve done the same thing… The stuff with my family, I can never look at her the same way. She’s cut from my life forever.”


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