Summer House Star Lindsay Hubbard Opens Up About Rekindled Romance

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Lindsay Hubbard

Summer House Star Lindsay Hubbard Opens Up About Rekindled Romance

Summer House star Lindsay Hubbard recently shared details about her rekindled romance during an episode of the Bitch Bible podcast. In the episode, she delved into how she met her new beau, the reasons their relationship didn’t work out initially, and why she believes the second time around will be different.

Lindsay revealed that she first met this new guy in 2020, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the challenges of lockdowns, they managed to go on a few dates. However, he was trying to figure out his “career moves,” and the timing wasn’t right, leading him to end things.

Lindsay Hubbard

“It was the nicest text ever because most guys just ghost you, or fade away, or disappear or whatever,” Lindsay said. “He did none of that.”

She continued, “Back then, he was like, ‘Hey, I am not in a place where I can be in anything serious.’ He’s like, ‘I get the sense that maybe you want something more,’ and he’s like, ‘and I’m not there right now. And I don’t want to waste your time, and out of respect for you, I felt like I needed to tell you that.’”

Lindsay Hubbard

Impressed by his honesty, Lindsay was open to giving him another chance when he reconnected with her in December 2023. When he ‘boomeranged’ back to her she decided to give him another chance. They reconnected and now they are together. 

Describing her new boyfriend, Lindsay noted that he makes her “happy in the bedroom” and has a “great job,” ticking all her boxes. Even more appealing, he has never watched an episode of Summer House and is completely “unphased” by her reality TV career.

Lindsay Hubbard

“He’s never watched the show,” Lindsay revealed. “It’s really refreshing.”

Carl Radke and Lindsay Hubbard announced they were officially dating at the start of 2022. Carl took their relationship to the next level by proposing to Lindsay in August 2022 in Southampton, while they were filming the seventh season of the show. They have now broken up. 

Lindsay and Carl

Summer House airs on Bravo, Thursday nights at 9/8c.

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