‘Little People, Big World’ Jeremy Roloff Fighting With Demobilizing Health Issue!

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Jeremy Roloff

‘Little People, Big World’ Jeremy Roloff Fighting With Demobilizing  Health Issue!

Former Little People, Big World star Jeremy Roloff whose last episode aired in 2019, continues to engage with fans through social media, sharing updates about his life with his wife, Audrey, and their growing family.

Jeremy Roloff

Recently, Jeremy Roloff, who is soon to be a father of four, opened up about a concerning health issue.

On Tuesday, May 21, Jeremy posted a video on Instagram to discuss his ailment.

“I’m going to talk about something I haven’t talked about ever on the internet,” the 34-year-old twin of Zach Roloff began. “Like many people my age, mid-30s, a couple kids, you know, you’re not doing the same active things you used to be doing that kept you in shape. So I have a personal goal: When I’m 35, I want to be in the best shape of my life.”

Jeremy Roloff

However, a recurring issue with his lower back kept disrupting his fitness goals.

“It flares up sometimes and completely demobilizes me,” Jeremy explained, before standing up to show viewers that he physically couldn’t straighten his back without wincing in pain.

Jeremy Roloff

At the end of the video, Jeremy shared that he plans to try some new approaches to address the issue, but he also sought advice from his Instagram followers on effective methods for alleviating lower back pain.

“It seems like it’s possibly a classic case of mobility loss causing imbalances and therefore improper muscular compensation that causes this,” he noted in the caption. “Last time it happened, about a month ago, I had x-rays and MRIs to rule out any disc issues – all looked good.”

Jeremy Roloff

Jeremy also acknowledged the “bad timing” of his health issue, considering his and Audrey’s fourth baby was “due yesterday.”

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In the comments, many followers recommended that Jeremy see a chiropractor. Others suggested physical therapy, yoga, dry needling, massage therapy, and more.

One Instagram user wrote, “Stress. I know you might not think you have any. But you’ve had so much on your plate. It could very well be just stress.”

Jeremy Roloff

Another shared, “Sometimes a good old heating pad to get some relieve while you figure it out and definitely a chiropractor.”

Someone else suggested, “You need yoga. I am a yoga teacher and your hamstrings are overly tight.”

A supported shared, “I would look into Pilates on the Reformer. I have clients who describe there back pain just like yours and usually it’s imbalance of the muscles from being over strengthened and under stretched. Make sure they teach authentic Joseph Pilates repertoire. I’m certain that this will support you in feeling the best and youthful you have felt in years. I see it all the time in my clients. Wishing you the best! “

Jeremy Roloff

With three children and a fourth due any day — on top of moving to a new house amid ongoing home renovations — Jeremy’s life does sound pretty stressful at the moment. Hopefully, the former LPBW star will find relief soon.


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