Aubrey O’Day and 50 Cent BLAST Diddy Following His Apology Video!

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Diddy, Aubrey O'Day and 50 Cent

Aubrey O’Day and 50 Cent BLAST Diddy Following His Apology Video!

Aubrey O’Day has publicly expressed her disapproval of Diddy’s recent apology video, which came in the wake of a disturbing assault video involving his ex-girlfriend Cassie Ventura.

The video, released by CNN on Friday, captured a brutal altercation between Diddy and Ventura, prompting Diddy to issue a public apology on Sunday morning. However, O’Day criticized the nature of Diddy’s apology, noting a significant omission.

Press play below to view Diddy’s apology. 


Diddy did not apologize to Cassie,” O’Day pointed out in a post on her X/Twitter account. “He apologized to the world for seeing what he did.” Her observation aligns with the sentiments of others on social media who also felt that Diddy’s apology seemed directed more towards his audience than to Cassie herself.

O’Day, who was formerly signed to Diddy’s Bad Boy label and has previously worked with and spoken out against Diddy, further scrutinized his choice of words in the apology video. Diddy had used the term “disgusted,” to describe his feelings about his actions in the video.


“He says he’s ‘disgusted w himself now, and he was disgusted w himself then,'” O’Day recounted from the video. She then criticized his sincerity, saying, “But apparently he wasn’t disgusted enough w himself to not PIN this statement out calling her a liar & denying all of it.. leave god and mercy out of this, they aren’t present here, and you know it.”


Her comments highlight a broader criticism of Diddy’s response to the incident, questioning the depth and genuineness of his remorse.


In a recent NSFW video due to explicit language, Diddy addressed a troubling past incident that he described as hitting “rock bottom.” Reflecting on the darkest times of his life, Diddy admitted, “I was f–ked up,” and did not shy away from condemning his own actions. “I make no excuses,” he stated. “My behavior on that video is inexcusable.” He further elaborated that he has “taken fully responsibility” for his actions and sought professional help, including therapy and rehab.

Sean Combs and Casandra Ventura

“I had to ask God for his mercy and grace,” Diddy confessed, a line that Aubrey O’Day highlighted in her critical response to his public apology. Concluding his message, Diddy expressed remorse, saying, “I’m committed to being a better man each and every day. I’m not asking for forgiveness. I’m truly sorry.”

Sean 'Diddy" Combs

This admission marks a significant shift from Diddy’s initial reaction to the allegations made by his ex-girlfriend Cassie about physical abuse during an incident in a hotel room — an account now seemingly corroborated by the released video.

Sean Combs and Casandra Ventura

On December 6, 2023, Diddy vehemently denied the accusations in a statement that remains pinned to the top of his X/Twitter page. He labeled the claims as “sickening allegations” from “individuals looking for a quick payday.”


“Let me be absolutely clear: I did not do any of the awful things being alleged,” the statement from December read. “I will fight for my name, my family and for the truth.”

The stark contrast between these statements highlights a complex narrative surrounding Diddy’s past behavior and his journey towards accountability and redemption.

Christian Combs

Diddy quickly settled a lawsuit brought against him by his ex-girlfriend Cassie, just one day after it was filed on November 18. His attorney, speaking to TMZ, clarified the nature of the settlement, stating:

“Just so we’re clear, a decision to settle a lawsuit, especially in 2023, is in no way an admission of wrongdoing. Mr. Combs’ decision to settle the lawsuit does not in any way undermine his flat-out denial of the claims. He is happy they got to a mutual settlement and wishes Ms. Ventura the best.”

Christian Combs

Despite this resolution, the aftermath of Cassie’s lawsuit has led to a cascade of further accusations against Diddy, each disturbing in nature, which he has also denied. These allegations have attracted federal attention, leading to an ongoing investigation into his conduct.

Sean Combs and Casandra Ventura

Amidst the legal tumult, rapper 50 Cent, a notorious critic of Diddy due to their longstanding feud, has been vocal on social media. He sarcastically commented on the video that sparked Cassie’s lawsuit, saying, “Now I’m sure puffy didn’t do it, he is innocent this proves nothing! This is what his lawyers are gonna say, God help us all.” He continued his commentary by reposting Diddy’s denial statement and quipping, “The lie detector test has determined this was a lie….. Maury vibes.” 50 Cent also critiqued Diddy’s public apology, using a “taking a look…” emoji and adding, “This is not going to work, who is advising him right now? SMH bad move,” signaling his skepticism about Diddy’s crisis management strategy.

CNN recently released disturbing footage from March 5, 2016, capturing a violent altercation between Cassie Ventura and Sean Combs at the InterContinental Hotel in Century City. In the video, Ventura is seen heading toward the elevator when Diddy, clad only in a towel, aggressively pursues her down the hallway. The footage shockingly shows him striking her, throwing her to the floor, and repeatedly kicking her. Ventura attempts to escape, trying to use a hotel phone, during which Diddy appears to throw a vase at her, corroborating the claims Ventura made in her now-settled lawsuit against him.

Sean Combs and Casandra Ventura

Following the release of this harrowing video, Aubrey O’Day took to X/Twitter to comment on the revelations, suggesting that the public’s understanding of the situation might now be clearer. “The picture is getting a lot more clear for you all I can imagine,” O’Day stated, highlighting the gravity of the video for abuse survivors. She hinted at her own untold personal experiences, adding, “And I’ll remind you that I haven’t spoken on my personal experience yet either.” O’Day concluded her posts with a call for empathy: “Prayers up for all his victims.”

Over the weekend, O’Day continued to address the video’s impact and defended herself against critics labeling her a “clout chaser” for speaking out, especially after the statute of limitations had passed. This ongoing discourse illustrates the complex dynamics of public figures navigating personal trauma in the spotlight.

While Cassie has remained silent on the release of the video showing her assault by Diddy, her attorney spoke to CNN, stating, “The gut-wrenching video has only further confirmed the disturbing and predatory behavior of Mr. Combs. Words cannot express the courage and fortitude that Ms. Ventura has shown in coming forward to bring this to light.”

In response to the situation, Cassie’s husband, Alex Fine, chose not to directly comment on the footage or Diddy’s subsequent apology. However, after CNN published the initial video, Fine revisited a message he penned previously, feeling its sentiments were particularly relevant. He expressed a desire for a safer world for women and girls, emphasizing equality and protection. “I want my kids and every kid to live in a world that’s safe for women and girls, protects them and treats them as equals,” he said.

Fine’s message was a powerful condemnation of violence against women. “Men who hit women aren’t men. Men who enable it and protect those people aren’t men. As men, violence against women shouldn’t be inevitable, check your brothers, your friends, and your family,” he wrote. He further solidified his stance by stating, “Men who hurt women hate women,” and reassured survivors that they are not alone, that their stories are believed, and that there are people who will care for them.

He concluded with a stark message to abusers, declaring them unwelcome and unprotected: “To all the women and children, I’m sorry you live in a world where you’re not protected, and you don’t feel equal,” and to the abusers, “you’re done, you’re not safe anymore, you’re not protected anymore, the men by your side are just as weak, you’re so miserable with yourself that death would be considered a kindness.”


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