‘The Valley’ Reunion at RISK Amid Ongoing Drama Within the Cast!

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‘The Valley’ Reunion at RISK Amid Ongoing Drama Within the Cast!

The tension on The Valley continues to escalate both onscreen and behind the scenes, yet this does not mean The Valley will have a reunion, even though fans are hoping for one.

On the latest episode of Balancing Act, a podcast hosted by Kristen Doute and Luke Broderick, the pair addressed a listener’s question about the possibility of a season finale special. During their April 27 episode, Kristen and Luke engaged with listeners and discussed the possibility of a season-ending special, leaving fans with anticipation without confirming anything.

Kristen Doute

Kristen, 41, candidly shared on the podcast that there’s uncertainty about whether they will host a reunion for The Valley. She expressed her honest doubts about the event taking place.

“We do not know if we are going to have a reunion,” Kristen said. “I’m gonna be honest with you.”

Kristen Doute

Meanwhile, Luke, 32, described the situation as “uncertain at this point,” a sentiment Kristen echoed. Despite the uncertainty, both revealed they were looking forward to potentially filming.

“I kind of was. My plan was to smoke a joint first and go chill out,” Luke added. “I would be lounging in the chair and I guess would chime in when it was my time.”

Kristen expressed anticipation for addressing certain unresolved issues depicted in the show’s finale, stating, “I was too because I do feel like when you see the finale, there are some things left unanswered and unresolved.”

Kristen Doute

Meanwhile, Kristen has been getting criticism from her co-stars following her revelations about offscreen comments. She specifically accused Michelle Lally, 36, and Janet Caperna of trying to freeze her from their social circle.

Kristen humorously remarked on the dynamics within the group during the “Balancing Act” podcast on Saturday, saying, “I’m not disgusted by it, but I think it’s really funny because I helped create this group. Nice try.” She directly addressed co-stars Janet and Michelle, emphasizing the irony in their efforts to marginalize her:

Kristen Doute

Janet and Michelle, if you are listening to this then reality TV 101 is if you try to ice someone out, you make them that much more relevant.”

In a recent episode of The Valley, tension escalated as some cast members made a deliberate decision to exclude Kristen Doute from the group. This move followed a heated confrontation in Episode 6, where Kristen and her boyfriend, Luke Broderick, clashed with Jesse Lally and Michelle Saniei Lally during a dinner. The argument escalated, becoming physical in a hallway where Kristen accused Jesse of expressing a desire to divorce his wife — a miscommunication stemming from an inaccurate game of telephone.

Kristen has ruined enough meals for me and, like, I’m hungry,” Janet Caperna expressed her frustration in a preview for Episode 7. “I wanna get through this one. I wanna eat.”

Kristen Doute

Post-argument, Jesse suggested to the group that it might be best if Kristen were no longer a part of their circle. “Can we all agree that Kristen doesn’t actually need to be part of this group anymore?” he proposed.

With their marriage officially ending, as confirmed during the series’ premiere party, Michelle supported Jesse’s suggestion, indicating a preference for excluding Kristen from group events. “I think our stance is, if we’re doing a group event, it’s us or Kristen at the group event,” Michelle stated to the others.

Kristen Doute

Janet aligned with this view, decisively stating, “So, for me, personally, she’s not invited to my sh-t.”

Amid these tensions, Kristen has claimed to have been protecting Michelle’s secrets throughout Season 1, even assuring via text that the secrets were safe with her. However, during her dramatic exit from the Episode 6 dinner, Kristen revealed that Michelle “had a f-cking boyfriend for a year.”

The bombshell allegation Kristen made about Michelle went unheard by the rest of the cast. At the dinner, the group assumed Kristen’s revelation about Michelle related to previous accusations by Jesse, who had confided in their longtime friend, Jax Taylor, about his marital doubts. However, Jesse actually expressed his surprise if Michelle did not initiate a divorce within the upcoming months, not the exact timeline discussed.

Jax Taylor

Jax Taylor feeling sidelined in the drama, humorously suggested to the producers, “Should I just say something just so I get involved? ‘I did it,’ or ‘Yell at me,’ or something, because I just feel like I’m left out. I don’t know what to do with myself when I’m not involved in the conversation. It’s really weird.”

Adding to the confusion, Janet and Jasmine Goode believed the rumors about Michelle were due to Kristen telling Jax Taylor that Michelle was texting someone outside her marriage. Jasmine reflected in her confessional, “I know deep down inside, Jesse is catching on; ‘OK, wait. Maybe there’s some truth to what’s going on here.’ I think that’s why he’s getting so worked up.’”

Brittany Cartwright also expressed her perplexity about the escalating situation, stating, “I don’t know what the heck is happening.”


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