Dwight Howard Finally Admits He’s Gay Amid Sexual Assault Lawsuit

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Dwight Howard

Dwight Howard Finally Admits He’s Gay Amid Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Dwight Howard is finally out the closet and living in his truth.

Dwight Howard has formally refuted allegations of sexual assault made against him by a man he encountered on Instagram. The NBA star has requested the court to dismiss the explosive lawsuit, vehemently denying the accusations.

Dwight Howard

Court documents secured by Radar Online reveal that NBA icon Dwight Howard has acknowledged meeting his accuser, Stephen Harper, on social media in May 2021. Howard has maintained his stance, denying the allegations of sexual assault as presented in the lawsuit.

Dwight Howard

Harper has alleged in his lawsuit that he initiated contact with Howard via a direct message on Instagram, subsequently sharing his cell phone number which Howard used for further communication. Harper claims that Howard expressed interest in “freaky” sexual encounters, asking for explicit photographs to be shared.

Dwight Howard

Howard, in his legal response, admitted to exchanging messages, “several of which included sexually explicit content, such as photographs and videos,” from May 2021 to July 2021. He confirmed that a meeting took place at his residence on July 19, 2021, where consensual acts, including kissing, occurred between them.

Dwight Howard

Harper’s lawsuit details a series of uncomfortable sexual encounters involving another individual, referred to as “Kitty,” resulting in alleged non-consensual acts, claims which Howard staunchly denies. Howard’s defense maintains that all involved parties had prior knowledge of each other’s participation and consented to the sexual activities that transpired. “The three agreed to touch one another and to engage in consensual sexual activity,” Howard’s legal representation articulated.

Challenging the allegations of sexual assault and forced participation, Howard has requested the dismissal of the entire lawsuit, denying all accusations of assault, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and false imprisonment made against him. He asserts that the engagement between Harper, “Kitty,” and himself was entirely consensual, refuting claims that any party was forced or coerced into participating in sexual acts against their will.

Harper’s lawsuit includes submitted evidence such as text messages and an Uber receipt dated July 19, 2021, aiming to corroborate his visit to Howard’s residence. RadarOnline.com has also reported previous legal disputes involving Howard, reflecting a pattern of legal challenges faced by the NBA star.

Back in 2019, Dwight Howard addressed rumors about his sexuality in an interview on “Fair Game with Kristine Leahy.”

Masin Elije, who is gay, filed a suit against Howard claiming that he broke up with Howard after discovering he was sexually involved with other men and transgender women. Howard has denied the claims and told Leahy the accusations “hurt at first.”

“I’m not gay,” Howard, who previously played for the Washington Wizards, says. “It’s a lot of people who are, and they have to hide. And there’s people who have mental issues, and they have to hide, it’s people who have different problems in life, they have to hide, they have to put on a mask every day. I don’t want to wear no mask. I just wanna be.”


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