‘Below Deck’ Fans Slam Captain Sandy for Calling Fraser Olender A ‘Cancer’

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Captain Sandy Yawn came under fire after Monday’s episode of Below Deck featured an awkward conversation between the Bravo star and chief stew, Fraser Olender. Captain Sandy called out Fraser’s leadership skills after Alissa Humber brazenly spoke back to her multiple times.  

Captain Sandy Yawn

“When I see where we can change things, I expect you to go downstairs and shoulder what I just told you. That needs to be improved and not permeate the boat with cancer,” Captain Sandy said. “You have now infected my entire program. The fish stinks at the head and right now you are that head. What you have done is created the worst experience that I have ever experienced on a boat with a chief stew.”

“When you have insubordination and just blatant disrespect, I don’t have room for that,” she continued. “It started with Fraser, and it needs to end with Fraser. He lacks respect for authority and he needs to earn my respect back.”

Fraser Olender

Fraser became emotional as he recalled the exchange during a phone call with his mother.

“I was really upset about the way I was spoken to by Captain Sandy, and I voiced my opinion to the rest of the crew. And the captain caught wind of that somehow — and has named me the cancer of the crew,” the chief stew tearfully said. “If someone refers to cancer to me ever again — with what I went through with my father — it makes me disgusted. The fact that she thinks so negatively of me makes me feel utterly horrendous.”

Captain Sandy Yawn

Fans took to Twitter to sound off about the situation, with many calling out Captain Sandy for how she had communicated her issues with Fraser throughout the charter season. 

One fan tweeted — “I thought Captain Sandy had changed but old habits never die. Micro managing, hovering, constant criticism. She will praise others while humiliating Fraser. Do we remember the Hannah era? It was great that she covered for Captain Lee but it’s time for his return.”

Fraser Olender

Another said — “NOT ONCE has Capt. Sandy sat down w/Fraser & spoken to him about his work.She did that with Rachel, she even did that with Camille.She has relied on Rachel to do that w/Interior. She’s been curt & disrespectful to him, embarrassing him in front of all.”

A third person pointed out—“Sandy is upset because Fraser has talked about her treatment of interior, resulting in Alissa’s insubordination. Sandy, meanwhile, has talked repeatedly about Fraser to Rachel, resulting in Rachel talking badly about Fraser to everyone else. Taste the hypocrisy, Sandy.”

Captain Sandy Yawn

One user wrote — “Oh no… Fraser crying right now is so so sad. I hope Sandy SEES that her calling HIM a cancer on the boat when he lost a relative to it makes her aware of how horrible she looks on the show right now.”

Another person ranted — “Who calls one of their employees a cancer, what a terrible thing to say to anyone let alone sweet Fraser! Captain Sandy….that was disgusting!”

One Twitter user added — “Fraser buckling over Sandy’s comments are killing me slow… Sandy saying he’s made this the worst experience she’s had on a boat when we’ve clearly seen worse crews under her direction is laughable. #belowdeck – she used that manipulate him and it worked.”

Fraser Olender

Last month, Fraser admitted that it took time to adjust to Captain Sandy’s leadership style after she took over for Captain Lee Rosbach.

“I think they have, overall, very different management styles,” Fraser told Us Weekly. “I knew Captain Lee and I knew how he worked. I knew how he liked things to be run. He also trusted me and he gave me the confidence to be creative and enjoy my take on [it].”

Captain Sandy Yawn

He added — “But equally, she taught me a lot about myself and I think at the end of the season [you’ll] understand what I mean by that. She really opened my eyes to things I previously wouldn’t have dealt with so well — without her making sure I did.”

Below Deck airs on Mondays at 8 pm ET on Bravo. 

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