Audrey Roloff Accused Of Flaunting Her Money

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Audrey Roloff

Audrey Roloff Accused Of Flaunting Her Money 

Audrey Roloff posted beautiful photos of her family during their trip to the mountains in Oregon and fans feel she’s bragging a little.

Audrey Roloff

The entire family was appropriately dressed for the cold weather with colorful winter coats and boots. Jeremy wore a black hat with a black coat, while their daughter, Ember, had on a pink coat. Audrey stood out in the group with her fancy white coat.

Audrey Roloff

The Shelburne Parka Heritage coat she was wearing from Canada Goose retails for $1,495. After posting the photos to her social media, fans came after her for wearing the pricey coat during a simple family vacation. Audrey accompanied the photos with a long post of how she spent her night before the new year.

“I spent my New Year’s wearing sweats all day and drinking too much coffee and doing puzzles with friends who stayed up way too late with the night before having conversations. I enjoy starting the New Year slowly instead of off to the races.”

Audrey Roloff

Many fans felt like Audrey was showing off her family’s wealth to her more than 1 million followers. One of her fans commented “Does she earn money or just flex her money? We see your coat you are winning.” 

On Reddit, Little People, Big World fans called Audrey out for wearing the white coat to a wedding.

One person wrote, “She’s an attention wh*re.”

“This looks very thirsty,” another fan wrote.

Audrey Roloff

A third fan added, “Her dad wore a white blazer, the attention seeking comes from the family I guess.”

However, not everyone thought the white coat was a horrible choice for the wedding. A fan said, “It’s a white winter jacket, not a white dress. She will take the jacket off as soon as she gets there. I don’t see the problem here.” 

Audrey Roloff

This isn’t the first time fans are coming after Audrey for showing off her wealth on Instagram. The TLC star casually shares her expensive purchases with her followers. In June, she posted her family’s Doona stroller which costs about $650.

One fan reacted to the post, “She wants us to buy a $600-dollar stroller. She is so out of touch. I do not understand how anyone finds her relatable!” Another fan said they could not relate to Audrey and how she spends her money.

Audrey Roloff

The reality star was called out last year for boasting about all the times she’s been to Hawaii for family vacations. Audrey told her followers about how Maui has become one of their family’s favorite vacation spots.

“We’ve been five times and always try to stay a couple of weeks every time,” Audrey wrote in the caption. Her fans thought of the post as her bragging about how long she gets to go on vacations compared to other parents.

One fan added, “Must be nice to have no job and have been to Maui five times. Some of us work and haven’t been once.” A second fan wrote, “Nice to have celebrity status when selling pyramid scheme stuff.”

Audrey Roloff

Audrey and Jeremy got a lot of backlash for the huge Christmas tree they got for the holidays. The couple had a hard time getting the tree through the door as Jeremy explained on his Instagram.

“We ended up with a 16ft’r and now I need to figure out how I’m going to manage a several hundred pound tree and stand it up safely,” he said. When Jeremy finally got the tree in the house, fans thought it looked hideous and was a waste of money.

One critic said, “It looks like a super sized version of something your second grader made in art class. His mommy should be very proud.” While another person slammed their decorations. “The wire of the lights hanging out really adds that extra touch of..hideous.”


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