Britney Spears Says Her Son Jayden Won’t Get Anything From Her For Two Years!

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Britney Spears says she won’t give her son Jayden, any money after he spoke about her emotional trauma in a recent interview!

Jayden Federline

Britney Spears’ son, Jayden, opened up in an interview with ITVNews about what it would take to repair his relationship with his mother. Jayden, 15, and his twin, Preston, live with their father, Kevin Federline, who has shared custody over them. However, Britney has been paying child support to the DJ, totaling $40,000 a month for both children — plus their school, insurance, and clothing expenses.

Britney Spears

Jayden spoke about all the trauma he and his twin faced. “We’ve both been through so much pressure in the past that this is our safe place now, to process all the emotional trauma we’ve been through to heal, heal our mental state. I just want her to get better mentally. When she gets better, I really want to see her again,” he said.  

Britney Spears

Jayden also said that Britney’s father, Jamie Spears, wasn’t to blame for the conservatorship and that he was just trying to be a good father. Britney responded to her son in a now-deleted, two-minute video posted to her Instagram. The singer said, “So, Jayden, as you undermine my behavior just like my whole family always has with, ‘I hope she gets better, I will pray for her.’” Britney continued, “Pray for what? I keep working so I can pay off mom’s legal fees and her house? Do you guys want me to continue to get better so I can continue giving your dad 40 grand a month?”  

Britney Spears alleged that her son was only talking negatively because he would turn 18 in two years and not be able to get anything from her. “Or is the reason you guys have decided to be hateful is that it’s actually over in two years and you don’t get anything?” She also went on to say how much she cared for her two sons but it was still never good enough. “You were just like my other family. You secretly loved looking at me as [if] something was wrong with me,” she said.

Britney Spears

Britney ended the audio recording by saying that all she ever wanted was to be loved and supported unconditionally by her family. “I didn’t need a family hiding sh*t in houses and whispering sh*t behind my back,” she said. “Feeling subconsciously guilty because I paid for every f*cking thing in both homes. I needed unconditional love and support.”

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