Fans Are Unhappy With Luis Ruelas Gift To Gia Guidice!

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Teresa Giudice’s fiancé, Luis “Louie” Ruelas, is getting backlash from a few fans over his gift to Gia Giudice. 

Luis Ruelas

Over the weekend, Gia posted a photo of a pretty bouquet of flowers she received from Luis. “@LouieRuelas your amazing,” she wrote under the photo with a white heart emoji. In the photo, you can see the card attached reads, “Just Want To Tell You You’re Amazing!” Gia seemed to love the sweet gesture from her mother’s fiancé, but some fans were not here for it. 

Luis Ruelas

On Reddit, one fan began the thread, “I guess the love bombing don’t stop at Tre!” Other Real Housewives of New Jersey fans gave their opinions on the situation. One wrote, “Remember when Bethenny said she was unnerved by John because Dorinda was always trying to sell him? It’s giving that.” Another said, “Oh god. Maybe it’s just me, but if I was an adult and my mother’s boyfriend/fiancé sent me a bouquet of flowers I’d be creeped the hell out.”

Luis Ruelas

A lot of fans pointed out that Luis’ gift was a way to manipulate Teresa’s family into thinking he is a good guy. “Typical. An abusers attempt to: Manipulate and win over her support system so they think he’s amazing and she will sound and look crazy when she finally ‘comes to’ and complains about his behavior or try to leave,” someone wrote. “Manipulating her via her children.”

Gia Guidice

However, not everyone was surprised by Luis’ gift; Some fans thought it was thoughtful of him to gift Gia with the flowers. One person wrote on the Reddit thread. “I find him problematic and I don’t follow any of them on socials,” a fan wrote. “That being said, this is likely the week before finals for Gia and she’s probably stressed to the max. There’s a strong chance Luis knows this and is just trying to brighten her day.”

Luis Ruelas

Another fan added that it might be a kind gesture on Luis’s part and nothing more. “Love bombing because he sent her flowers for a reason none of us know of? maybe she was having a crappy week? Or passed a difficult exam?” Fans were clearly uncomfortable with Luis’s gift because of the rumors going around that he was abusive towards his exes in past relationships. 

While out celebrating, Joe Gorga confronted Luis about the abuse allegations and he denied them. Luis blames his toxic exes for the abuse rumors. “I got divorced when I was 35 and I was pretty confused. And then I went on to have a couple toxic relationships [with] desperate, thirsty, low-life exes.” Gorga continued to question him. “You could’ve been in a toxic relationship, but [the stories] are constantly coming. There’s obviously some truth to those stories. Some of them, right?” Joe asked. Luis did own up to some of his mistakes in the past but denied the abuse claims. 


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