‘MAFS’ Hints Alyssa Ellman & Chris Collette Are Divorced!
If a recent episode of ‘Married At First Sight’ is anything to go by, it seems Alyssa and Chris’ marriage might have already ended in divorce.
During season 14 of ‘MAFS’ fans of the show made it clear online that they didn’t like Alyssa Ellman’s attitude. They pointed out her treatment of her new husband, Chris Collette, was rude and uncalled for. Alyssa had made it clear that she didn’t think Chris was her type due to his physical appearance. Now there have been rumors and hints from the reality show that confirms the two have split up for good.
Some fans of MAFS even think Alyssa shouldn’t have been cast for the show if she wasn’t going to be open-minded about the idea. Many noticed she didn’t give Collette a chance even on their wedding day. She looked very displeased and walked out on him on their wedding night. Chris was left sad, shocked, and confused at why Alyssa acted the way she did. One fan shared on Twitter, “I wish there were backup brides…ummm experts, can we just call in a replacement for Alyssa?! Chris deserves better!”
According to comments shared on ‘Cinemaholic,’ it seems fans are 100% sure the two have split up. One comment said the two haven’t shared any photos together or updates about the current state of their relationship. However, TLC’s strict NDA might be the reason why Chris nor Alyssa haven’t said anything about their relationship. Another fan of ‘Married At First Sight’ even said Chris was spotted out on a date with another woman, which would be impossible if he was still married.
Other fans of the show flocked to Instagram when one user posted a few photos of Alyssa’s exes. In the photo, the three men she was with looked tall and extremely muscular. Since Alyssa had already admitted that physical attraction matters to her, it seems Chris didn’t meet her physical expectations. One fan commented about Alyssa’s taste in men, saying,
“Chris can work out and get a more fit torso. Alyssa will require years of therapy to get a better personality. That being said, Chris is far ahead while Alyssa needs lots of work.”
Fans of the show didn’t stop there with their comments about Alyssa’s portrayal on the show. They added that the show’s experts were wrong for hiring someone so cold to marry a stranger. Viewers can’t wait for MAFS’ season finale to find out what really happened with Chris and Alyssa.
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