‘My 600-lb Life’ Dolly Martinez Chooses Homeless Deaf Boyfriend Over Her Health!

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My 600-lb Life personality Dolly Martinez new homeless and deaf boyfriend has become a major obstacle in her weight loss plan, prescribed by Dr. Younan Nowzaradan

Dolly Martinez

My 600-lb Life: Dolly Martinez Childhood Affects Her Future

Dolly Martinez upbringing was no catwalk and the reality diva credits many of her failed romantic relationships on her absentee father. According to Dolly, her dad chose the “streets” over raising his child. He committed suicide by meth overdose – all which resulted into lifelong psychological challenges for the TLC star. A failed marriage resulted in a pregnancy, which Dolly was not equipped to handle, so her mother gained custody of her daughter.

Dolly Martinez

Dolly Martinez struggles with food addiction, mobility, hygiene, congestive heart fаilure, аs well аs breаthing problems, due to her obesity. As a child, Dolly used food as coping mechanism after her father abandoned his family for his addiction. Additionally, Dolly wаs diаgnosed with ADD, Oppositionаl Defiаnt Disorder, аnd Bipolаr Disorder, in kindergаrten.

Dolly Martinez

My 600-lb Life: Dolly Martinez Strained Relationship With Mother

Dolly’s relationship with her mother, Staci, has been rocky for a long time and causes Dolly to stress eat. Ms. Staci also struggled with her weight for years and is hopeful bariatric surgery is the solution to her daughter’s health issues. Per Dr. Younan Nowzaradan orders, Dolly must adhere to a strict diet, and Staci closely monitored her daughter’s portion sizes. This caused many fights between mother and daughter, as Dolly continued to disobey the doctor’s orders and eat unhealthy foods. Dolly rebelled against her mother’s strict rule and abruptly moved out. After a night in a shelter, she moved back in with her estranged husband. 

Dolly Martinez

My 600-lb Life: Deaf & Homeless Boyfriend

During Dolly Martinez night at a shelter, she met a homeless and deaf man named, Phillip. It was love at first sight and the love birds quickly moved into a motel room together – funded by Phillip’s disability checks and food stamps. However, this decision has been a major set back and health risk for the food addict.

Dolly Martinez

Dr. Nowzaradan doesn’t support Dolly’s decision to leave her mother’s supervision, since Dolly is indulging in high caloric and sugary foods at the motel. Phillip and Dolly are both unstable and tried to find a house, it turned out to be a ratty place filled with other people. 

Dolly Martinez

My 600-lb Life: Dolly Denied

As a result of Dolly’s unstable living situation impacting her eating habits, Dr. Nowzaradan denied her for weight loss surgery. The Houston doctor suggested she gets therapy and take accountability for her life choices then maybe in a year, if she loses weight, he would reevaluate her case. 

Dolly Martinez

My 600-Lb Life follows morbidly obese people, actively seeking help to get healthy. My 600-lb Life first shows the patients in their current living situation and their eating habits. All of the participants of the show go to Dr. Younan Nowzaradan’s bariatric surgery practice in Houston. Some travel hours to receive the life-changing treatment, and audiences can follow the progression from the first visit to postoperative life.

My 600-Lb Life airs Wednesday nights, on TLC, at 8pm ET.


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