Porsha Williams & Ex Dennis McKinley Come To Blows On ‘Porsha’s Family Matters’!

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Happy New Year and welcome back to a brand-new episode of Porsha’s Family Matters!

Starting off, Porsha Williams is kissing Simon Guobadia goodbye as she leaves to handle some business, as Lauren Williams is prepping to facilitate another morning yoga session. Dom, Dennis McKinley, and Porsha’s new assistant Lauren all join Lauren for the morning activities. All is going well as the men struggle, but Dennis takes this time to shade Porsha. He makes a comment alluding to Porsha being lazy in bed, and Lauren finds Dennis’s comment inappropriate. Dom’s messy self is amused as Lauren attempts to get the yoga session back on track. The yoga session ends forty-five minutes later, and Dom has fallen asleep. Once outside Dennis gives Lauren her props for yesterday’s outing. 

Dennis takes this time to pull both Laurens and Dom aside for a quick chat. Dennis explains that Porsha’s friends are his friends and is upset that Porsha hasn’t been around for any of the activities. Lauren agrees as Dennis gets more upset and asks the questions everyone wants to know. Where the hell is Porsha? This is her trip yet she’s the main one missing in action! Dennis wants Porsha’s friends and family to hold her more accountable, and Lauren agrees that Porsha isn’t participating as much as she should be. Lauren holds Porsha accountable behind closed doors, but Lauren sees it’s time to stop coddling Porsha. Dennis is worried that Simon only sees Porsha as a celebrity and no one is disagreeing. 

Dennis McKinley

Dennis wants to clear the air and Dom takes this opportunity to air his grievances towards Dennis. Dom wants an apology from Dennis because Dennis assumes the worst out of Dom. According to Dennis, Dom has done some sneaky things in the past and Dennis doesn’t trust him. Dennis explains that after he cheated on Porsha, the same lady ended up working at Dennis’s hookah lounge. Dennis claims he doesn’t have anything to do with the hiring process, and before Dom asks any questions, he ran back and told Porsha and that’s when Dennis and Porsha broke up the second time. 

Dennis continues and points out whether Porsha is in love or not, this entire situation looks insane. Lauren (the assistant) states the crew has brought up to Porsha whether this engagement is too quick and whether she really knows Simon. Dennis opens up about his conversation with Simon and how uneasy he feels about Simon’s moving companies on speed dial. To be honest, Dennis tells them it rubbed him the wrong way and now he’s nervous for Porsha’s sake. Lauren comes back to the table and Dennis quickly changes the conversation as Lauren promises to chat with Porsha. Later on, as Lauren is meditating, she’s allowing Porsha to yell everywhere for her without breaking her position. Porsha finally locates Lauren and the two begin to chat. 

Porsha Williams

Porsha gives Lauren crap about having the best room as she manages to maneuver a question in about Dennis’s whereabouts. Lauren lets Porsha know that Dennis is two doors down from her and Porsha’s genuinely surprised. Porsha claims to not have an issue with Dennis’s date and now wants Dennis to claim his true intentions. A flashback shows that Dennis did set his intention two days ago and that Porsha just isn’t listening. Lauren reiterated Dennis’s intention and Porsha begins getting hot at the mention of Mama Gina. Porsha is through trying to effectively communicate with Mama Gina and it’s written all over Porsha’s face! Porsha runs down the list of issues she has with Mama Gina, and Porsha is done integrating Mama Gina into the family. 

Porsha becomes animated as she explains to Lauren how Mama Gina makes her feel. Porsha explained that Mama Gina didn’t even smile until she told the group about Dennis’s “work”. Porsha thinks Mama Gina is taunting her and Lauren wants Porsha to change her reaction to Mama Gina’s antics. Lauren straight tells Porsha that she’s putting the blame on everyone else, instead of doing some self-reflection. Lauren tells Porsha to be real and vulnerable, and stop trying to get the last word in. Porsha plays dumb and Lauren shuts Porsha down with the undisputed truth! Porsha wanted a blended family but now she’s giving up because it’s hard. Well duh Porsha, duh! Lauren admits to Porsha that she feels Porsha is the one not opening up completely. 

Porsha Williams

Porsha claims to not have the tools to combat her issues and Lauren fires back that Porsha didn’t attend meditation. Porsha’s sitting there looking like a deer in headlights as her little sister gives her the real! Porsha is refusing to see the issues within herself and Lauren calls Porsha out on not doing the work. The blended family is Porsha’s dream, but Porsha is refusing to fix herself first. Porsha’s ego is in the way, and she may be a lost cause at this point. Porsha gets emotional as she talks about being a child of divorce and actual tears come out of her face. Porsha wanted to have a blended family and is now realizing it’s not as easy as she hoped. Lauren wants Porsha to listen to her and participate in the healing Lauren has facilitated for Porsha. The sisters hug it out and leave to prepare for tequila with the crew! 

Dennis, Lauren, Dom, and Londie head out for drinks, and Dom starts the pettiness with Dennis. On the bus (assistant) Lauren asks Dennis if things are really finished between Dennis and Porsha. Dennis says, “We just broke up yesterday” and the group gets quiet. Lauren admits that everyone is getting used to the idea of Porsha and Simon. Dom reiterates that Dennis doesn’t seem ready to forgive him and Londie distracts everyone by bringing up that Dennis was in a thong on the beach! The conversation turns to Dennis’s date as the crew inquires about her age. Dennis is concerned about Aunt Darlene after the holy ghost episode she experienced. Londie and Dom reenact the moment between Aunt Darlene and Storm, and I am on the floor rolling!

Porsha Williams

At the distillery, the crew meets Victor their tour guide and the party begins! The ATV crew is Porsha, mini-Porsha (Storm), Simon, and Lauren. Porsha admits to crashing a few ATV bikes and shares a story of her dad taking her when she was little. Mama Gina and Aunt Liz opted for a spa day as everyone prepares for a fun day. Porsha and her crew pick out their ATVs and get to work! Porsha’s goes the fastest at thirty-eight miles per hour as the tequila crew gets lit! Shots and laughs are being shared and it’s clear the tequila crew is having the best time. After shots, Londie conducts a game of never-have-I-ever as Londie preps to spill the tea-quila. Porsha done crashed her ATV and stopped the entire ATV ride as she broke a nail. 

At the bar, Londie brings up that she noticed Porsha isn’t drinking. Naturally, Dennis asks if Porsha’s pregnant and they let him stew in the uncertainty. Assistant Lauren admits to seeing Porsha urinate on a stick and confirms Porsha’s not pregnant. The crew takes a shot to celebrate, and it’s revealed that Porsha slept with Dennis the first time they met. Not surprising. Dennis asks Londie why Porsha treats her so bad, and Londie responds with “I’m too blunt for Porsha, and I’m not going to kiss her a**”. Well said Londie! The crew takes a shot to that, and Londie explains that Porsha and she could never be more than cousins because of all the butt-kissers around Porsha. Dom asks Dennis what the real beef is between him and Storm, and Dennis reveals the truth! 

Porsha Williams

Dennis thinks Storm is a liar and states he threw her a twenty-first birthday party at Dennis’s club. The night before Storm said she’s never had a party thrown for her which is a lie. Dennis states Storm got fired from CRU because she was continuously late, she spoke to management and customers crazy, and overall had a terrible attitude. Storm talks badly about Dennis to Porsha’s family and even tried to stop Porsha from initially dating Dennis. Storm went to the extent of lying and saying Dennis tried to holla at her. Dennis denied having any interest in Storm and Londie explains the argument from last night. 

Londie was triggered last night because it was the “Storm show” and it hurt that Porsha had Storm’s back and not Londie’s. Storm’s been up Porsha’s butt for a while now and Londie wants to have a conversation to clear the air with Porsha. Lauren thinks Porsha isn’t in-tune with her emotions and wants Porsha to handle issues head-on. Dennis makes a joke that Lauren said too much and might get fired! Dennis wants to make sure he’s not talking to the opps, and Londie admits that Dom is the one that caught Dennis cheating on Porsha. Come to find out Dom told Lauren Williams about Dennis’s indiscretions and then Lauren told Porsha. Dennis claims to not sleep with the woman at the time, but that doesn’t really matter.  Dennis admits to cheating on Porsha wants and Dom’s position is if Dennis didn’t cheat there would be no business to tell. 

Porsha Williams

All the tea is being spilled today because now Londie wants to know why Dennis fired her! Everyone in Porsha’s family seemed to have worked for Dennis at some point smh. Londie explains that Dennis began acting strangely before Porsha’s baby shower and stopped communicating with Londie. Dennis admits Porsha instructed him to fire Londie and the hurt is all over Londie’s face. The family is getting dressed for dinner and at last, the crew is all together again. Once the crew’s order is in Lauren checks in on the progress of everyone’s day. Aunt Liz and Mama Gina had a great time at the spa and Dom tells the family about the fun game of tequila. Dom reiterates that he told Lauren about Dennis’s cheating and all hell breaks loose!   Porsha asks Londie how they got to that question, and Londie is taken aback by Porsha’s attitude. Londie doesn’t want to get involved and Porsha’s irritated by everyone’s vagueness. Lauren (the assistant) clarifies that Dom and Dennis wanted to clear the air between them, and that’s how things went down. Dennis feels like Dom is a snitch and Dom felt loyalty to Porsha. Mama Gina chimes in and tells everyone to get over it. OMG. Mama Gina thinks bringing up the past is petty, and Porsha makes a statement that Simon wouldn’t cheat on his pregnant fiancée. 

Simon believes Porsha has resentment towards Dennis and Mama Gina states she doesn’t want to be a part of Porsha’s family. Dennis checks Mama Gina and tells her to calm down as Porsha tries to address Mama Gina. Aunt Liz stated that Dom is going to bring up the most controversial topics and Dom rolls his eyes at Aunt Liz’s comment! Dom loses it and yells “If you were loyal to your girl, you would still have her!” Lauren tries to calm Dom down to no avail. Porsha instructs her assistant Lauren to shush Dennis instead of trying to quiet Dom down. Dennis directs his anger towards Dom once again and Storm makes a comment towards Mama Gina. Dennis tells Storm to stop speaking to his mother that way, and Porsha uses this opportunity to attack Dennis and Mama Gina. Porsha calls security to remove Dennis and states “He needs to leave, him and his sl*** and his mother!”. Dennis is done and wants to leave. Mama Gina starts yelling at Porsha and the fourth wall is officially broken! It’s going down so be sure to come back next week, for a brand-new episode of Porsha’s Family Matters.

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