RECAP: Kody Brown Is Ready To Dump Robyn After Heated Fight On ‘Sister Wives’

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Sister Wives

Tensions rise between Kody Brown and legal wife, Robyn Brown, on Sunday’s episode of Sister WivesThey’re having  a  rough time navigating their house drama — they’re split on whether to buy or rent. Kody wants to buy a house and Robyn is stuck on renting a place and not willing to budge. Kody explains that time is of the essence and if they don’t make an offer quickly, they’ll be on the streets. “We have to buy a house or we have to move out of town,” a frustrated Kody Brown says in the episode. They tour a house for sale and the tension is heavy and the vibe is awkward. Robyn comments in a talking head confessional, “I got five days for my miracle to come. It’s got to.”

Sister Wives

Robyn Brown doesn’t like the house. Kody is edgy and ready to explode and says he’s not in a good place right now — and that does not make for a happy husband.

The next day, Shelby the couple’s real estate agent shows them another house. Kody pulls his little daughter aside and explains they really need a house. Robyn is not amused. She comments that Kody is using the kids as pawns. Kody tries to rally the kiddos to get on his team and Robyn is fuming.

Robyn Brown is not sold on the property. She rather put her faith in God to provide a rental. Kody is freaking out.

In other news, Christine Brown visits her daughter Aspyn and her new husband, Mitch. The lovebirds have settled in Lehi, Utah. Mom and daughter sit and talk about the family’s moving crisis in Flagstaff. Christine has actually purchased a house and feels guilty because it’s very expensive and delays building all four homes on Coyote Pass for the entire family. The two continue their discussion as they prepare hummus. Christine says she’s perfected the recipe and it’s to die for. They reminisce about living in Utah and Christine rehashes Kody’s painful decision to give up his one-house mansion plan and build four separate homes on the property instead. Christine admits that she’s jealous of Aspyn’s life in Utah because they have no family in Flagstaff outside of the Browns. 

Sister Wives

Back in Flagstaff — Kody Brown, Robyn and some of their kids tour a 7-bedroom house for sale — Robyn hopes they can cut a deal to rent the place instead. Everything is going well until, Kody slips up and mentions to Aurora that they’ll have to attend new schools because this house is not in the same school district. Robyn gets wind of the discussion and freaks out! She jumps in the convo to assure her daughters that they’re not changing schools and gets her eyebrows twisted. “Don’t say we’re going to a different school…did you just say ‘we’re going to a different school?’“ Robyn barks at Kody. “Don’t freak out my kids anymore!” Robyn Brown screams in a talking head confessional.

Sister Wives

Janelle Brown pays her daughter Maddie and son-in-law, Caleb, a visit in North Carolina. She’s 7-months pregnant. Janelle fills Maddie in on Robyn and Kody’s moving drama. 

In Flagstaff, Robyn and Kody pack up their current rental and the mood is somber. They discuss whether or not they’ll put an offer on the house that they’ve seen. Robyn tries to convince Kody to call the homeowner to rent the property instead. Kody is not enthusiastic about making this call and explains that they’re down to the wire. She gives a compassionate speech about the benefits of renting and begins crying. He makes the call and from the start, he screws up the guy’s name. The homeowner needs to speak to his wife before he can give Kody an answer.

Sister Wives

Kody Brown then tells Robyn if the homeowner refuses to rent, they need to make an offer on the spot but Robyn is not ready. She’s completely shut off to the idea and rambles on about the benefits of renting. Kody is completely frustrated and says if they were business partners he would cut ties  with her at this point. “If we were business partners this is where we would part ways,” Kody says in a talking head confessional.

Sister Wives

Kody keeps pushing her to make a decision about making an offer but Robyn is having an emotional breakdown. They keep rehashing the same argument over and over and they’re at an impasse. Robyn burst into tears and Kody is over her bullish*t.


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