Bethenny Frankel Breaks It to LuAnn de Lesseps That Her Fiancé Cheated! #RHONY

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Bethenny Frankel Breaks It to LuAnn de Lesseps That Her Fianc Cheated RHONY

The drama explodes tonight, when The Real Housewives of New York returns after a two week break.

Bethenny Frankel confronts Luann de Lesseps, after a series of received texts reveal her fiancee, Tom D’Agostino, making out with a Playboy model in NYC, two days before the couple’s Palm Beach engagement party.

Bethenny begins by apologizing for insinuating that Luann and her ex-husband’s marriage was loose and free, and for questioning her plan for a monogamous future with Tom. Bethenny then braces Luann for the bomb.

“Mother of God, I just want to tell you something,” Bethenny babbles nervously. “I have a pit in my stomach, and I have something that was dumped to me in my lap…… I don’t want this to be happening right now.”

When Luann tries to shut her down — Bethenny continues to push.

“Because I have to show you something…and I have to tell you something,” Bethenny continues. “I don’t want to be the one to have to tell you this…”

“Please don’t let it be about Tom, Luann responds.

“It’s about Tom,” Bethenny confirms. “It’s true, and I just need you to know that before I tell you….I just want to tell you that this is a fact. I’m going to show you some pictures. It was Wednesday night.”

“Don’t do this to me,” Luann says as she chokes up.

Bethenny assures her that she is just the messenger, as Luann runs out of the room.

Bethenny has since publicly and mercilessly bashed Luann — it makes this viewer wonder if she actually basked in spilling this tea on camera. Tune in tonight at 9 pm for the fireworks. 


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