Bethenny Frankel Throws Diva Tantrum & Hurls Drinks At Concertgoers #RHONY

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Bethenny Frankel Throws At Concertgoers

‘Money can’t buy you class!’ Real Housewives of New York Bethenny Frankel, is the true definition of that saying!

On Sunday, the nouveau-rich reality star, caused a major ruckus in the Hamptons when a group of women blocked her view at a Cold Play performance.

Bethenny attended a packed VIP Coldplay gig at the tiny Stephen Talkhouse in Amagansett, along with other VIPs such as Sarah Jessica Parker, Christie Brinkley, Jimmy Buffett and Karlie Kloss.

According to Page Six, Frankel flew into a rage when a trio of women blocked her view and then threw her drink at the women.

“Bethenny was annoyed that the women were standing [in her way] and was really nasty, asking them to move,” said a source. “She got so annoyed, she ordered [a drink and] then threw [it] at the women . . . They were speechless.”

Another source said, “Apparently, [Bethenny] tried to pay a security guard to move them, but they refused to move. So then she threw a drink at them instead. Weird, since they weren’t exactly in a prime section of the bar.”

But a source close to Bethenny told Page Six:

“There were three women who were standing and blocking the view after being told multiple times by security to sit down, people were frustrated. It was a crush . . . and very hot. People were jockeying for a view. It looked like this woman, who vehemently refused to move, needed some cooling off . . . so Bethenny tossed some water on her.”

Bethenny Frankel is known for her abrasive manner on The Real Housewives of New York, so her off camera antics align with the Bethenny viewers see on the Bravo hit series.

“There was no VIP area in the tiny venue, and the A-listers were in a crush with a dozen or so SiriusXM subscribers who won tickets to be there,” A source said.


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