Dorinda Medley Blasts Bethenny’s Berkshire Rage As “Mean And Inappropriate” #RHONY

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All About the Tea_real-housewives-of-new york-season 8

On last week’s episode of the Real Housewives of New York, Dorinda Medley tried to throw a holiday slumber party for the ladies. Minus Sonja. Her sexy “J” would have been one guest too many.

“…and I went up early to get groceries, start cooking, wrap gifts, obsess over which Spotify playlist to choose, and decorate — I love decorating for Christmas, if you didn’t notice… And THEN the guests arrived! … Ramona, Bethenny and Lu set the stage, and I should’ve caught on earlier that this wasn’t going to be just another Sunday in the park.”

Bethenny turned into a raging beast at the very sight of Countess Luann.

“There’s something about that dining room that really gets Bethenny going, right? Last year, it was over Heather’s meatballs, this year it was about being “the only one with the balls” to call Lu out on her lifestyle choices. I don’t think any of that took balls, to be honest…I thought it was mean and just inappropriate.”

On that, we can agree! Luann gave some little off-the-cuff-comment about Skinnygirl, and Bethenny went bonkers, ruining the rest of the weekend for everyone.

“It’s really this simple: When you’re a guest in someone’s home, there are certain guidelines you should adhere to… When I go stay with someone, I bring a gift, I’m gracious, complimentary to the host(ess) and the home. I appreciate the efforts made, over-compliment them, and do my best to integrate and enjoy the company around. It really is that simple.”

It really is. Unless you’re on a reality show driving the drama. But Bethenny wasn’t the only one who got on Dorinda’s nerves. Carole had her moment, as well.

“…I was surprised — and a bit annoyed — that Carole seemed unaware Lu was going to be there. Listen, the house is big enough for 18 Luanns and 21 Caroles, as I said in my tweet. If someone doesn’t want to be in the same room as someone else, there are literally about 20 other rooms to go hang out in…”

Ramona, somehow, managed to behave herself.

“Even though Ramona was “unaware” that Coco was using the house as his personal sh–show, she did an amazing job at mediating the arguments and trying to diffuse and alleviate the situation in general. I was actually proud of her, despite wanting to strangle her too at some point…but that’s Ramona….”

In closing, Dorinda has a few resolutions:

“Make sure Coco stays in Lucy’s room so I can contain some of the sh– to one space.”

“Acknowledge Ramona’s good qualities and love her for those. She can stay. Don’t second-and-triple-guess yourself when it comes to Sonja. Had she been there for this nuclear meltdown, it would’ve been a nuclear holocaust. Allow Bethenny in every room but definitely keep her out of my dining room forever. And ever. Amen.”

I thought Dorinda’s party looked lovely. I was sad to see all her efforts wasted on the ladies. Next time, she should just make a mud pit out back and let them fight it out.

So did Ramona really behave herself? Her dog sure didn’t. And would Sonja have been a bad mix or would her ditzy ways have helped alleviate some of the stress?


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