Sonja Morgan Claps Back At Bethenny Frankel Over Tipsy Girl Liquor Brand! #RHONY

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Sonja Morgan is feeling very sassy, and after hearing Ramona Singer talk trash about her on Watch What Happens Live, I can see why.

As castmates on the Real Housewives of New York, it’s the ladies job to squabble and snipe at each other, but the animosity turns real when you’ve been friends with someone for twenty-five years.

Ramona‘s being a pill. She’s so hot and cold I never know what to expect from her since she found out about Mario… It’s not like I don’t know her inside out. It’s not like I haven’t been through divorce myself. Sometimes she acts like I’m a complete stranger and everyone else is more important.”

Ramona claims she’s worried about Luann de Lesseps moving in with Sonja, but Sonja has a different take.

“There’s always an underlying tension between Luann and Ramona. …her comment about my house becoming a brothel. What is she worried about? We are adults. Our kids are away at school. We are entitled to enjoy ourselves…”

At Sonja’s birthday party, Ramona refused to try Sonja’s latest venture, Tipsy Girl Prosecco.

“When everyone does a toast to tasting Tipsy Girl, Ramona is downright rude saying she isn’t drinking. Ramona drinks day and night. When is she not drinking? The respectful thing to do is to raise your glass. Period.”

But Ramona isn’t the only one putting down Sonja and her business ventures.

“When Bethenny doesn’t RSVP it means she’s coming, right? When a friend can’t make it they always let you know, because it’s a let down. Of course I would look forward to having B there.”

Sonja wanted Bethenny Frankel’s support. Last season, she asked Bethenny to help mentor her new clothing line. We all know that didn’t go over well. Bethenny barked questions at Sonja’s backers and offered few suggestions.

“When I told everyone my dream of building my fashion lifestyle brand and how I was spending my time for many years building it, they laughed. Some called me delusional.”

But in typical Sonja fashion, she picked herself up and moved on.

Sonja Morgan New York now has two jewelry lines and swimwear in addition to fashion. I have to stay focused and let the naysayers buzz.”

Sonja and her sexy J are proud of what she’s created and she’s staying positive.

“I have a tough crowd for friends, but my experiences are mine, and I’m loving every moment! The creativity feeds my soul, and I learn something new every day.”

And there’s more to come.

“Nothing has given me more pleasure than running into people wearing my collection and seeing the pride in my daughter’s eyes. Thank you for being with me every step of the way. The Tipsy Girl restaurant has its awning up and will be opening soon on 8th Street, and I will keep you posted.”

I have to hand it to Sonja, she’s been in a bad place these last few years, and while she may be a little goofy, she never gives up. I like that about her.

So what do you think? Is Sonja on the right track with her business? Should she have shunned the Tipsy Girl name or is Bethenny overreacting?  


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