Dorinda Medley Feels Bethenny Set Out On A “Total Character Assassination” Mission #RHONY

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Dorinda Medley is a woman trapped in the middle. This past week on the Real Housewives of New York, Dorinda had to get in between her oafish boyfriend, John, and hard as nails, Bethenny Frankel as they argued like two rabid dogs. Apparently, John was called up to the bra party when he heard that Bethenny was talking shit about him. He was lit up like a firecracker on the 4th of July—not only from anger, but from booze (?) or something else.

“…somehow John gets tipped off and shows up to pop off on Bethenny and reignite the nightmare I’d just managed to shake myself loose of. I still don’t know who called him, or why…”

“I know how John gets when he’s angry, and though he doesn’t scare me, I know he can scare pretty much anyone… Here’s the thing: John is basically a bull in a china shop. I don’t mean to say that Bethenny is “delicate” or “untouchable,” but the moment she gets fired up, it’s literally a bullfight from both ends…”

New girl, Jules Wainstein, stepped in and tried to cool down the situation. When John took off, she followed him out into the hallway and tried to soothe the savage beast. Inside, Dorinda was over both John and Bethenny.

“Basically, everything he said was just unfounded hearsay and gossip–that’s unacceptable and just downright out of bounds — especially for him! I know why he was angry: Bethenny set out on a total character assassination that remains defamatory to this day.”

Dorinda says she’s still affected by Bethenny’s accusations.

“The fallout not only affected me and my relationship but has had a severely damaging effect on my daughter, my parents, our friends and acquaintances.”

Dorinda maintains that since she and Bethenny have spent very little time together, she doesn’t know where all the Skinny Girl’s poor opinion of John is coming from.

“I have to state this one last time: John and I have only spent time with Bethenny that ONE time in the Hamptons when we visited her last summer — that’s it. No dinner, no drinks, no quick drive-by meet and greets…we don’t have any friends in common, except Luann…”

Dorinda gives us a glimpse into her daily routine, and it doesn’t include partying with John every night.

“If anyone, including Bethenny, has any doubt about how wrong these accusations are, they can call me every morning between 7-8AM, check in with me, and they’ll see I’m either making Hannah breakfast, getting my favorite coffee from Eli’s, walking Lucy in Central Park, or heading to Pure Yoga. My daughter lives with me full-time and can attest that John has never slept over at our apartment…”

Understood, but I get the sense that Dorinda was out of control this last summer. And that wasn’t at her apartment, it was in the Berkshires. Where Bethenny got this info, I don’t know. Ramona, maybe? But we’ve all seen Dorinda and John drink way too much. Dorinda gets messy after too many dirty martinis, and John is messy all the time. I have no doubt they like to party hard when they get away for the weekend.

Now, back to Dorinda. She isn’t letting John or Bethenny off the hook.

“For the record, John’s comments were wrong, wrong, wrong. He has no right to comment or speculate or judge on her business, her love life, her life, period. That said, Bethenny also has no right whatsoever to insinuate, speculate, accuse or prosecute John for anything… Look, I get it: Bethenny doesn’t like John. She never has and probably never will. I can live with that. John can live with that. Bethenny has to live with that, too.”

But she still loves Ramona Singer, even after what she pulled at the bra party, calling John out for talking about his sex life with Dorinda.

“…Ramona is from a different zoo than most of us and our friendship has had its ups and downs and ultimately we love one another deeply. This is why we’ve been friends for 20 years–through the good, the bad, and the very ugly.”

And even though they disagree, Dorinda seems to care for Bethenny, too.

“Despite all this, I respect Bethenny. We’ve built a good friendship, and I hope it continues. I know we care and respect each other and that she is actually looking out for me. We’ll work it out, even if it’s in our own special way. No one’s perfect, and some people ride their rollercoaster on our last nerve, but it takes a real woman to issue an apology and a real woman to accept one.”

Dorinda has her own foibles and issues, clearly. I’m not sure why she’s with John, but she seems to have a good heart. Now, if she could lay off the sauce, I think she’d be better off. What do you think? Is John the right man for Dorinda? Does she drink too much? And should she have forgiven Ramona and Bethenny for ambushing her?


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