Kathryn Edwards Opens Up About Sad Family News

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New to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Kathryn Edwards has some tough news to share this week.

“I am very sad to start my blog off with having to say that I lost my nephew a week ago today. His name was Cooper, he had just turned 21 years old. I won’t get into all of the details but suffice to say that my family is beyond devastated. What I will share with you is this: Cooper was experimenting with drugs…he died of a drug overdose. No one knew that he was in that dark of a place.”

Kathryn alludes to some difficult times in her past.

“You will learn about my younger years this season…I wish I could say that this is the first time that my family has been touched by addiction and tragedy, but it isn’t.”

And hopes to use this as a warning to others:

“I would be wrong if I didn’t acknowledge what has so clearly left a mark on me. Please speak up when you see someone who needs help, you may not get a second chance to do it.”

Now, onto far more trivial matters, Kathryn is Team Yolanda Foster all the way.

Yolanda and Lisa R. discussing the “outside chatter”…I do feel like Rinna owned it and sincerely apologized but regardless, it doesn’t make it right, and Yolanda has every right to feel hurt and disappointed. I know what it’s like when the ones who are supposed to have your back are the ones engaging in the “chatter.” It’s even more hurtful when it’s your “friends.” Note to self…get rid of those people, or keep them closer so you can keep an eye on them.”

She doesn’t understand why Lisa Vanderpump had an opinion about Yolanda’s kids either.

“I didn’t pay too much attention to the conversation at Kyle‘s “BBQ” last week when they were talking about Bella and Anwar, I really didn’t understand what the point of discussing it was. If you have a question, ask Yolanda. Surely she knows what’s going on with her children better than anyone.”

I thought for a minute we might have another etiquette battle on our hands, because Kathryn wasn’t very happy with Erika Jayne’s salty language.

“Erika using the c— word…um, ya…I don’t like the C-word. It’s really harsh to me, very degrading…”

But maybe Kathryn has loosened up:

“…Erika has gotten me used to it. I heard her say it so much, along with a few other choice words that somehow (I can’t believe I’m saying this) don’t seem that awful anymore.”

At the Moulin Rouge party, Kathryn and Kyle Richards had some words over Faye Resnick. Kyle stood by Faye, no matter how morally corrupt she may be. Kathryn saw it differently.

“My conversation with Kyle regarding Faye was completely organic and honest. I’m sorry if Kyle didn’t or doesn’t understand my feelings, but I’m not going to smile and act like I don’t feel that way… Trust me when I say, I’ll always “have the balls” to speak the truth. Everything I said that night was true to who I am. I don’t agree with what Faye did in writing that book…honestly, I think Faye probably regrets it. She sullied Nicole‘s memory.”

But she no longer holds any grudge toward Faye.

“I do believe Faye is in a completely different place now. I’m happy to say that, but people whom you’ve affected have a right to voice their grievances regardless of the time that passed. I’m over it…I feel no ill will towards Faye anymore…I wish her happiness, honestly I do.”

So what’s your take on the new girl? Feeling her or is she Aviva 2.0? 


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