Lisa Rinna Opens Up About Her Talk With Yolanda Foster

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All About the Tea_real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-season6

Lisa Rinna is stirring it up in her sophomore season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. But she’s had to do a U-turn on a lot of her comments. And last night was no exception.

First, she dissed Lisa Vanderpump’s home after seeing Erika Jayne’s stuffy digs. Whoops!

“I’m also quite grateful and appreciative to Erika for inviting me over to her insanely gorgeous house, so she could offer her insight and advice about how I should approach Yolanda. But let’s just take a moment to address the fact that I said Erika’s home makes LVP’s Villa Rosa look like a disco. I love a good disco.”

LVP’s house reminds me of a mall rather than a disco. Rinna met up with Erika initially to talk about the best way to make amends for that Munchhausen comment. She stayed for the chapel viewing and the wine.

“I am quite thankful Erika was able to reassure me that Yolanda would appreciate me being honest with her since the two of them are so close. Hearing that from Erika spoke volumes… Erika caught her up on the dynamic between Kathryn and Faye, as well as the part of the evening when Kyle asked LVP about Yolanda’s children and their Lyme diagnosis.”

It seems this wasn’t the first time Rinna had asked Yolanda for a sit down.

“What a relief it was when Yolanda agreed to meet with me, since I had called her weeks before this asking to take her to lunch at that time so I could address the conversations I was a part of. She told me that she did not want to talk to me before her explant surgery…keep in mind, quite a bit of time had passed before she agreed to speak with me.”

Rinna says after her talk with Yolanda, the air was cleared. I’m not convinced. Especially in light of all the finger pointing Yolanda has been doing in her blogs. She’s not happy these ladies don’t completely buy into her story. She even pulled out the “Hollywood friends” tag last night.

“As you all know, honesty is very important to me, so being able to sit down with Yolanda in her home and speak candidly with her about all of the questions and chatter surrounding her health was a good thing for both of us… I was also able to address how in the process of raising awareness, many questions fueled from confusion… Overall, this was a good conversation, and I am happy to move forward.”

Onto the Moulin Rouge party.

“Now it’s time to celebrate Lisa and Ken’s 33 years and Kyle and Mauricio’s 20 years of wedded bliss by dressing like expensive hookers. Count me in! There are two things I can’t pass up: 1. A piece of cake. 2. An opportunity to dress like a hooker with a fake hair piece in a swanky hotel with my friends.”

Rinna glosses over Kyle getting her extensions in a twist over Kathryn Edwards’ grudgefest against Faye Resnick.

“Everyone looked so gorgeous, and despite the drama that lingered in the air, I thoroughly enjoyed watching Kyle do the splits. I don’t know anyone that can ‘hit a split’ (thanks for that phrase, Erika!) quite like Kyle, and it actually brings me great joy every time I see her do it.”

I think Rinna might be the only person who enjoys Kyle breaking out her one hit wonder party trick. Those splits are tired, girl. Learn to do a headstand.

So what do you think of Rinna’s backpedaling? And who had the best outfit at that Moulin Rouge party?


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