RECAP: #BigBrother17 — The Trainwreck Vs. The Rocker Dentist [Episode 26]
Julie acknowledged the Liz/Austin action going down on the feeds!!! Her quote: “The Double Eviction rocked the house, Otev rocked the POV Competition, and Liz and Austin are rocking eachother’s World?” So much to get to tonight. We had home visits, a jury house segment, game playing and Zingbot returning!
Julie says in the aftermath of the Double Eviction the house seemed firmly divided. After a few days, Loyalties have been questioned, new alliances have formed, and no one is safe. She does her famous “but first” it’s déjà vu for Becky and JM who find themselves on the chopping block for the second time this Summer. The only difference is, one of them will be leaving.
Right after the Veto Ceremony- (Day 61) Liz says this week was not the time to backdoor Vanessa. Since everyone else is targeting Vanessa, she’s not going to get anymore blood on her hands. She’s going to let someone else do her dirty work. Vanessa says Liz didn’t use the Veto. Nominations stayed the same. Becky is up there next to John. She’s relieved. She says it wouldn’t be a bad thing if Johnny Mac left, but in her opinion Becky is a bigger threat and should go this week. She’s a comp beast. She also tells JMac she thought they gave good speeches. She wants “Austin’s Angels” to stay on the same page because they control the vote. Becky says Liz is terrified of getting blood on her hands. She wouldn’t pull off a blindside, so she’s right where she began. She’s confident her people skills will help her stay in the game.
Liz and Austin scamper off to the Have Not room after the Veto Ceremony. Liz says Becky’s speech was so awkward. Austin says Becky basically said if you don’t take me off the block, I’m coming after you. (Not what she said.) Steve walks in and asks them if they need a minute. Austin says no they were just talking about Becky’s speech. Steve points out how people look way too much into these speeches. Austin agrees with that. Then he kisses Liz. Steve basically kicks them out because it’s his naptime.
Becky and JMac hang out in the backyard. JMac calls it “The Losers Corner.” JMac tells Becky about Vanessa saying they had good speeches. Becky says “Don’t you just hate her?” Then she points out Liz and Vanessa hate her, so she’s not in a good spot. JMac says he’s feeling down because he’s up with his main alliance member. He feels pretty good with The Aus-Twins, so his strategy will be “the dead fish strategy.” Don’t do anything until Thursday.
They showed a really cute Meg and James segment. James and Meg have been allies since the beginning of the game. Meg says James is also good for her sanity. James announces to Big Brother, and America he and Meg are engaged. Meg says if James really thinks they’re engaged, he’s crazy. One of the twins (I personally can’t tell them apart) is feeding James compliments for Meg. James kind of fumbles them a bit. He says it’s day 65. He hasn’t made a breakthrough yet, but he thinks Meg “has a crush for me.” He’s not giving up. Meg announces she can’t stand him. (James makes the feeds worth watching.)
James plays more pranks. This time he’s saran wrapping the dentist chairs in the have not room. He stuffs all of Steve’s belongings on the dentist chair then suran wraps it. Steve was not amused. Steve now has to unwrap his dentist chair. James says he feels a little bad, but then says he’s going to keep doing this to him. Mission accomplished.
JMac and Steve have a little meeting. JMac asks Steve what he thinks so far about their position in the game. JMac says he’s pretty sure he’s staying. Steve is all he has in this game. They have to figure out where they’re going from here. JMac says they need protection. They need to buddy buddy up with someone. JMac asks what he thinks. Steve says he already has an opinion. JMac says if they go with The Twins and Austin- they’re small targets. If they go with Meg and James- they are large targets. Steve agrees they should go with The Aus-Twins.
Steve and JMac head up to the HOH room to “lock it down” with The Aus-Twins. Steve says he was feeling vulnerable after his HOH because he wasn’t sure getting rid of Jackie was the right thing, but he solidified his alliance with The Aus-Twins and John. He feels a lot better about his place in the house now. They make little jokes about twins and triplets. Julia says she wants to work with them. JMac says “you’re geniuses. Wish I thought of that. I did!” They talk about Vanessa’s shady ways. They heard a lot of stuff this week about her, and they’re over it. Liz says this is the perfect time to jump on the Steve and JMac train. They know the game. They are pretty smart, and fierce competitors . They’re on the outside looking in. They don’t have a team, so they’re giving them the support they need. Then Austin walks into the HOH room in the middle of the twins talking to JMac and Steve. He asks “What’s this?” Steve says “Exactly what you think it is.” They joke about making an alliance without him, and the plan is to backdoor him next week. Steve says it’s them and Vanessa. Austin says of course she has to be involved in everything. Then they get serious and start talking about Vanessa’s dirty ways. They’re on the same page. The Aus-Twins are scared to put Vanessa on the block. JMac says he wants to do it.
Becky decides to talk with The Aus-Twins. She describes what her strategy is. JMac has been the ultimate pawn. Steve and Vanessa will want to keep him. Meg and James will want to keep her. Where does The Aus-Twins stand? Becky says she’s intimidating because she wins things, but her target is Vanessa. Either Vanessa will take her out or she’ll take Vanessa out. Liz says both nominees are going after the same target. It comes down to what’s good for their game?
Julie talks to the houseguests. She says the house has become a scary experience. Then she shows video of James scaring the crap out of Julia. “Oh My God Jaaaaaaameessahh.” Julie asks what’s with all the pranks? James says he’s bored and he has to keep his mind occupied. She then asks Julia if she’s planning revenge? Julia says it’s hard to plan revenge because James is very sneaky, but she’s planning something. Julie moves on to Meg’s epic fall during The Otev Veto comp. She says one word Meg: “Ouch!” She asks if Meg has recovered. Meg says she has, but her friends and family back home are probably mortified and embarrassed. Julie asks Steve what he misses most from home. He says his family. He talks to his mom everyday, and hasn’t gone more than a week without talking to his family. He misses them terribly. (Segway to the hometown James segment)
Steve spends a lot of time in the house alone, but he has a fan base back in his hometown. Steve and James are in the backyard. Steve asks for alone time. He talks to his mom, and tells her he’s doing good. Don’t worry about him. They show his town putting James posters up in their yards, and signs all over town. His mom Kathy says they’ve been watching Big Brother since the beginning. She describes how Steve growing up was always thoughtful and kind. He enjoyed instruments. She describes all the instruments he’s played. (Including being the #1 trombonist in New York State.) His dad Ron says Steve has always been a loner. He spent too much time studying, and not enough time socializing. Steve’s mom says he’s always talked to himself, but as a feeder he knows who’s watching including her. The town is excited someone from their little town is on National TV. They created a “Steven Moses day” in their town. They threw a big party in Steve’s honor. They even included Steve’s high school Junior prom date. They included random people talking about how much they love him. His mom says being in the house is great because Steve is learning to kick back and have some fun. His mom says she can’t wait to show him how many fans he has back home.
The first jury house segment. Shelli says being evicted was an out of body experience. She would be happy if it was Vanessa joining her. She says Clay and her were expendable. Vanessa spins things around. Jackie walks in instead. She starts telling Shelli it was Steve who’s responsible for her eviction. She thought they were good, but Steve pulled her aside and told her he was told she was going to backdoor him. Jackie wants to blame Steve, but she has a feeling someone (Vanessa) was in his ear. Shelli says that was Vanessa’s plan. It’s brilliant how she turned her plan into Jackie’s plan. Jackie shows Shelli video of her eviction. Jackie says she wants Vanessa to walk through the door, but she also wants to win her way back into the house and be responsible for her eviction. Shelli says they need to get Vanessa out ASAP.
Live eviction voting time. I’ll make it short. Everyone voted to evict Becky. Becky hugs everyone and exits the house.
Becky joins Julie on stage. Julie asks if she’s surprised it was a unanimous vote. Becky says no. Jackie’s gone and Johnny Mac was on the block with her. Julie says when you were HOH, Vanessa was your target. Then everything switched. Does she regret making it obvious she was after Vanessa? Becky says she should have been more aware. The way she feels about Vanessa is the same way Meg and James felt about Shelli. She’s a very direct person. Julie asks if Vanessa is the smartest player in the game. Becky says she’s smart, but you also have to watch the players who have laid low. Those players are now coming together (Steve.) She says Steve is underestimated. They play her goodbye messages. Most of them are sweet, but then they come to Vanessa. She says she likes Becky on a personal level, but as a player she’s not sad to see her go. (This got some boos.)
Tonight’s HOH comp is called “Ready, Set, Whoa!” The comp is going to play in 6 rounds. The houseguests are at the starting line pressing 3 buttons. When the scene says ready, set, go they run and press a buzzer. Beware there will be words that look like the word go. The last one to press the buzzer is eliminated. Last one standing wins HOH. They start. Meg is eliminated first. The game continues after the show ends, so we won’t find out who’s HOH until Sunday’s show.
Two big announcements from Julie. First The Zingbot returns! (They show some clips of past Zingbot visits) The other one is next week the jury members will get a chance to return to the game during next Thursday’s show.
That’s all for the eviction episode. Tune in Sunday to find out who wins HOH, and who’s nominated! You can find out before Sunday by watching the live 24/7 unedited feeds!
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Alison is a 32 year old native of The Bay Area, California. She loves reality shows. Guess you can say she’s sort of an addict, the crazier, the better! She’s sarcastic, snarky, brutally honest (tell it like it is kinda girl), but she does have a soft side as well.