RECAP: #TeenMom2 — Jeremy Calvert Asks Leah Messer For a Divorce [Episode 6]

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Teen Mom 2

Jenelle Evans

Teen Mom 2 starts out with a bang, as we join Jenelle and Nathan in the middle of an argument. Nathan thinks that Jenelle is unfaithfully yapping, and Jenelle denies it, as they bicker back and forth over who has the most severe emotional problems. Nathan throws quite the zinger when he pegs Jenelle as trailer trash who hit the lottery, leaving Jenelle speechlessly shocked, at his moment of spot-on articulation.  Later, Jenelle shares that  Nathan is acting strangely, and has left town unexpectedly, for a random business meeting. When Jenelle picks up Jace, Babs lets Jenelle know that that they need to discuss their tumultuous state, and what the real deal is with that “other guy.” Jenelle and Jace frolic on trampolines, but the worry about that “other guy” continues, as Jenelle’s heart remains a mangled, pushed away mess. Jenelle and Krista discuss the challenges of luring a new sucker bedmate into the rotation, because having two kids makes the snare a logistical nightmare.   

Teen Mom 2

Nathan returns from his trip and does indeed act weird, like he has been chilling in the back yard the whole time.  Jenelle has been freaking, and Nathan finds her histrionics amusing.  Happiness is unusual, so Jenelle is spooked. The weirdness is not going away, so Jenelle is going out to party to keep from cracking up. Nathan loves hanging in peaceful hotels, because Jenelle’s mouth doesn’t have a room key.  Jenelle is worried that he might be romping with God knows what, and Nathan is sick of Jenelle’s self-centered, victim rants.  Nathan wants to split, because he is kinda concerned that his soulmate just might be a psycho sociopath. He wants Jenelle to give the ring back, but she’s not on board with such nonsense.  She does however, graciously agree to remove it before her next hookup. Where is Kiefffaahh when a girl needs him?  Luckily, just a message away!

Chelsea Houska

Chelsea is meeting with her lawyer, where they discuss Adam’s delusions, and the upcoming custody hearing.  It’s sickening that Adam is carting Aubree around with his gigantic rap sheet, and the lawyer assures Chelsea that everything will probably fall out in her favor. Chelsea later chats with her friend Chelsey, about her concern that Taylor is caving to Adam’s irresistible criminal charms.  Chelsea wants the two baby mamas to remain united in their hatred, so she agrees that hanging out with she and Paislee might be wise. Chelsea desires more children, but wants to be married first, mercifully proving to be quite the Teen Mom pioneer.  

Teen Mom 2

We check in with Adam, who is hanging out with Justin and Paislee. We learn that Taylor wants to settle out of court, and that Adam wants back into the relationship.  Hopefully, it will maybe, possibly, work out, and fingers crossed, hurt Chelsea as a bonus.  Adam also thinks that using Aubree as the sister card can’t hurt.  Adam dramatically states that he is going to refuse to leave the courtroom without his righteously earned custody. YAWN. Chelsea (Baby Mama #1)  meets up with Taylor (Baby Mama #2) for a painting date, and to dish about Adam’s seductive manipulation. 

Teen Mom 2

Chelsea and Aubree greet Taylor and Paislee, and while the kids paint, we get confirmation that Adam and Taylor may try and settle their issues out of court.  Chelsea shoots Taylor a look like she thinks she’s nuts, but simply advises her to not trust anything that their sleazy baby daddy says.  The kiddos are cute, even through the layers of paint. I wish I could say the same for Chelsea, and her super frightening eye liner.

Kailyn Lowry

We hear of an upcoming Florida trip, and are reminded of what a flop the last vacation was for Kailyn.  Kailyn shares with a friend that she is worried about her friendship with Sterling, but is willing to see how things go. She meets with Jo, who is looking at a house within a rock’s throw of Kailyn’s.  Kailyn acts horrified, which makes Jo giggle, at making her squirm.  Jo knows that making things work with Vee may be a struggle, but believes it is worth the risk, to be close to Isaac.  Later, Kailyn and Javi once again discuss their floundering relationship. Javi is jealous of Kailyn’s attention given to friends, and Kailyn believes that it is healthy to ignore him for anyone who is even half interested.  Kailyn is worried that the Florida trip may be ruined, and finds it hard to be excited. 

Teen Mom 2

All these people seem to do is travel, and now Javi and Kailyn are heading out for a romantic overnight in Philly. Kailyn wants to know Javi’s feelings about hanging out with Sterling in Florida, but not really, because when Javi let’s her know that he’s not a fan, Kailyn flips, and wants to cancel their big night.  Javi retracts his first option, and takes a second, basically any option that will wipe the perpetual scowl off his wife’s face.  Kailyn rejects that one as well, and demands to go home, where she can scowl more comfortably.  Javi is annoyed, and things go from bad to worse, when the car nails a board in the road, and blows a tire.  Rough times for the Mercedes driving duo!  Javi chats with his sister about the accident, and her magnified lips advise Javi to breathe and to basically grow the hell up.  He and Kailyn talk, and agree to help each other to grow, and to try stand the sight of each other during their 10th vacation of the season.

Leah Calvert

Leah and Jeremy are arguing about money, and Jeremy has had enough,  and is filling for divorce. Leah thinks Jeremy is MEAN, and flounces off, her gold sweatshirt angel wings a-blazing.  Leah admits that she has issues with anxiety, depression, and spending, and knows that she probably needs a complete overhaul.  She is confused, and decides that Jeremy also needs help, with his clamped wallet problems.  We sit in on an unusual scene with  Jeremy talking to a friend about his plummeting marriage.  The drink from red solos, as  Jeremy shares that living in a place that looks like a homeless shelter, and being continually broke has been causing too much stress.  Jeremy doesn’t know where the cash is going, but suspects that Leah is likely a bleeping, junkie.  He is worried about the kids, but is ready to flee his misery. 

Teen Mom 2

Later, Leah is trying to reach Jeremy, but he is too busy rearranging his growing bank accounts to reply. Even their anniversary is being ignored, presumably because it’s a day that Jeremy is trying to forget. Leah complains that Jeremy is constantly mean, demanding, and absent. Leah hits it when she comments that Jeremy regrets laying eyes on her, and wishes that he could rewind his decisions.  Leah is sad, but doesn’t really care about being a two time loser, other than having her heart broken into a million anxiety soaked bits. 

Teen Mom 2

The sad mood continues, as we deja-vu with Leah…meeting another husband, in a another parking lot, to handle another child transfer. Jeremy is in town, but is staying with his parents,  passing on the trashy shelter he once called home. The couple stands there, awkwardly avoiding the uncomfortable truth, verbally tiptoeing around Leah’s “issues.” Jeremy appears detached, and the marriage seems dead. Jeremy complains that Leah chooses to stay awake when the kids sleep, and can’t manage consciousness when they’re awake. Leah forces out some ugly tears, and passively aggressively blames Jeremy for leaving her alone, to WORK, instead of choosing to play a graveyard shift therapist.

Next week, lots of teetering on the edge, and fresh freaking out ensues …don’t miss it!


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