Kim Richards Mugshot and More Details of Target Shoplifting Arrest

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Ever wonder how Kim Richards, former star of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, tried to steal all that stuff from the Target earlier this month? Wonder no more! TMZ is reporting the behind the scenes goings-on at the retail giant, photos included.

According to the Van Nuys Target incident report, Kim’s day began with not just trying to lift one shopping cart full of items, but two. Kim used recyclable bags and “began loading them up with the merchandise in the dollar section.” The report included that Kim “took it to the express line but left it without attempting to check out. She told the clerk the items had already been paid for.”

And perhaps she would have gotten away with it, but apparently, Kim then decided she wanted some toys and beauty products to go with her embezzled dollar items, and grabbed another shopping cart.


The report concludes that once Kim stepped three feet outside store doors, the security guard apprehended Kim, “escorted her to the booking room” and photographed her. Kim said she “didn’t recall” paying for the goods or not. Police were called and Kim was arrested for shoplifting $600 worth of merchandise.


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