RECAP: #TeenMom2 — Corey Screams At Leah “You’re a Fake Ass Mom!” [Episode 5]

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Chelsea Houska

When we join Chelsea, she and Cole are practicing their Dirty Dancing leap…and I hate to admit it, but it is so CUTE. Adam has Aubree for a visit, and decides to suck the life out of their time, and use that cute raspy voice to appeal to his ex, and baby mama #2, Taylor.  He pushes Aubree to call her, claiming an unfulfilled desire to chat with her toddler sister, Paislee.  Taylor is done with Adam, and doesn’t pick up. Aubree leaves a message, and her dad gives her the thumbs up, for playing the manipulative cute card so expertly. Aubree, Adam, and his friend Justin, who is playing the legal, though obnoxious driver, head to a roller rink. 

Teen Mom 2_Adam and Aubree

Roller skates make Aubree nervous, she falls, and the outing is a bust.  Adam bugs Aubree to call Taylor back, who answers, and with a tired and over it tone in her voice, assures her that they will work something out. Chelsea meets up with Aubree’s preschool teacher for a progress report, and we learn that Aubree is on top of letters and colors, but isn’t the greatest listener.  The tot is a mature kindergartener now…YAY Aubree!  Later, Chelsea chats with Taylor to dish about her time in court with Adam.  Adam was caught in numerous lies, and the ordeal was nerve wracking.  He denied using Aubree as a sneaky secretary, even though Taylor still has the voicemail. Whoops! Chelsea meets up with friends to gasp at skeazy Adam and his lying ways, and Chelsea spills that Aubree’s behavior goes downhill after visits with her father.  Sad.

All About the Tea_Teen Mom2


Jenelle Evans

When we check in with Jenelle, she is chilling with Kaiser and her friend Krista.  We learn that there is a teacher’s conference scheduled, and Jenelle is worried that her mom might thwart her participation. NOT surprisingly, she and Nathan are still fighting, still obviously not over the blowout in St. Thomas. Barbara has not received legal papers announcing Jenelle’s custody pursuit yet, and is sure to take the news hard. We jump over to Babs’ house, where she reads the papers, and indeed looks sad. Jenelle calls Barbara to discuss the conference, and we learn that Jace is behaving badly, and Jenelle responds by barking at her mom about a scheduling conflict.  Babs reminds her that she has a job, and due to the fact that Jenelle is suing for custody, she has had to hire a lawyer.  They launch into to same old nasal blather with Jenelle demanding to see her son more, and Babs tiredly points out that the court situation kinda dampens her visitation generosity. 

Teen Mom 2_Kailyn

Jenelle loses it, and unleashes her nastiest vocabulary, including referring to the grandmother of her son as “dude.”  Jenelle lives for a fight, and Babs, clearly pooped, hangs up.  Babs later agrees to allow Jenelle to call in and take part in the conference. The teacher tells the pair that Jace is confused about transferring between homes, doesn’t cooperate,  will need to stay out of public schools, and is in need of stability. Nathan’s suggestion of ADD is rejected, and Jenelle decides to give Jace a year to “change, and hang out with his friends.”  Jenelle talks it over with Nathan and suspects that her mom manipulated the teacher into saying what she did.  Nathan supportively responds with a “uh, eh, I don’t know.” He wisely comments that you can’t rip a kid away from his home, and two wrongs don’t make a right.  Jenelle is peeved that Nathan isn’t on her side, and is quiet and reasonable, most definitely not her type.

Teen Mom 2_Jenelle Evans


Kailyn Lowry

Kailyn has been invited on a girls trip with pal Sterling and her mom, to California.  Javi is watching the kids, and Kailyn is worried that he may have an uncontrollable jealousy attack, while she’s gone. While packing, Javi admits that he’s sad when she is gone, and feels disconnected from his wife. Kailyn takes off, overjoyed to be disconnected, but is still worried that Javi may ruin the trip, via a smart phone. Later, we witness Javi and his sister handling the boys, and then jump to Kailyn and her pals touring Hollywood.  Javi keeps interrupting Kailyn’s Bradley Cooper fantasies with badgering texts, and things don’t look promising.  Predictably, a big planned night out is ruined, when Javi relentlessly texted guilt messages to Kailyn, who is apparently incapable of turning off her phone. 


Kailyn and Sterling later talk about the incident, and Sterling is annoyed that Kailyn participated, and sold out their good time.  Kailyn and Javi’s pattern is a broken record, and everyone around them is sick of it, including Kailyn, who doesn’t need a dumb husband anyway.  Kailyn returns from LA, and on the drive home, Sterling calls and tells Kailyn that she and her mom are disappointed that she allowed Javi disrupt the trip that they worked so hard to put together.  Kailyn is horrified, admits that her marriage is terrible, and  doesn’t know how to handle it.  Sterling believes that ignoring Javi and taking him out of the equation during all future excursions would be wise, and Kailyn just wishes that she could ignore him forever.  Kailyn is humiliated, and calls to blast Javi, accusing him of wrecking her life even on the outside of their marriage.  Javi is silent, and Kailyn is an unglued wreck, and at her wits end.


Leah Calvert

Leah and Adalynn meet up with her friend Amber, for a sympathetic ear and a lunch, with a side of toddler tantrum. Leah is worried about Corey pushing for a revised custody arrangement, and Amber encourages her to not be a pushover. Leah meets with her lawyer, and they go over Corey’s demands.  The lawyer thinks he’s nuts, and Leah admits that waking up is a struggle, but she is working to resolve the challenging problem.  Arguing with her ex and evidently, makeup application, are also ongoing battles as well. The lawyer advises her to not allow Corey to bully her into responsible parenting. Aleeah is sick, which means a doctor’s visit, and Ali missing her physical therapy appointment. The girls are practicing their trailer park manicure techniques, and Leah decides to take advantage of a friend being there to call Corey to discuss the volatile subject of shared custody, in front of the whole crew. 

Teen Mom 2_Leah

Leah wants the arrangement to stay unchanged, due to the stable vibe in her home…because what IS stable anyway?  Corey almost bursts out laughing at Leah even using the word “stable,” and nails her for not parenting responsibly.  Corey spills that the twins are ratting out their mom for cussing, forcing them to hide from scary fighting with Jeremy, and making them live on cheese puffs, canned pasta, and nail polish  They yell at each other in front of America, and their three young children. 

Teen Mom 2_Leah

Corey and Miranda discuss the nasty exchange, and the poor excuse for a mother that Leah has become.  The couple just wants the girls in school, and for Ali to be in physical therapy, and decide to dig in and fight relentlessly for more time with the girls. 

Breakups are on the horizon….find out which couples bite the dust next week!


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