RECAP: #BigBrother17 — The Tides Turning Send The Sixth Sense Alliance Scrambling [Episode 18]

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The power has shifted. A week of vengeance, backstabbing, and scrambling has begun. Who will reign supreme?

Thursday’s show left off with an epic battle of endurance, and (Fans rejoice) No more Battle of the Block! Only 1 HOH and 2 nominees. Meg says the stakes are highest now. One of her friends was sent home, and the twins are now in the game. Austin is only trying to win HOH so he can get a kiss from Liz. (A deal they made before eviction.) Vanessa is worried because she just sent Jason home. She now has a big target on her back. James was funny throughout this competition. First to distract the others from holding on, he screams about making deals. Then, he fakes being tired and hanging on for dear life to psych Clay out, but James is hanging in there. He says they’ll have to peel him off the wall. He’s trying to “change the pecking order.” All his allies are getting “pecked off.” On top of the rain, birds flying into them, and the wall shifting, they added bird poop. 25 minutes in Steve and Austin dropped. Oh well. No kisses for Austin. Then Meg and Julia drop. Vanessa is stressing out because she keeps watching her allies fall off the wall. Jackie is fighting for redemption. Johnny Mac thinks this comp is awesome. He loves the rain, the eagles, and the bird poop. James knows he can’t fall off because 7 other people want him gone. 1 hour and 28 minutes- Jackie falls off, and James now feels all the weight to win on him. Liz is not enjoying this at all. She can’t feel her arms, the wall inclining is getting worse. Liz falls. Vanessa says anyone, but James has to win this. 1 hour 43 minutes- Becky falls off. Shelli begs Clay to hang on. She reminds him of pictures, and letters from home. She sees Clay struggling. Clay falls. Shelli is stressed because she has to think about what’s good for her game, and she has to look out for her alliance. Vanessa knows Shelli is her only hope because battle lines have been drawn in the sand. Meg is out for redemption. She doesn’t want anymore of her peeps going home. Shelli knows winning another HOH isn’t good for her game. Final 3- Shelli, James, and Johnny Mac. Instead of staying up there for another hour, Shelli thinks about what’s good for her game. It’s time to make a deal! James promises not to put up or backdoor Johnny Mac, Shelli or Clay. James wins HOH! James feels awesome! He’s seeking revenge for his “fallen comrades.” James is going for a big target, and the tides are changing.

Austin is freaking out. He has no idea where James head is at. Liz is freaking out because they haven’t made any deals, and she’s been gunning for him. Vanessa tells Austin worst case scenario she goes home. She tells him you can only worry about what you can control.

James, and Meg have a little celebration in the bathroom. James says Jason is at home saying, “That’s my boy!” James says it’s time to rattle some cages. Jackie comes in and she’s in shock. She says “did that really just happen?” Jackie says Shelli was just barely hanging on. That’s why she made the deal. James makes it clear he really has no intention of honoring his deal with Shelli because in the Big Brother house you can “bounce some checks.”

Julia is not happy with Austin. She’s still upset because Austin threw her name out there last week. Liz says it was all twisted by Jason, and Austin would never do anything to jeopardize their games. Austin comes walking in, and Julia confronts him about it. Austin blames Jason, and says he got what he deserved. Julia says “really you didn’t tell him my name is Julia?” Austin tries to explain his logic, but Julia isn’t buying it. She doesn’t trust a word that comes out of Austin’s mouth. Austin confesses he said too much. He says Jason manipulated what he said. (Austin in what universe did Jason manipulate you?) Julia says she forgives, but she doesn’t forget. Austin is just trying to be nice to Julia now that she’s in the house full-time. Being nice to Julia gets him brownie points with Liz. Austin even asks Shelli and Clay to talk to Julia about it for him. Shelli says she will talk to Julia.

Vanessa is upset Shelli didn’t include her in the deal she made with James. She says she’s low on the totem pole, and she’s the third wheel. She thinks Shelli doesn’t care about her in this game. Shelli is upset with herself and asks Vanessa to be her sounding board, and listen to her complaints. No big info there. She should have win blah blah. They’re going to lose an alliance member and she blames herself blah blah.

Clay tells Shelli they need to get James to target Austin or the twins. Shelli blames herself for not winning HOH. Clay reassures her she doesn’t owe them anything. She needs to do what’s good for her game, and stop worrying so much about others. Shelli feels better.

They did a Clay mumbling segment. They showed a bunch of footage of Clay mumbling to the other houseguests, and in the DR. Johnny Mac thinks Clay got hit one too many times playing football.

They showed James scaring Steve as he was coming out of the toilet.

Back to the game talk. James, Becky, Jackie, and Meg are in the HOH room talking about targets. James says if they were “friends” why did Shelli worry so much she had to make a deal with him? Good question James. They agree “Clelli” is a good target this week because they’ve been running the game, and will continue to as long as they stay together. James compares them to “Brenchel.” They will always choose eachother. Shelli is definitely the queen of the house. Then James asks if he should use the backdoor approach or just put them up together. They discuss pawns. Austin, and the twins are discussed, but no decisions are made yet.

Becky feels loyalty to “Clelli” for keeping her safe a few weeks ago, so she decides to warn them about James possibly putting them on the block. Becky tells them to act happy, and maybe they won’t get put up. As soon as Becky leaves Shelli says she needs to get up and walk around. Clay wants her to stay so they can come up with a game plan. They have a little argument about it. Shelli says she’s going to get Vanessa and tell her she’s fine if Austin becomes the target.

Vanessa is worried she’s going to take the blame for last week, so she decides to go have a discussion with James about it. She says it was a house decision. She had no personal beef with Jason. James asks if he was going to put up “Clelli” would she support it? Vanessa says (in her DR) if it were any other week, she would try and save “Clelli,” but last week made her vulnerable. Vanessa tells James she would support the decision he makes. She also proposes a  deal with him. If she becomes HOH until Final 7, he wouldn’t have to worry about being a target. James says he’d be a fool to pass this up. Vanessa has always been a straight shooter with him, and hasn’t lied to him.

After discussing their options, “Clelli” decides they need to talk to James. They ask James if their deal is still good. Clay also says they feel like they are taking the blame for Jason being backdoored when they never threw his name out there. Shelli says Austin found out he was the target last week, and started campaigning. That’s why Jason was backdoored. James doesn’t believe them. He says they don’t want to take responsibility. He knows they had a hand in Jason’s eviction. He has no intentions of honoring their deal. (It also hurt Shelli talking to James like he was a 2 year old.)

James can’t sleep, so he heads downstairs to let Meg know what he decided. He says he’s going straight for the jugular. He’s throwing “Clelli” up together. He’ll take the heat for it, and he’s not worried about getting blood on his hands. He even says he’ll wear the blood on his hands as warpaint. Thanks for the visual James. He says “Clelli” needs to be broken up. They are a power couple. He came into the house to make big moves. Meg thinks everyone would keep the nominations the same.

Nomination ceremony. James, as the sole HOH, reveals his nominations. Shelli and Clay were nominated. He says lines were drawn in the sand. Shelli is a comp beast, and they play together as a power couple. He also says he’s not honoring their deal. Shelli calls James out. He made a deal with her in front of the entire house. She also denies having anything to do with Jason’s eviction. “Clelli” thinks because James broke their deal he’s untrustworthy. Vanessa is pissed. “Clelli” threw her under the bus when it’s clear they need her now. Not a good move. Shelli is livid. She thinks the veto is important to win. She thinks if one of them is off the block the other can get the votes to stay in the house.

Can “Clelli” pull off winning the veto? Plenty of week left, so let’s see the gaming! Tune in Wednesday for the Veto Competition, and Ceremony! Remember there are 24/7 unedited feeds you can subscribe to!


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