RECAP: #BigBrother17 — Vanessa Has a New Target in The House! [Episode 16]

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One thing “Big Brother” viewers know. Things change in a matter of minutes. Unfortunately, James throwing Battle of the Block turned south. So, Jackie has now been dethroned. Liz, and James are now safe. What will HOH Vanessa do? Shelli is very upset Clay’s still on the block. Vanessa says this week is going to be a bloodbath. She didn’t expect to be the one that backdoors once of her closest allies. James, who’s now safe, has to do some damage control. He wants to make sure people (especially nominees Clay and Becky) know he 100% meant to throw the comp. Clay talks a bit to Johnny Mac, and says he has to play in the veto now. Johnny Mac and his hilarious DR’s reminds Clay: Yea you have to win veto or stay on the block until Thursday. Doesn’t feel good does it?

Liz and Austin have a sort of weird flirtmance. Austin thinks he’s falling in love. Liz calls Austin her bestie. She’s in a pickle because she doesn’t feel the same way. Austin kisses Liz. Liz calls him annoying (because she doesn’t feel the same “love” he does,) but Austin thinks she’s just being bashful. Anyways, Liz tells Austin she thinks James was trying to throw Battle of the Block and set her up. Austin says he’s confused because he was told Steve is the backdoor target this week, so someone isn’t telling him what’s going on.

So, Austin storms up to the HOH room to talk to Vanessa. He tells her how upset Liz is, and they both think James was trying to throw the Battle of the Block. Vanessa tries to reassure Austin Liz wasn’t being set up, and James wasn’t trying to throw the comp. Vanessa has to walk a fine line because he still thinks Vanessa is on his team. She doesn’t want him to suspect Vanessa, and almost the entire house, has plans to backdoor him. 

Shelli, Jackie, and Vanessa talk about how to handle Liz. Do they tell her before the Veto Comp about backdooring Austin, or do they wait? Vanessa thinks Liz will either be ok with the plan, or she’ll think it’s a betrayal. Shelli tells them not to worry about this until after veto.

Players for the Veto Comp are chosen: Vanessa, Clay, Becky, Shelli, Johnny Mac, and Liz will all be playing. Jason will host. The comp is called “Get Nutty.” Meg says “The sun is shining, the birds are chirping. Attack of the Squirrels!” Here’s how the game works: The players have to roll their balls over a ramp and catch them on the other side. To win, they have to do this 250 times. If the ball drops, they go back to zero and have to start all over again. Clay was ahead pretty much the entire time. He talked about workouts when he played for Texas A&M. I have no idea how exactly he likened football to a ball race in squirrel costumes, but that’s Clay. When Clay got up to 209, he decided to take a water break. Luckily most of the other players were dropping their balls, so he had nothing to worry about. Clay won veto.

Everyone was congratulating Clay on his big “Texas Ass Whoppin.” I thought Shelli was going to jump his bones right in the middle of the living room. Becky was very disappointed in herself. She says she’s been losing comps lately, and she was upset about it. Jackie did try to give her some encouraging words. Jackie is all the sudden getting airtime since she won HOH, so we now at least know her name.

Vanessa was very anxious to tell Liz about backdooring Austin. After the Veto Comp, Vanessa couldn’t hold it any longer. Liz/Shelli/Vanessa decided to have a chat up in the HOH room. Vanessa tells Liz about Austin’s big mouth. She asks Liz if she knew Austin was going to tell Jason about the twins. Liz said she did know about that. Then, Vanessa fills Liz in on the part Julia already knew. Austin was selling Julia out in order to keep Liz safe, so he could ravage her in the jury house. Liz says she’s not into Austin. Everyone already knows this. Except Austin. He’s going all “Caleb” on Liz. Instead of Liz being outraged at Austin for betraying Julia, she’s outraged at Vanessa and Shelli. She says she doesn’t believe Austin would ever do something to jeopardize the twin’s game. She reminds them Austin is a number on their side still. He’s just making foolish decisions because of his feelings for her.

Liz convinces Vanessa to let Austin plead his case. Vanessa tells Austin how he painted a bigger target on the twins by blabbing to Jason and making a deal with him. She asks Austin why would he sell out Julia? Austin says it was a stupid decision to tell Jason anything, but he made it in the name of love. Vanessa is very upset with him, but she does believe he did it because he’s just an idiot who made a mistake. Austin admits he made a big mistake and pleads for his Big Brother life. He thought Jason was trustworthy, and didn’t know Jason would tell almost everyone else in the house. Austin asks Vanessa if she’s going to backdoor him. Vanessa says she gave her word to the house she would backdoor him. She doesn’t want to do it. Then she tells him to figure it out with Shelli and Clay.

Austin finds Shelli and Clay in the bathroom. He kicks poor Steve out of the cabana room (RUDE!) so he can talk to them. Austin admits he made a mistake in the name of love. It was a plan to get the target off the twins. Austin says Jason betrayed him. He promises he would never do anything against Shelli or Clay. Shelli does point out Austin is a number for them, and their numbers will continue to control the house because they’ll have Julia soon. Shelli, and Clay think it’s not in their best interest to see Austin leave.

Vanessa, Liz, and James won the Battle of the Block, so they get to enjoy a nice Black Angus Steakhouse dinner. They each got to bring a guest. Vanessa picks Becky, Liz picks Austin, and James picks Clay. Meg wasn’t too happy with James. Austin calls it “his first date with Liz.” He doesn’t have a clue. He’s shameful. Anyways, they all enjoy the dinner.

Vanessa, Shelli, and Clay workout the “Austin” situation. They all agree Austin is a number for them. Shelli calls him their fighter. Vanessa is worried she’ll become the house target for going against her word. Shelli, and Clay reassure her they have the numbers so she doesn’t have to worry about being a target. Now that Austin is off the table who are they going  to put up as a replacement nominee? They talk about the other side of the house. Vanessa thinks Jason is “the brains,” and plans out all the strategic moves. Meg is floating, and James is James. Vanessa starts crying and says she doesn’t know what she’s going to do.

Finally time for the Veto Meeting. Austin is worried about Vanessa backdooring him because he messed up. Vanessa says she had to make a choice, and draw the line in the sand. Of course Clay uses the veto on himself. Vanessa needs to choose a replacement nominee. She says it was a difficult decision. She adores this person, and they will be friends on the outside. She chooses Jason. Vanessa says she sees his face, and feels terrible. Jackie is livid! She’s about to tear Vanessa’s head off and eat it for breakfast. Vanessa also sent Jeff packing. (Jackie’s number 1 ally.) Austin says Jason was manipulating him, so this is the best decision ever. (In what Universe is Austin a victim?) Jason calls it the first real blindside of the season, and Vanessa is a “scumbag bitch.” (Who knew they could say scumbag bitch on National TV?) He says he won’t lay down and die. If he stays, he’s going after her full throttle.

Live eviction is Thursday night. My question (besides if Jason got enough votes to not break our hearts) is what will Julie Chen wear? It’s always the talk of Twitter. Live eviction is Thursday night at 9pm. Don’t forget the live 24/7 unedited feeds!


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