RECAP: #TeenMom2 – Jenelle Evans Gets Engaged to Nathan Griffith!

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All About the Tea_Teen Mom 2

Hey all!  I am back from vacay, just in time to hop into the second episode of post-teen drama, with the crew from Teen Mom 2.  So let’s jump right in!

Kailyn Lowry
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Kailyn kicks off the festivities by bringing back the memory of last week’s fight with her hubby, Javi.  Javi disagrees with his wife chatting with other guys from school, but has caved and allowed his wife to vamoose to Philly, for a concert with her friends. Kailyn is drained by her toxic marriage, and looking in the mirror is no cake walk either.  Things don’t look good for these two. We watch Kailyn and her two friends enjoy a concert and some child-free fun. 

Javi decides to come to Philly to crash the girl fun, and Kailyn embraces the visit by faking unconsciousness. Javi apologizes for his nag-like tendencies in front of the group, and Kailyn reluctantly awakens to accept.  We jump over to Joe and Vee, who are having fun with that cutie, Isaac. Joe wants to move closer to his son, and half heartedly expresses that he wants Vee to come with him.  Vee has a job and bills, and doesn’t know what to do with such a passionate invitation. Joe steps up his charm, and assures her that whatever she feels like is good enough.  Back with Kail and Javi, the couple chats about Javi’s jealousy problem, and Kailyn’s resistance to being in her husband’s presence.  They agree to talk more, squash problems, and possibly split up. 

Leah Calvert
Leah_Teen Mom 2

We join Leah and Jeremy discussing Corey’s desire to have the twins more often.  Corey is peeved that Leah can’t manage to get the girls to school on time, probably because being in a drugged stupor tends to thwart punctuality.  Jeremy and Leah knowingly agree that you can be a druggie without being a bitch. We join Leah and her sister over cocktails, where Leah talks more about the upcoming hair foll-ee-cle drug test coming up.  Leah blames migraines, Ali’s “wheelchair realization,” and general craziness for these allegations of drug abuse, which she denies.  We hear that the drug test is done, and while caring for her squabbling kids, she keeps her fingers crossed for good results. Corey and his dad agree that keeping the girls safe is the most important thing, and that this co-parenting thing certainly seems endless.  Leah meets with her lawyer for the drug test results, which she passes with flying colors.  She struggles to hide her relief, as she claims junkie confidence that she knew the squeaky clean results all along.  Leah is proclaimed a good mother, as she celebrates her temporary success. 

Chelsea Houska   
chelsea-houska-Teen Mom 2

Chelsea reminds us that Adam thinks he has a shot at joint custody of Aubree, and that she and Baby Mama #2, Taylor, plan to join legal forces to stop the nonsense.  It’s the evening of Aubree’s Christmas concert, and Chelsea’s boyfriend Cole joins the party to cheer her on. Adam shows up in his ironic, and extra tight super-hero tee, and the family enjoys the sweet display.  Later, Chelsea and her mom chat about how much better it is to have a hot piece of ass, rather than a perpetual, tatted up loser, and Aubree nods in agreement.  Everyone agrees that Cole is a winner…YAY for Chelsea! 

Adam’s family is supposed to be supervising Adam’s visits with Aubree, but they have been failing, proving that being a loser is probably genetic. Taylor and Chelsea meet with a lawyer with their concerns, and the lawyer chuckles at the fact that these two suckers fell for such a dud.  The lawyer wants to move the kids and their dad to a family visitation center, and they all silently hope that Adam keeps from crashing a vehicle until then.  The baby mama duo agrees that Adam is the worst, and bond over their mutual and horrifying reproductive choice.     

Jenelle Evans
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Jenelle and Nathan are packing for a dream week in St Thomas, but the fact that Barbara is ignoring her calls to see Jace is putting a damper on the fun. Nathan believes that Babs is controlling, pathetic, and out of control, conveniently forgetting the overworked part.  Jenelle launches into her first weeping session of the episode, getting it out of the way before she jets to the Virgin Islands. The couple arrives in St. Thomas and are hanging with friends, Candace and Patrick, with Nathan’s brother and girlfriend  set to arrive later. Nathan busts out an engagement ring, and reveals his plan to propose, hoping to jump on a brief moment when Jenelle is in a good mood. The foursome enjoys the water and sun, and verbally crapping all over Barbara. 

Jenelle admits that she was in a rough spot when she gave her son away, and resolves to repay her mother by keeping Jace from her when she wins back custody, because after all, she is shockingly stable these days. Candace asks how the couple is doing, and Jenelle positively points out that their battles have grown less explosive, and they have weathered the blow-ups like relationship champs. Nathan and Patrick chat about the proposal, while Nathan adjusts his half inch hair to perfection. Nathan’s brother Noah, along with girlfriend Paula make their appearance, as the group heads out to dinner, ring in pocket. Nathan bellows out the proposal to the whole place, and the announcement is met with an acceptance from Jenelle, and a weak smattering of applause. 

Teen Mom 2_Jenelle

Nathan insists on blasting the happy news to Barbara right away, hoping to play up the bellowing part. I assume that Barbara will just assume that he’s drunk, to suggest such a ridiculously stupid move. 

The saga rolls on next week, as the couple problems mount, and the bellowing continues! See you then!


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