RECAP: #BigBrother17 — Eviction #3 [Episode #11]

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“It was a party in the house all week, but for either Jeff or James the party is over.” Julie’s opening line was better than any other I could think of, so I used it. Sue me!

Once again, Audrey was the target, but once again Audrey escaped the block. Veto ceremony is ending and they all do the awkward hugging. Audrey says she wants to look sympathetic, but inside she’s dancing. Just give the girl the check already. It sure sounds like she’s going to keep sliding through the game. After putting Jeff up Vanessa is 1000% sure she made the right decision. Jeff says this lights a fire under his booty, and he’s not going down without a fight. Jason is annoyed and says “This girl (Audrey) has more lives than Cher!” Jackie is devastated. Jeff was the only person she could really trust in the house, and her only real friend. She promises she will vote to keep him.

James, Jeff, Jason are sitting outside. Jeff and James are apologizing to eachother. They didn’t want to be on the block together. James says if he goes home he’ll enjoy his Summer. He has hot chicks waiting for him on the outside. They talk about having more chicks waiting for him after being on the show.

Jeff, still thinking Austin is on his side, tries to talk to him about his vote. Jeff says Austin is only 50/50. Austin gloats about Jeff still thinking he’s his boy, but it was him who masterminded Jeff as a replacement nominee.

Clay and Jason talk. Do they really want Jeff or James to stay? Clay makes a point: If they ask James something he’ll straight up tell them, but Jeff backtracks and lies. Clay thinks keeping James is better for their game. Meg walks in and joins the conversation. They ask what she thinks. Meg is torn. She knows Jeff has been caught lying, but she thinks James has a great social game, and staying in the house his popularity will continue to rise. He’s also really good at comps. Meg thinks James would win the game. They have a debate about Jeff winning the game. Meg doesn’t think Jeff would win against any of them. She’s torn.

It’s time for Jeff to do a little sweet talking after he was caught lying about throwing Shelli and Clay under a big ole’ Mac Truck. He first talks to Clay. Clay tells him he played way too hard and fast. Jeff apologizes, and says he just got caught up in the game. He tries to reassure Clay he’s not threatened by Clay and Shelli. He wants to work with them and have their backs. He compares them together to “a well oiled machine.” Clay said he has to think about it. Jeff then talks to Shelli. (Mind you this conversation on the feeds was much longer.) Jeff apologizes to Shelli. He wants to work with them. He plays on her emotions because he knows she’s an emotional player. He even fake cries for her. She’s not sure he’s being genuine. Jeff confirms It’s fake. He knows she’s an emotional player, and he played her emotions like a sales pitch. He tells her how unfair this is to Jackie. They hug it out.

Jeff talks to his secret ally Jackie. Secret because they have been  keeping distance while in the house, so people don’t think they’re working together. He tells her about playing with Shelli’s emotions. He had to think of sad things to cry. He thinks he may have convinced her. Jackie says Clay votes with Shelli, so she has to convince one of them. Jackie seems very unsure about Jeff’s fate. Jackie’s playing the game? I thought she was in the house for decoration. Oh well.

Julie teases “the twins might be the key to keep Jeff.” A love triangle might make or break Jeff’s fate. It’s more like a love rectangle because Liz and Julia are different people, but since they’re still playing as one player, I guess it makes sense. The twins switch again. Julia fills Liz in on Jeff being on the block. She warns Liz to keep distance from him because he will do anything for her vote. Jeff has caught onto them being twins because he noticed one of them has a scar. Liz asks Julia if she did their laundry. Rolling her eyes Julia says yes. Liz re-enters the house.

Austin talks about having a connection with both Liz and Julia, but he has a really strong connection with Liz. They show Austin flirting with Liz a lot and they play around. One night in bed Austin was about to make a move on Liz, but Steve walked in. Liz says “Oh no it’s Steve again!” Then she says she loves Steve. It’s cute. Liz talks about Austin in her DR. Austin started out as an ally, but  the feelings between them becoming more real. Her mom says guys and girls can’t be friends. Austin admits being a romantic, and he would sacrifice his game because in the house all he sees is Liz.

Jeff asks Liz when they can have a cuddledate. Liz tells him he cuddles with everyone, so she doesn’t think he misses her. Liz says she knows Julia told her to keep her distance from Jeff, but she thinks she can control Jeff by flirting. One day, they’re under the covers talking. Jeff tells her he thinks she’s a twin. Liz says “What, so you think I’m a twin?” Jeff responds with “I know you are.” Jeff says he doesn’t want to blow up her game, but he thinks he may be able to use this to his advantage. Hey Jeff, Da’vonne already tried this move! Liz denies she’s a twin. Jeff doesn’t look convinced. Suddenly, Austin walks into the room where Jeff and Liz are talking in bed. Jeff starts joking around with him, but Austin is mad Liz is in bed with Jeff. Liz says Austin looks like the hulk x100 and Jeff looks like he’s about to go number 2 in his pants. Austin goes out into the kitchen where Audrey is having ice cream, and tells her Jeff is attacking Liz right now. Then Austin goes up to the HOH and tells Vanessa. He starts throwing a tantrum. They weren’t even touching. Clay tries to calm Austin down, and tells him to get his emotions in check. Austin confesses in his DR he’s emotional by nature. Liz walks into the Have-not room while Clay is trying to calm Austin down. He asks her what she was doing in bed with Jeff. Why was she under the covers with him? Liz tells him Jeff was just trying to schmooze a vote from her. Liz says (again) how she has this control by flirting down pat. Liz thinks Austin may be trying to control her, but she’s not falling for it.

It’s now time to cast their votes for eviction! Jeff and James give their little speeches. James goes first. He starts by telling Jeff he’s an amazing person. He says how he loves everyone and he’s enjoyed spending time with them. He apologizes to Meg for calling her eccentric this morning and says she’s a smoke bomb. Julie starts laughing and makes a joke about getting Meg’s vote now! Jeff goes next. He says he loves everyone, and he’s enjoyed his time in the house. Teasing Meg, playing pranks, and the Austin and Jeff show. He asks them to vote for whomever will take them the farthest.

Eviction Votes: Jackie, John, Liz, and Steve all voted to evict James. Austin says “he may regret this, but Judas loves regrets.” Insert eyeroll. Anyone else think Austin is kind of creepy? So, Austin, Meg, Clay, Shelli, Jason, Becky, Audrey all vote to evict Jeff. It was 7-4. I love how people don’t vote with the house. It makes the feeds interesting afterwards. Everyone guesses who voted for who.

Jeff was evicted. He walks out and sits next to Julie. Julie asks about his extra long hug, and little peptalk with Jackie. He tells her she was always his ally, and he really trusted her. Julie asks why they kept their distance in the house. He says going into the house with her made them a target because they were on The Amazing Race together. He was trying to make the target on them smaller, but they were always working together, and trusted eachother. Julie says Jackie is floating right now. She isn’t talking much strategy or game with people. Jeff responds with hey I’m out here and she’s still in the game, so maybe floating is working for her. She asks about flirting with Liz. Was it to make Austin mad? Jeff says it’s fantastic. He calls Austin creepy. (That gets a big laugh from the audience.) Julie wants to know if Jeff thinks that’s the reason he’s sitting next to her. Jeff says he knows that’s the reason. He gets to see his goodbye messages. Austin “introduces him to Judas,” and tells him he’s the reason Jeff was evicted. Austin also says “no one comes between me and my twins!” Moving on. Clay says he loves him, but it’s all game strategy, Vanessa speaks so fast who knows what she says, and Jackie gives her heartfelt goodbye. She says she’ll play for team J&J. Then he gets confirmation about the twin twist, but oops Liz voted to keep Jeff. In the goodbye message, they say they voted him out because he tried to blow up their game. They have wonderful communication.

Well, the theme this week for the BB House is “Going back to the 90’s.” The HOH comp title is “1994 Bustin Moves.” Here’s how the game goes: They’ll see 2 dance routines. Julie will then ask them true or false questions about the routine. They only get through 1 routine before they have a winner. Shelli and Liz become HOH.

Sunday Shelli and Liz nominate 4 houseguests for eviction, or maybe I should say Austin and Clay since they think they make better decisions. Who will they target? Join me on Sunday! Don’t forget about the 24/7 unedited feeds if you can’t wait until Sunday! (or come back and read my spoiler blogs!)


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